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hot_pastrami 11-19-2003 03:51 PM

I just got one of those "oh shit" notices... the CEO here wants to meet with the engineering department, outside the VP's office in 15 minutes. We have big meeting rooms, but this isn't going to be that kind of meeting.

They won't give us a clue what it is about... I may not have a job in 15 minutes, or I might have a raise. Or something else entirely. I hate when companies pull crap like this. All I do know is that the old acid pumps in the belly are pegged at full power right now.


FileNotFound 11-19-2003 04:06 PM

Go eat a bagel and you'll feel better....really. Always worked for me...

OnyxCougar 11-19-2003 04:10 PM

No time for that. Take a deep breath. There is nothing you can do about the outcome at this point, regardless. Try to remain positive.

My thoughts are with ya.

Beestie 11-19-2003 04:10 PM

If the CEO is calling the meeting, you are probably safe. Most CEO's don't have the nads to look people in the eye when they fire them - they get a lowly VP to do it. The lowly VP then calls security who then show up at your desk and escort you out the door sans key/badge/insprirational poster, etc.

Probably just a good brow-beating.

If we don't hear from you, we'll assume he gassed the room because y'all knew too damn much and got Wayyyy to close to the TRUTH!

Somebody check on Pastrami's cat once in a while :D

Seriously, tho - hope its good news. If not, hey, you can just hang with us all day. :)

hot_pastrami 11-19-2003 04:20 PM

Well, I was worried because every time the CEO has called meetings like this in the past, it was to announce layoffs. Of course, it was always to announce the layoffs to the employees who still had jobs, and those without jobs had been quietly informed and escorted from the building prior to the meeting.

But... this one was no big deal. Beestie was right, it was just a brow-beating, and one which doesn't even apply to me. But the CEO chose to stand directly in front of me for his little speech, and I think my unwavering direct eye contact made him a bit uncomfortable. Heheh.

So, no biggie. Of course it took years off the life of my stomach lining... right now would be the worst time in history for me to lose my job, my life would quickly become a financial disaster... so the pessimist in me feared that Murphy's Law was at the wheel. But I lucked out again.

Hot Pastrami... layoff-free since the year 2000!

Beestie 11-19-2003 04:24 PM


Now, go get rip-snortin' drunk and treat yourself to some mother-fuckin' PAD GAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thank GOD you're still alive! :D

OnyxCougar 11-19-2003 04:24 PM

You're welcome. :)

hot_pastrami 11-19-2003 04:41 PM

Did I forget to mention how swell you guys are? Really, really swell. Really.

Shit, I think I would get drunk tonight if I could afford it... for some reason it takes a lot of liquor to get me buzzing. By the time I've bought 2-3 long island ice teas, the drinks cost more than the meal.

Oh, and thanks for the karma loan, guys.

SteveDallas 11-19-2003 05:23 PM

At my last job, when we arrived at work and received word that there was a mandatory all-hands departmental meeting at 9:15AM, we knew somebody had handed in their resignation! (Or been fired. but that only happened once.)

Glad everything was OK. I'll have a glass of Scotch in your honor tonight! :angel:

megmeg 11-20-2003 03:11 PM

hot_pastrami, I'm getting *really* sick of you complaining about your job. I mean, no one really cares.

dave 11-20-2003 03:15 PM

I really care.

FileNotFound 11-20-2003 03:16 PM


Originally posted by megmeg
hot_pastrami, I'm getting *really* sick of you complaining about your job. I mean, no one really cares.
I've not been here a week and I'm already getting very sick of these 1 post wonders.

How about a forced email validation? Maybe they'll run out of email accounts...hell at least make it a pain... (yes I know all the ways to get around that..still)

megmeg 11-20-2003 03:18 PM


Originally posted by FileNotFound

I've not been here a week and I'm already getting very sick of these 1 post wonders.

How about a forced email validation? Maybe they'll run out of email accounts...hell at least make it a pain... (yes I know all the ways to get around that..still)

Yes, because everyone who reads these boards posts. Right. Excellent logic.

FileNotFound 11-20-2003 03:22 PM

Most lurkers don't have problems with posters.

Your first post being just a troll seems to point out that this account was created just to make that single post.

Further your account is pretty much blank, once again this means this is probably a temporary account meant to troll.

No it's not 'fact' but it's fairly sound logic.

megmeg 11-20-2003 03:31 PM


Originally posted by megmeg

Yes, because everyone who reads these boards posts. Right. Excellent logic.

You've been here less than a week and now you're the expert, eh?

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