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Undertoad 04-13-2004 12:47 PM

4/13/2004: Boulder hits house

1:30 AM, one day last week, homeowner Ron Dickman was awakened by a loud ruckus coming from another part of his house. Ruckus, no, more like an explosion. He went downstairs to find that an 8 TON boulder had come loose from an outcropping 1000 feet away, managed to miss the concrete barriers set up to keep falling rocks from hitting houses, and rolled right through a residential neighborhood. And right into Dickman's house, busting through a wall, finally coming to rest a foot away from where his old arthritic dog was sleeping.

Contractors drilled into it in order to break it up into manageable pieces. The other bad news for Dickman is that his homeowner's insurance won't cover it, which begs the question: if your homeowner's doesn't cover a big-ass rock coming right through your wall, almost killing your dog, and flattening one side of your favorite easy chair... what *does* it cover?

full story and another

glatt 04-13-2004 01:28 PM

They won't pay because it's an "act of God."

God must be trying to send this guy a message.

Note to self: Don't live under a cliff, in an avalanche zone.

lumberjim 04-13-2004 01:38 PM

damn. I can't decide whether i want to make a "dickman" joke or a "rock-n-roll" joke.

decisions decisions.

ah, boulderdash!

glatt 04-13-2004 01:47 PM

Ha! You said "dickman." Heh heh.

jdbutler 04-13-2004 02:52 PM

Boy, that Dick-man got some stones now, don't he?
Look at the oozing gore on the middle rock in the center photo-
Betcha God got one of those camel spiders before it ate the Dick-mans ear off!:rolleyes:

glatt 04-13-2004 03:33 PM

That "gore" is probably oil. Lubricating the jackhammer or drill that helped split this thing.

xoxoxoBruce 04-13-2004 06:59 PM

Gee, I hope they didn't get any oil on the rug.:rolleyes:
Sucks to be him, but being an accountant I'm sure he'll make the most of it.

Leah 04-13-2004 07:43 PM

Wow, that person was obviously never told not to throw stones.


dasviper 04-13-2004 09:10 PM

insurance doesn't cover?
Any underwriters in the house? I'd like to know why homeowners insurance doesn't cover "acts of God." It seems like exactly the thing we want to insure against; there's no moral hazard involved (you're not going to be more likely to build your home in avalanche country if you know it's covered in your insurance), and the costs are extremely unequally distributed. Why shouldn't every homeowner in the country contribute $0.005 to the rebuilding of this poor man's wall?

Happy Monkey 04-13-2004 11:39 PM

Usually, an "Act of God" hits a ton of people at once. Serving all those claims could put the insurance company out of business, so they either don't cover them or require higher premiums fr them. Sucks to be the homeowner, but that's business.

Nothing But Net 04-14-2004 12:02 AM

"He who live in rock house should never stow thrones"

Clodfobble 04-14-2004 02:22 PM

you're not going to be more likely to build your home in avalanche country if you know it's covered in your insurance

It works the other way around though. You're right, I wouldn't say, "Hey, honey, this insurance agent offers coverage for rock avalanches, so let's go build at the foot of that cliff!" but you bet your ass I AM going to say, "No, honey, I don't give a damn how much you like that house, it clearly says here that we're not covered against those regularly-falling rocks, so we're not buying it."

Elspode 04-16-2004 03:59 PM

How, exactly, does a giant rock (unquestionably a natural entity) differ from a tornado when both are unpredictable and cause destruction?

A tornado is an act of god, yet insurance unquestionably pays for tornado damage...and hurricanes, and forest fires, even floods and earthquakes (although both can require specific riders for coverage).

Just doesn't seem reasonable.

glatt 04-16-2004 04:33 PM

I HATE insurance companies. They are a good idea in theory, but a leech on society in reality. Evil bastards. You pay and you pay and you pay, and then you need to make a claim, so they fight you on it and then drop you. Happens all the time. Did I mention they are evil bastards?

Troubleshooter 04-19-2004 07:46 PM

It's like those monkeys on the east coast who get to rebuild their homes every few years because a hurricane wipes them out.

The live in hurricane alley and act surprised when Ma Nature plays etch a sketch with the beach areas.

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