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xoxoxoBruce 08-16-2014 01:43 PM

8-16-14: Walking Giant Florescent traffic Cone
Let me explain... the Moreno Valley, CA, police department had received a lot of complaints about drivers not yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks. In CA, like most states, that's a big no-no, it'll cost money and points, if you have a points program.

Also this is the time of year that public officials try to instill a back to school mindset in the populace.
So here comes the Pedestrian Decoy Program, having a nice policeman use the crosswalk to see if drivers obey the law.
Some drivers claimed they never saw the nice policeman, plus concern for the safety of the decoy, produced the decision to dress him as a traffic cone, a walking (probably talking, at least muttering) giant florescent traffic cone.

Some drivers still resisted yielding. Maybe fearful of being cone-jacked, or sexually molested if they stopped.
Hmm, does that mean people who stopped were hoping to be sexually molested... but I digress.

Anyway, the drivers who did not yield to the decoy, aka, walking giant florescent traffic cone, aka, the nice policeman, regretted it, because five of the nice policeman's friends just happen to be in the neighborhood.
The nice policeman's five friends also happened to be riding motorcycles... and wearing guns.

Seeing the nice policeman disrespected made the five friends who happened to be in the neighborhood, riding motorcycles, and wearing guns, angry.

You wouldn't like the five friends who happened to be in the neighborhood, riding motorcycles, and wearing guns, when they're angry. :worried:

The drivers who disrespected the nice policeman, with the five friends who happened to be in the neighborhood, riding motorcycles, and wearing guns, sure didn't.

glatt 08-16-2014 02:21 PM

Lol. In my experience, the overwhelming majority of cars won't stop for a pedestrian.

SPUCK 08-22-2014 07:27 PM

Pedestrians... It's hard.

In my town there are lots of remote-ish crosswalks in visually cluttered areas. Often you drive by these crosswalks maybe 50 times before someone is actually using it. Sometimes I just don't notice until it would be very inconvenient for all parties for me to lay rubber up to the crosswalk. I often feel bad I didn't stop.

Sometimes as a crosswalk user I really wish the cars wouldn't stop. It's an inconvenience to all parties when, if the car just continued I'd have to wait 2 seconds instead of 10 while the car comes to a stop.

BigV 08-22-2014 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 907317)
Lol. In my experience, the overwhelming majority of cars won't stop for a pedestrian.

Sad but true.

I can remember a number of times when I was on my way to the bus stop and had to wait at the intersection for the light to turn green and the crosswalk signal to indicate "go pedestrian go". Many, many times the driver moving in the same direction as me, but wanting to turn right across the crosswalk, would be waiting at the red light just as I was, and then when the coast was clear, turned right.

This only was a problem when the coast became clear at about the same time the light turned green/crosswalk said go. Because this driver would inevitably be looking over his left shoulder at (potentially) oncoming traffic, OBLIVIOUS to the pedestrians, IN THE CROSSWALK ON A GREEN LIGHT, as he began his right turn. Right over my toes.

Not really. I never got run over in the crosswalk. But four or five times it was close enough to touch the car with my hand, which I did as hard and loud as I could, every time I got the chance. A couple times I had the asshole driver stop his car (which he should have done before the crosswalk) but it never came to blows. Stupid, careless, thoughtless driving. Fuckers.

Gravdigr 08-23-2014 09:19 AM

I must live in the exception. Cars here stop everywhere for pedestrians to cross the street.

And we cross wherever we damn well please. Crosswalk, or not. People still stop for ya.

:), I guess.

Sheldonrs 08-25-2014 09:40 AM

"Maybe fearful of being cone-jacked, or sexually molested if they stopped.
Hmm, does that mean people who stopped were hoping to be sexually molested... but I digress..."

Maybe they were looking for a little cone-head. ;)

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