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morethanpretty 08-25-2012 06:06 PM

I am way too young...
to wear adult diapers. Thats right folks, I've been peeing myself and its really starting to get on my nerves. It doesn't happen all the time, but lately its like I have the urge and if I don't make it to the bathroom within the next 10 seconds I'm fucked. I do kegels, I'm pretty sure I'm doing them right, so I don't know why this is happening.
I don't see incontinence as one of the side effects of any of the drugs I'm on and I'm just not sure what to do. I go on vacation on the 30th and I REALLY don't want to pee myself at their house. I think I need to see a urologist but I don't have time for that before I go on vacation. I work every day this week up until the 30th and then my flight is in the AM. I want to cry. Why does all this shit have to happen to me? I'm fucking 24 for christ's sake. FML.

Anyone got any ideas?

Medicines I'm on:
Seasonale (Which I've been on for years with no issue)
Synthroid (Also been on for years)
Nuvigil (incontinence started before I started this drug but its gotten worse)

Undertoad 08-25-2012 06:33 PM

Back to the docs with ye, this is nothing for the Cellar to diagnose. Can be many things, and some things serious.

monster 08-25-2012 07:03 PM


morethanpretty 08-25-2012 07:48 PM

I just remembered that you can get a home test for UTI now (I think). So I can at least rule that out. Although I just finished antibiotics for UTI yesterday so it shouldn't be that. I think I'm just going to have to set my phone alarm for every 2 hours and go pee at that time. That way, there is never anything in there to get incontinent over. At least until I can see a doc.

glatt 08-25-2012 08:54 PM

Sorry, MPT, that's a bummer. But hopefully a trip to the doc will straighten it out.

Sundae 08-26-2012 06:12 AM

Nothing to offer except good wishes.

When I had acute bronchitis earlier this year I had to start wearing Tena Lady (like sanitary towels but for wee). I was coughing so hard that nothing was safe. It was humiliating.

A fitter, younger and more toned person wouldn't have had the same issue, so I'm not suggesting it's connected. Just that I know how you feel when it happens.

Keep wearing the pads, no-one need know. Keep exercising. Keep on at your doctor - this is not normal.

And keep smiling, you have a beautiful smile.

Clodfobble 08-26-2012 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty
Seasonale (Which I've been on for years with no issue)
Synthroid (Also been on for years)
Nuvigil (incontinence started before I started this drug but its gotten worse)

Hoooooly shit. MTP, are you seeing an actual psychiatrist for these prescriptions, or is your general practitioner prescribing them? I agree with everyone else, please go see a doctor--and please try to get a second opinion for good measure. It never hurts.

Gravdigr 08-26-2012 12:43 PM


...every two hours...
Hell, I haven't went two hours w/out peeing in years.

But, then again, I have a prostate in its mid-forties.

morethanpretty 08-28-2012 11:54 AM

I think it was being caused by an UTI so my mom told me to take AZO Cranberry (since I wasn't in pain) and so far things have been much better. I might not have to go to the doc after all! Yea!

Undertoad 08-28-2012 12:12 PM

You said three days ago you just finished antibiotics for a UTI. So if the UTI survived the antibiotics that is now a rather important issue.

Plus, you are now in the position of being incontinent while having to drink enough fluids to manage a UTI. On vacation.

YOU ARE ILL! On the 1% chance that it's not something much more serious, you're going to make it much worse by trying to figure it out on your own and delaying proper treatment. You and your mom don't have medical degrees. Go back to the freakin' doc! Why do you not want to?

morethanpretty 08-28-2012 01:31 PM

The doc closes at 5, I get off at 430. I cannot take off early and thats not enough time to get to the doc from here. I don't have the time.

xoxoxoBruce 08-28-2012 02:05 PM

Will your boss be pissed when they take you out in an ambulance?
At 24 you're right on the cusp, the transition from immortal, to it's-gotta-be-bad-enough-to-carry-me. Maybe 15 or 20 years from maybe I'll get it checked out if it gets worse. Been there, done that, and it wasn't always wise.

Yeah, when you're young and pretty healthy a lot of things crop up that seem to take care of themselves in time. The doctor's expensive and inconvenient, especially now when doctor's offices are like production lines. I long for the days when I could call the family doctor and drop by on the way home from work... without 7 clipboards full of forms.

Anyway, 90% of the time it's nothing serious, but the doctor's reassurance is nice. The other 10%? Well maybe 10% of that is serious enough to kill you. But believe me, the other 9%, the shit that causes you a ton of grief later in life when it's not treated early, makes it worth all the aggravation and expense of getting to the doctor.

Undertoad 08-28-2012 02:26 PM

If you had tuberculosis would work let you off early? If you were peeing straight blood would they? What workplace doesn't accept "I have a doctor's appointment and it could be serious" as a reason to let you off early?

Are there no "urgent care" style places near you? Why do you really not want to go? Why are you bullshitting yourself about this?

limey 08-28-2012 02:50 PM

Because it's to do with peeing, and that's embarrassing to discuss with a doctor, is my guess. The ol' innernets is anonymous, even here with friends in teh Cellar.
C'mon MTP - your health matters! To you, to your boss, to us. GO TO THE DOCTOR.

morethanpretty 08-28-2012 06:01 PM

Urgent care style places cost more than the regular doc. I'm tired of going to the doc. I go every month to my psych, I've gone for strep, and UTI just this month. I'm not in pain and the azo seems to be working. I did some research and apparently it keeps the bacteria from being able to adhere to the walls of your bladder so thats why it works. All the doc can give me are more antibiotics which the last 2 times caused a yeast infection DESPITE me eating yogurt.

I can't get off early because I've already been out 12 times because of illness these past 4 months. Anymore and I'm fired.

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