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Flint 12-25-2008 10:56 PM

9/11 Jokes
I had this, jotted down, as an idea for a thread... but I can't remember what the angle was.

If you were going to start a really clever, really insightful thread called "9/11 Jokes" what would it be about?

Griff 12-26-2008 07:34 AM

You bastard! I lost my sense of humor in a field in Pennsylvania.

wolf 12-26-2008 10:31 AM

I don't think there were any. It was such a massively overwhelming event there was nothing funny about it, even in retrospect.

Griff 12-26-2008 11:52 AM

I guess, I still don't see why folks think 9/11 is different from other tragedies. How many kids die of starvation every day? How many people die in government sanctioned bombings? How many die from storms or disease... It just seems to me that media and government worked very hard to make our reactions to it disproportionate, to keep our eyes on the screens and our bombs in the air.

lumberjim 12-26-2008 12:02 PM

that's what I say...


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 389653)
WHY is it terrible?

why would it be more terrible than if she had died in her bed of pnemonia? or ass cancer or something? because the media has brainwashed you into associating everything having anything to do with 9-11 as being sacred for some reason. you know it, and it still works on you. man....that's some powerful shit, that propaganda. you could probably convince a nation of people that it makes sense to invade another country.....oh wait..... come to think of it....some of you are probably wanting to invade me right about now? aren'tcha?

lookout123 12-26-2008 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123
Only a pompous ass quotes himself.

Undertoad 12-26-2008 02:51 PM

Guys, why not just go the extra step and become Truthers?

First attack on American soil? The alteration of the skyline of New York Fuckin' City? People leaping from the 100th floor? No, that isn't tragic at all! Because it was all faked!

Media and government acting in unison? From whose workbench? Give me the number of the fax machine that gave them their daily talking points, and then tell me who used it.

The reason the response was what it was, is because that was and is the character of the people. When media and government are in unison, it's because the people are in unison. But 7 short years later, nobody can recall that time; we have wiped it from our memories. When W. had a 91% approval rating. When people flew a flag proudly and haters didn't feel ironic about it. It's a period of history that simply we do not acknowledge because we were not ready for a post-9/11 world.

And that is why it'll happen again.

Griff 12-26-2008 03:25 PM

Why does it have to be conspiracy? Why can't the media drive for the big story and the government drive to "solve" big problems both push in the same direction? Over-reaction is why terrorists do what they do. bin Laden types get big press and new recruits. That is why it will happen again.

First attack on American soil? Leave Pancho Villa out of this.

The alteration of the skyline of New York Fuckin' City? We have fires every day.

People leaping from the 100th floor? No, that isn't tragic at all! It was tragic, nobody here is denying that. Unfortunately, bad things happen every day, this time it happened to Americans instead of Japanese, Germans, or Iraqis.

Undertoad 12-26-2008 03:40 PM

And if the fourth plane managed hit the White House, it would be "just another building", right? Why all the tragedy?

Well it wasn't just Pancho Villa, and it wasn't just a fire, it was an extremely major loss that had massive repercussions for all Westerners' ways of lives.

classicman 12-26-2008 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 516759)
Unfortunately, bad things happen every day, this time it happened to Americans instead of Japanese, Germans, or Iraqis.

It also shattered the feeling of invincibility that most American's had prior to that day.

Flint 12-26-2008 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 516761) massive repercussions for all Westerners' ways of lives.

So, in the context of this discussion, you're saying that people's reaction to 9/11 was a self-fulfilling prophecy?

SteveBsjb 12-26-2008 05:14 PM

So far these jokes suck.

lumberjim 12-26-2008 05:18 PM

ya know what goes without saying?


that's what

Pie 12-26-2008 05:21 PM

Okay, I'll go first.

"It's a bird!"
"It's a plane!"
"It's.... Oh shit, it IS a plane!"

Yes, I am a horrible American.

Trilby 12-26-2008 05:24 PM

9/11 jokes are like Holocaust jokes - they're in really, really bad taste.

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