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Griff 12-11-2004 08:04 AM

When you don't get an activity
What popular activities don't do it for you?
1) fireworks- I'll leave a perfectly good baseball game to avoid fireworks
2) themeparks- mmmm... standing in lines, thats how I want to burn vacation time
3) pro-football games at the stadium- in this case tv is better, warm and cozy, cold beer available at reasonable prices, nobody throwing batteries, college ball is a different matter
4) mall shopping- same as fireworks too much input
5) NASCAR- seriously wtf?

feel free to hammer me. :alien:

elSicomoro 12-11-2004 08:26 AM

I don't mind any of those, though I'm not a big fan of malls. You're hillbilly, so I don't understand why you have such an aversion to NASCAR.

The only thing that I can think of right now is church...I've never gotten that. I pray better alone than with a bunch of people.

SteveDallas 12-11-2004 08:30 AM

I agree w/ live football. I don't mind hanging out at the mall and window-shopping--but not this time of year!! :cool:

I've never gotten the appeal of golf, either playing it or watching it.

404Error 12-11-2004 08:50 AM

To each his own I guess. I'll take NASCAR racing any day over baseball or basketball. Boring! :thumbsdn:

Jogging is what I don't get. If I'm running, somebody is probably chasing me. ;)

garnet 12-11-2004 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by 404Error
Jogging is what I don't get. If I'm running, somebody is probably chasing me. ;)

I run 4-5 miles a day and love it! Once you get going you feel great and you really do get a "runner's high." It's not for everyone, but it's a great stress reliever, and defintely will keep you in shape. :thumbsup:

wolf 12-11-2004 12:18 PM

Baseball on TV. Even if it is my beloved Cubs. Live baseball is an entirely different experience. Or maybe it's just the availability of overpriced beer, peanuts, and difficulty parking ... maybe make that just baseball. No, scratch that. there are worse things.
Going to the Beach.
Rap Music.
Gas Fireplaces (Especially replacing a REAL one with one of these).
Escargot. My Doc at work is planning on becoming a snail farmer when he retires from medicine and returns to his native land. Several of my coworkers, including myself, have been promised jobs on the snail farm. Snails are fairly low maintenance so we are promised long hours of relaxing on the veranda of his mansion, sipping palm wine, and sampling the most excellent herbal smoking products produced by his country.

Undertoad 12-11-2004 03:19 PM

Waving like a madman when the TV camera swings your way. "omigod omigod i'm on TEEVEE!"

xoxoxoBruce 12-11-2004 05:18 PM

Pulling in the driveway to park and calling on your cell phone to tell the people 20 feet away that you're home. :smack:

Griff 12-11-2004 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by sycamore
You're hillbilly, so I don't understand why you have such an aversion to NASCAR.

Familiarity breeds contempt. I've got family who live for gascar, I've got family who raced short track for years and years... As I understand it, Nascar is driving... like a commute... to work... except it is Sunday... and it is 500 miles... in an oval... and you end where you began... too much like real life.

Roosta 12-11-2004 07:41 PM

Some of the maddest fun i've had has been with fireworks! I think the most pointless pastime has to be English football. A game played mainly by overpaid bell-ends, for the delectation of fight happy pikeys.

dar512 12-11-2004 09:08 PM

Smoking. I just don't get it.

Beestie 12-12-2004 01:26 AM

I'll tell you what I dont' get. Golfing. But someone else already brought that up. So, make mine horseracing. What a total waste of time. In Virginia, everyone who goes to the Gold Cup (tin cup is more like it) thinks they are "special." :vomitblu: And what passes for Virginia wine which they invariably push at those events tastes like Pine Sol.

Radar 12-12-2004 03:05 AM

Things I just don't understand the attraction to....'s a bunch of rednecks driving in a circle. What's to watch?
Country Western Music
Line Dancing
Cyber Sex
Tractor Pulls/Monster Trucks
Bungy Jumping
Organized Religion
Reality Television
Jennifer Lopez/Julia Roberts/Pam Anderson/Ann Coulter

russotto 12-12-2004 01:17 PM

Concert-going. And listening to music in general.

Day at the beach. Go, swim, dry off, leave -- fun. Sit there for hours in the scorching heat with the nearest cold drinks and the nearest rest rooms what feel like miles away? No thanks.

Golf. Might be my lack of co-ordination, though.


Going drinking as an activity unto itself. Also known as "drinking to forget you're sitting around in a bar, drinking".

glatt 12-13-2004 12:03 PM

I don't get wax museums. Why do people pay good money to go see wax figures of celebrities? If it was cold outside and maybe raining, and the museum was free, and there was not much else around, I could see myself walking around in one for a while.

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