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Gwennie! 12-16-2003 12:16 PM

Gal Talk thread for all the ladies !!!
Enough politics and computers for a while...

What guys look hot? What beauty tips can you share? Where do you like to shop? More !!!

Some folks said that The Last Samari had too much Tom Cruise. That may have been true, but he was still a hunk.

Anyone have any experience with Eyelash Tinting? I was thinking about trying that. I don't wear makeup to work, but I do when going out and to parties and such. My skin and hair are light and you can't really see my eyelashes. I was thinking that darkening my eyelashes would look good even without makeup.

wolf 12-16-2003 12:53 PM

Girltalk! Ooh how much fun this will be!!

I find that I prefer the scent and effectiveness of Hoppes No. 9, but will make do with Shooter's Choice in a pinch.

Gwennie! 12-16-2003 02:32 PM


Originally posted by wolf
Girltalk! Ooh how much fun this will be!!

I find that I prefer the scent and effectiveness of Hoppes No. 9, but will make do with Shooter's Choice in a pinch.

So, the guys that you date like when you wear Hoppes No. 9 instead of Chanel No. 5 ?

ladysycamore 12-16-2003 03:25 PM

what fun!!!
What guys look hot?

Besides mine...;)

Gotta agree with the hunkdom that is Tom Cruise. I've always had a thing for him, and what REALLY sealed the deal for me is when he did Mission Impossible...Lawdha'mercy he was yummy! :D

Lessee, who else? Just off the top of my head: Brad Pitt (CLEAN, not mountain man dirty), George Clooney (he has that classic movie star look), Pierce Brosnan (sp??), the perfect James Bond (imo), Colin Ferrell (sp??), that bad boy aspect, David Gahan (lead singer for Depeche Mode)..gosh, too many to list! ;)

What beauty tips can you share?, well, if you use an eyeliner pencil, and you need to make it darker on your lid, light a match to it for a couple of seconds. (Sheesh, that tip sounds so old now!) :p

Where do you like to shop? More !!!

Now you're talking. Shopping! (Syc, look away! LOL!)

I'm an "old school" mall rat from the 80s, so any mall is fine with me (although I tend to favor the more "upscale" malls. Around here, for me, that would be King Of Prussia mall, but that's a drive from my house, so Franklin Mills will do). As far as specific stores, anything to do with electronics, gadgets, shiny things, music, coffee or photography will catch my eye.

And believe it or not, I love to get out there and shop. All this shopping online takes away from the "hunt" I don't shop online anyway, and IMO, I'm not missing anything (except maybe an outrageous credit card bill).

insoluble 12-16-2003 03:36 PM

Eyelash tinting works best if you bleach them first. Just apply some houshold bleach with a q tip, look up and blink a lot. It might smart a little at first, but that's just the beauty soaking in.

Hubris Boy 12-16-2003 03:44 PM


Originally posted by wolf
I find that I prefer the scent and effectiveness of Hoppes No. 9, but will make do with Shooter's Choice in a pinch.
No, that's trashy. Sheesh.

<hint>But a little dab of BreakFree behind each ear will get 'em every time!</hint> :yum:

Lady Sidhe 12-16-2003 05:06 PM

Hm....let's see...all the men I think are hot are dead....well, most of them...the guy who played the Prince of the City on Kindred: The Embrace....he's pretty... the kind of man you just want to LOOK killed in a harley accident, though. What a waste...Armand THAT was a sexy man, and had a voice on him....he died of a stroke, sexy men...Sir Anthony Hopkins...that voice, that carriage....Nigel Bennet, who plays Lacroix on Forever Knight...he's not cute, but again, he's got the way of carrying himself, and a voice like a warm blanket and hot chocolate.... Tom Cruise is cute, but he's just cute. I like his smile, but I really don't find him "sexy." I guess I just go more for voices and the way a man carries himself...calll me

Perfume....I like vanilla, vanilla musk, Sand and Sable, or Perceive. There's a perfume called Indian Musk that has vanilla, honeysuckle and gardenia in it. It's hard to find a company that doesn't test on animals, though, when looking for vanilla. Coty makes wonderful scents, but they test on animals, so I don't buy from them... *sigh*

Where do I like to shop? Dunno...I'm not really a shopping person. I avoid stores unless I don't have a choice. Generally, if I see clothes I like, I buy them, regardless of where they come from. I'm not overly impressed with labels. I'm more interested in whether I like it, whether it looks good on me, and whether I can afford it. I like raw silk, though, and that isn't easy to find. When you wash raw silk, it gets soft and cuddly like flannel *grins*


Lady Sidhe 12-16-2003 05:09 PM

Oh, gotta add Val Kilmer. He's not only a good actor, but he's got that carriage and voice too (think Doc Holliday...he can be MY huckleberry any, did anyone notice in the movie, when he spins those two revolvers? He spins them in opposite directions. That takes dexterity, and as all women know, dexterity is a GOOD thing in a man...)


