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Undertoad 06-04-2003 12:50 PM

6/4/2003: Iranian sews himself shut

This is Abas Amini. He's a Kurdish political poet from Iran, where he was jailed for his views. Two years ago he fled to the UK, but recently the UK was refusing to grant him asylum. So a week ago he sewed up his eyes, mouth and ears in an attempt to get some publicity for his cause.

Two days later he was granted asylum, and the following day a nurse cut him open again.

I don't know whether his protest was what got him asylum. more info

xoxoxoBruce 06-04-2003 04:31 PM

He's did this for the "rights of asylum seekers"? Since when do asylum seekers have rights? Asulum seekers beg for help. If someone gives it to them, fine. If not then they must beg elsewhere. They have rights to nothing. The right to human dignity. Sure, he can beg in a dignified manner.

Bitman 06-04-2003 05:32 PM

He missed a few. Might as well be thorough. Taste no evil, feel no evil, smell no evil.

Leah 06-04-2003 06:24 PM

supply more sewing kits and blunt needles
Give them all a sewing kit then all our problems will be tidied up. It's amazing how more and more Australians and citizens are finally coming to reality and have voiced that "enough is enough".

Bitmap 06-04-2003 11:05 PM

Your going to fit right in. Leah :3eye:

wow how skilled one must be to sew one's eyes shut. but if some one helped him do it then there must be more than one person that has his view point.

novice 06-05-2003 12:41 AM

The first thing he did after the stitches were removed was CHAIN SMOKE.
As an ex smoker i'm more impressed by the length of nicotine self deprivation than the minor irritation caused by a few stitches.
Seriously, after the described whipping, wouldn't the scars lend weight to his argument rather than self mutilation akin to the afore-posted whirling dervish.
Yeah, we need those in the country, come one come all, send us your poor, your needy, your flagellators, your zealots, your darners.
First impressions...:eek:

wolf 06-05-2003 12:45 AM

I don't know about him being committed to his beliefs, but I really would think he needs commitment. ;)

Amazing the amount of leeway people are given when what they are doing is described as a "political statement" rather than just "plain crazy behavior." (I include flammable buddhist monks and that tax fast guy here).

Wondering ... UT, is there a :crazy: icon ... little guy making a circle with his index finger near his temple? Would probably get a lot of usage. There are situations were :eek: doesn't quite provide the right tone.

novice 06-05-2003 01:11 AM

[quote]Originally posted by wolf

Amazing the amount of leeway people are given when what they are doing is described as a "political statement" rather than just "plain crazy behavior."

Much like the difference between an act of political terrorism and plain old murder:mad:

wolf 06-05-2003 01:38 AM


Originally posted by novice
Much like the difference between an act of political terrorism and plain old murder:mad:
There isn't one. Am I missing your point?

Oooh .. and I forgot to make this obligatory wiseass comment in my previous post ... Wasn't this guy on one of the final season episodes of the X-Files?

novice 06-05-2003 02:03 AM

[quote]Originally posted by wolf

There isn't one. Am I missing your point?

Heck no, that is precisely my point !

wolf 06-05-2003 02:17 AM

Oooooh. Sarcasm. I get it! :) (your little angryface threw me off there ...)

novice day off 06-05-2003 05:20 AM

Yeah. i see what you mean. Now i've re-read it it makes bugger all sense. Oh well, bear with me. I'll get up to Cellar speed eventually.
ps. can anybody tell me why, when I try to highlight for a "quote" it picks up the entire post.

Griff 06-05-2003 06:02 AM


Originally posted by novice day off
bugger all sense
gotta love Aussie Engrish

I usually just quote the whole thing and delete the extraneous stuff on the post reply page.

novice day off 06-05-2003 06:24 AM


Originally posted by Griff

gotta love Aussie Engrish

I usually just quote the whole thing and delete the extraneous stuff on the post reply page.

Testing your method Griff

Griff 06-05-2003 06:36 AM

He he, I just found this. The Aussie language gets biblical.

The Virgin Mary is a "pretty special sheila" who wraps her nipper in a bunny rug and tucks him up in a cattle feed trough, according to a new Australian version of the Bible.

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