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Chocolatl 01-03-2008 04:45 PM

Dwellar Dwellings
I've loved watching the other Cellar house tours, so I thought I'd add my own to the pile. Kinda goofy, but it works.

Other Dwellar Dwellings:
Sundae Girl

glatt 01-03-2008 04:51 PM

Very nice place! Did you clean? It looks clean.

kerosene 01-03-2008 04:56 PM

Choco you have such a cute place! Thank you for doing a tour.

Chocolatl 01-03-2008 04:56 PM

Yeah, I cheated - I've spent most of the week tidying up to get the place video worthy. I even made the bed. Kind of.

Undertoad 01-03-2008 05:24 PM

Well done. It's great to see where people live!

monster 01-03-2008 06:03 PM

Love the view. I never knew people had pet hedgehogs. They're the Brit equavalent of armadillos I guess -exotic to us but roadkill to Florideans...

Aliantha 01-03-2008 07:06 PM

I could live in your house Choco. Very nice. Looks cosy. Thanks for sharing!

DanaC 01-04-2008 03:41 AM

I've known people with pet hedgehogs, though usually a much darker colour than that one.

Choco your home is lovely. I love the layout, it has such a spacious, airy feel to it.

BrianR 01-04-2008 07:46 AM

I'd post one because I'm proud of our house but then there's the possibility of giving a guided tour to thieves as well...

Or am I too paranoid?

glatt 01-04-2008 08:09 AM

Most thieves want what they can stuff into one of your pillowcases in just a minute or two before they get caught. Just don't show where you hide cash, guns, or jewelry, and you will be fine.

I have nothing of any real value in my house, although it would cost a lot to replace the crap I have. I'm going to try to post one of these videos too.

monster 01-04-2008 09:48 AM

there is absolutely no danger of thieves finding anything in my house. When we were burgled in the UK, the police were horrified by the mess. more so when they found out the theives didn't make it. :lol:

jester 01-04-2008 10:24 AM

It's a great looking place, well done.

Chocolatl 01-04-2008 05:28 PM

Thanks, everyone!

As for the thieves, I don't think there's much they could get out of the video that they wouldn't find on plain sight. I would maybe stay away from things like "here's our broken window that can be opened from the outside" etc. Originally there was an entire section where I was standing outside and introducing myself, but I felt like it was showing everyone exactly where we lived (apartment number and so on), so I went back and cut it out.

BrianR 01-04-2008 10:07 PM

good point. Maybe I'll post a video of our place next time I get home.
Especially the pit bull you will meet upon entry.

DucksNuts 01-05-2008 05:56 AM

I soooo want a Hedgehog!!!!

Are they friendly Chocolatl??

Lovely house, its great seeing the different styles etc. :)

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