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Kitsune 02-02-2005 06:58 PM

I need your conspiracy theories
Feed me your conspiracy theories, be it 9/11 remote controlled planes or toxic flouride in the city water supply.

Mine, I think, is entirely plausible:
The Pope has really been dead for years and his puppet-like moves are the result of an elaborate Vatican "Weekend at Bernie's" setup. There is no way that man is alive in his current condition after all these years. Wheel the body around in a lexan cage, tie some nylon thread to his hands to make him immitate "wave" and "heal"... I think they've got a good gimmick going.

Griff 02-02-2005 08:06 PM

The paranoia I encountered while riding a ski lift in 1990 was in fact caused by my insertion into this bizzaro alternative universe. I don't know why you bastards brought me here but I'm learning to play your games oh yes I will have my revenge! :gray:

lumberjim 02-02-2005 08:12 PM



The spraying of powdered materials throughout the skies of the world is happening on a daily basis everywhere. This has been going on with increasing frequency since the so-called "Election" of the bush crime family to leadership positions in America.
undisputable source



lumberjim 02-02-2005 08:19 PM

PS. Captain and Coke is yummy = yummy

Kitsune 02-02-2005 08:46 PM

Its all done and over with in 2012

Let's see .. Keith Hunter's_arc-seconds-tag_of 15" .. on the "Jan.2nd, 2013" date .. for the Obliquity-Angle .. if you multiply the 15 times the 12_days_between December 21st, 2012 and Jan.2nd of 2013 .. (12 * 15) = 180 .. = (Pi * 57.29577951).

And_180_just happens to be .. my proposed NIBIRU Grid Point Values, *multiplied-together* .. (13.67835979 for Y2K) * (13.15947253 for Dec Solstice 2012) = 180 .. and that is nice.

You can see, regarding the_WGS '84_STONEHENGE Grid Point Value .. that .. (20.12073532 / 2.920160646) = 6.890283706 .. the "E.Cydonia" Longitude, in arc-minutes, for .. FACE ONE, right on the nose.

(25 / 9) = 2.777777777 .. the_Bert Schreiber_multiplied-product of the Quantum Proton * Quantum Electron .. (2.25 * 1.234567901) = 2.777777777 .. and isn't it_fitting_that 2.777777777 is a decimal-harmonic RECIPROCAL of .. "360" .. The MIGHTY 360 .. ehh .. !!!???

lumberjim 02-02-2005 08:49 PM


i've lived through may 5th end of the world

dec 31st 1999....again, dissapointment,

now i have to wait until 2012?! bugger off!

Beestie 02-02-2005 09:33 PM

Funny weather we've been having, Mr. Tesla...

Linksky #1

Linksky #2

xoxoxoBruce 02-03-2005 12:53 AM

Let's not haarp on Telsa. ;)

Kitsune 02-03-2005 08:26 AM

While you are away at work, the government is busy putting holes in the crotch of your thermal underwear.

During the first winter, these long johns, which were generously sized (I always buy very loose sizes) suddenly developed a pattern of many small holes at the crotch, each hole about the size of a dime, after I washed and put them in the closet intact. A second incident suddenly "grew" the small holes together into two large holes with a bit of material dividing them. Typically, worn out crotches form a single hole, and the pattern of small holes made this clearly an occurrence of sabotage, not normal wear. This has happened to several pair of long john underwear over my two plus decades of being harassed.

Scroll down the page for a catalog of photos and explanations about how the New World Order dumps your CoffeeMate out while you're asleep at night.

Beestie 02-03-2005 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsune
My goal: Fifty-thousand a *month*

Well, when you get there, if uh.. you would -you know- share your secret with us well.. uh that would be great.

Old buddy, old pal.

Kitsune 02-03-2005 08:59 AM

Heh. Thanks, Beestie. I'll be there for you when I do.

(The line is from the extremely annoying commercial for

wolf 02-03-2005 10:43 AM

Paper Clips go missing because they are the eggs which hatch into ballpoint pens which are the larval stage and then go missing because they've turned into coathangers, which go missing and mature into bicycles.

Undertoad 02-03-2005 11:56 AM

This image, a frame grab from a video in which the child died in gunfire, which was a key part to beginning the intifada, was actually staged. UT's note, I have absolutely no idea what the truth is in this matter and only present it as an interesting conspiracy theory


The story began on Sept. 30, 2000, two months after Yasser Arafat walked out of the Camp David peace talks. The place was Netzarim junction in Gaza, where Israeli soldiers were posted to protect a nearby settlement. Palestinian rioters were throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at the Israelis while gunmen were shooting at them from amidst the crowd. It was during this fighting that the boy allegedly died.

Claiming they didn't want to make money on an innocent child's death, France 2 distributed the dramatic coverage free of charge to the global media. The Israeli army hastily issued a statement saying that the boy may have accidentally been killed in Israeli cross-fire. Only later, maybe too late, did the army authorize a full investigation. It entrusted this mission to civilian physicist Nahum Shahaf, who scientifically proved that -- given the angle of the Israeli position vis-a-vis Mohammed al-Durra -- the soldiers could not have possibly killed the boy. Mr. Shahaf then uncovered an incredible plot: He demonstrated that since the shots must have come from directly behind or next to the cameraman, the whole scene of the supposed infanticide must have been staged -- and that the boy seen in the film was not killed at all. Going through the film in slow motion, he could even see the cameraman's finger making a "take two" sign, used by professionals to signal the repeat of a scene.

wolf 02-03-2005 01:05 PM

I'm really liking this one.

Now, from whence stems the hoax? From the terrorist kidnappers who are now too lazy or fearful to do the work themselves, or a couple bored guys in Cleveland who thought this would be really cool to do?

Roosta 02-03-2005 02:07 PM

Whatever it is, whenever it happens, the number 143 will be involved.

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