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grynch 08-01-2011 03:27 AM

any cunning linguists?
ok... after that bad joke...
in my "hello..." thread I was speaking about the various language they speak here and that's got me thinking about the make up of the cellar...

do any of you kid n kidders speak any "foreign" languages

I like to think of myself as multi -lingual speaking both American -AND- British English as well as a bit of French.


Sundae 08-01-2011 04:20 AM

I have Tourist Lingo in French, German, Spanish* and Italian.
Which means I can say Please, Thank You, Sorry/ Excuse Me (essential to a Brit) Hello, Goodbye and order drinks and food reasonably well. My Dutch is on an even lower level, but I can at least say Hello in Dutch - I am then replied to in English, to my relief. But the Dutch like you if you make the effort, whereas the French are appalled if you mangle their language.

I should have tried to keep up my French. I've lost pretty much all of it.
I was taught by a native French-speaker from the age of ten and was reckoned to have a good accent because of it. I spent some time in France - attended a French school - and got on quite well. But I was appallingly homesick - something I never expected. I think that gave me a real fear of ever leaving my country. I know many people who dream of moving abroad - I am definitely not one of them. I could handle Wales. Maybe.

Although moving to Toledo has its own appeal...

* ETA my Spanish is Catalan, which is slightly different to standard Spanish. I learned it in holiday resorts/ from tourist guides, as opposed to having language lessons.

wolf 08-01-2011 11:41 AM

I speak fluent Geek, although with a slightly Nerdish accent.

And German.

infinite monkey 08-01-2011 11:57 AM

I speak jive.

And some french.

Spexxvet 08-01-2011 12:20 PM

I am fluent in pig latin.

Nirvana 08-01-2011 12:27 PM

tourist[stolen from Sundae] Italian and Spanish and extremely fluent in Sarcasm :eyebrow: [hence the overuse of eyebrow guy]

Trilby 08-01-2011 01:00 PM



Sundae 08-01-2011 01:03 PM

I can tie your little thing into a knot with my tongue too....

Trilby 08-01-2011 01:05 PM

Sundae speaks fluent sex.

Scriveyn 08-01-2011 01:09 PM

English (preferably BE)

I can get the drift of Italian, French and Middle English but not much speaking/writing capabilities in those.

Spexxvet 08-01-2011 01:13 PM

I was fairly fluent in French in my late teens, when Rosetta Stone was an actual stone.

infinite monkey 08-01-2011 01:27 PM

Oh yeah, I speak a little Spanish too. For example, I know that como se llama means "what is the name of your llama?"

Sundae 08-01-2011 01:48 PM

From Blackadder II, I learned "un fuego grande" meant a big fire, and "les testiculos" were testicles. And yes, in the episode the two were linked.

Education is just everywhere!
And yet Infi & I get paid for it :)

Spexxvet 08-01-2011 02:00 PM

In Spanish I can say "two cold beers, please", "where is the bathroom", and "eat my meat" (my older brother had Spanish in high school).

Sundae 08-01-2011 02:11 PM

I hope he didn't forget to teach you por favor!

ETA - it's already there in your post!
My post seems redundant now, but I'm keeping it as an intersting point (IMHO)

I think when Americans abroad are considered rude, one of the main reasons is that they do not use please and thank you as often as Europeans.

From working in a London restaurant I realised it was a cultural difference and nothing to do with manners, but it's a surprise when you first encounter it. On the one hand you're treated like a servant, but on the other you get a bloody big tip! And the Americans you meet when you're not wearing work clothes are happy to divulge their whole family history (including salaries) as soon as you've said hello.

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