Lady Sidhe 12-16-2003 05:11 PM

Hm...don't wear makeup unless I have to. But I have to say that my mother's advice was the best I've found so far: wear makeup in such a way that it doesn't look like you're wearing makeup. That way it enhances your looks and appears natural...


elSicomoro 12-16-2003 05:18 PM

Re: Gal Talk thread for all the ladies !!!

Originally posted by Gwennie!
What guys look hot?
Me. Duh!

Gwennie! 12-16-2003 05:37 PM


Originally posted by insoluble
Eyelash tinting works best if you bleach them first. Just apply some houshold bleach with a q tip, look up and blink a lot. It might smart a little at first, but that's just the beauty soaking in.
Do you tint at home?

I was going to have it done at my salon; they do it for $29.99 a visit; but it looks like it would need to be done every 4-6 weeks, ouch!

And, thanks gals, for showing up -- Wolf was making me feel like I was Paris Hilton (not really).

OnyxCougar 12-16-2003 05:48 PM


Originally posted by Gwennie!
Enough politics and computers for a while...

What guys look hot?

Keep in mind personality completes the package: My husband. Mel Gibson. Jeff Goldblum. Denzel Washington. George Clooney looks better and better all the time. Scott Bakula. Brad Pitt. Cuba Gooding Jr.


What beauty tips can you share?
If you've never had a facial, get one. One day I was getting my nails done, and I saw they did waxing and facials, so I got the whole thing and my best friend said I looked 10 years younger. And the facial massage felt WONDERFUL. I felt so pampered. Inner confidence makes EVERYONE look better.

Oh, and use conditioner mascara when you aren't wearing the black mascara. As a blonde, I know all about how your eyes seem to disappear if you don't have mascara/eyeliner on, but I found that wearing mascara everyday make my lashes brittle and they broke off, leaving bald patches. So I started using eyelash conditioner, which is clear, when I'm not wearing regular mascara, and I've noticed a big difference.


Where do you like to shop? More !!!
I like mall shopping. Being a girl of the 80's, the mall was the ONLY place to go, and I still go there when I need something specific. Now, I very rarely window shop. I feel that if you have no money, window shopping is just teasing yourself with alllll the great stuff you can't buy.

Of course, give me $1000 and a wal mart, I will shop my ASS off. Wal Mart and the dollar store. mmmmmm.


Some folks said that The Last Samari had too much Tom Cruise. That may have been true, but he was still a hunk.
The last movie I went to the theatre to of the Caribbean. I saw it on opening night in Vegas, and a couple of the stunt pirates were there. It was cool. I won a t-shirt.


Anyone have any experience with Eyelash Tinting? I was thinking about trying that. I don't wear makeup to work, but I do when going out and to parties and such. My skin and hair are light and you can't really see my eyelashes. I was thinking that darkening my eyelashes would look good even without makeup.
My mom does that, and she gets the tattoo'd eyeliner, too, and lipstick. she gets up, brushes her hair and BLAM! she's good to go. I'd do it, but dannnng....I don't want to deal with the pain of needles in my mom says it hurts like a bitch, but you get used to it. Yeah. I'll draw the shit on everyday, thanks.

Sun_Sparkz 12-16-2003 06:03 PM


A famous identity that i would most definately choose as my number one is probably not a common one for a girl of my age, considering he is old enough to be my father, but my knees go weak for John Travolta (not so much grease years but more the Swordfish/ Basic johnny we are blessed to lay our eyes on today) the way he carries himself, his acting/singing/dancing/family/academic and moral talents just make me lullllll even more. And he is every bit a picture of the perfect looking man that i could ever imagine up. ahhhhhhhhh....

make up,

My style changes weekly, but i agree with the natural look being the utmost essential, too much is TOO MUCH! ive never had a facial onyx, (or a wax....... ouch!) but one day i will. they sound fantastic.

I dont use foundation i use a bronzer instead, i couldnt live without it, i bronze lightly all over my neck, arms face, then use the brush a little heavier over my cheekbones, and add a little more to your lips and cover with clear gloss and your face , cheeks and lips all match!! looks really great, sun kissed and natural.



OnyxCougar 12-16-2003 06:14 PM

I was really kind of concerned about the wax, but I figured what the hell.

We did the facial, then we went to the waxing room, and she put the warm wax on my upper lip. Then she put this soft piece of fabric on top of the wax, pressed it down, then


it off. Like a bandaid.

I thought I was gonna die.

But she had done one side, and I'd look stupid with one side done, so she did the other side, which wasn't as bad now that I was ready for it. Then she did my bottom lip and the side. Then she grabbed the tweezers and pulled out the stubborn ones.

The witch hazel felt gooood. She got most the blood to stop.
The day after, when the redness went away, I looked great.

I shave now.

Sun_Sparkz 12-16-2003 06:23 PM

BLOOD!! what?!?!! it bled,, oh lord i feel faint.

After you had the wax treatment did you find the hair grew back thicker or thinner?

ive often thought about getting my bikini lines done, instead of shaving them but always chickened out. i cant fathom the thought of getting naked in front of someone i dont know (who isnt a doctor) and asking them to do that... there!! i would just go bright red!!

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