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Radar 05-31-2007 09:26 PM

A freaky thing happened to me one day...
I thought I'd start this thread to tell each other strange and unusual personal stories. I mostly started this to tell a story about something incredibly strange that happened to me today. I've got a couple of more of these, and I'm very interested in yours.

After getting on this board, I was feeling a bit nostalgic. A long time ago, when I first got out of college, I was barely scraping by. I had a very small apartment which I shared with 2 other guys. It was too small to hold all my stuff, so I got a storage unit. Times got tough and I let my bill lapse on the unit and they sold my stuff. Among my stored items was a box containing family photos, my yearbooks from junior high through high school, and my high school diploma.

I looked online to see if someone happened to have a Don Lugo High 85-86 or Basic High 87 yearbook for sale. As luck would have it, I found someone with an ebay store that had a Basic High yearbook from 1987. They were selling it for close to $100. I kicked down the money and today it arrived in the mail.

As I opened the package, I wondered whose book I'd end up getting, and thought I might contact them if I could to let them know I had the book. When I opened the package and took the book out, the memories came flooding back. Then when I opened the cover of the book, I got a huge shock...

It was my own yearbook. It had my signature in the first page, and all the signatures of people wishing me to have a great summer, or a good future. HOLY CRAP!!!

The book was sent from a company in Washington State. I sent this guy an email asking if he had my other stuff, and offering to buy it.

I can't help thinking to myself what the odds were that out of the hundreds of yearbooks sold at my school that year, 20 years later on a random ebay site, I'd happen to buy the 1 book that was my own.

Freaky eh?

xoxoxoBruce 05-31-2007 09:35 PM

That's because the government is watching you and decided to goose you a little. That's incredibly lucky, buy a lottery ticket, you're on a roll.

Beestie 05-31-2007 09:39 PM

$100 for a 20-year old high school year book? On eBay? I mean its cool that you got your yearbook back and all but I just found six of them for between 25 and 35 dollars. Same high school but different years.

zippyt 05-31-2007 09:39 PM

That IS WEIRD Dude !!!!

Radar 05-31-2007 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Beestie (Post 349397)
$100 for a 20-year old high school year book? On eBay? I mean its cool that you got your yearbook back and all but I just found six of them for between 25 and 35 dollars. Same high school but different years.

It was worth it, especially to get my own yearbook back.

Cloud 05-31-2007 10:29 PM

well, that's the weirdest story I've heard in a long time. I'd try it myself, but my graduating class only had 32 in it.

lucky day, indeed, man!

Shawnee123 06-01-2007 08:41 AM

That is great!

Stay the way you are and you'll go far! ;)

jester 06-01-2007 10:53 AM

Stay the way you are and you'll go far! ;)[/quote]

that is like the "standard" inscription.

Shawnee123 06-01-2007 10:56 AM

Yeah, and we signed "bff" way before they even heard of texting!

Griff 06-01-2007 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Radar (Post 349391)
Freaky eh?

Way freaky. I'll sell you mine for 10 bucks though...

Rexmons 06-01-2007 11:16 AM

this story reminds me of one i read a long time ago about a famous actor (i forgot who), who was in england i think and he was sitting at a bench and found an original screenplay for a movie that hadn't been made yet. the movie (which i also sadly forgot) ended up being made and he liked the script he read so much he had his people tell the director he wanted in. On the first day of production he met with the writer and the writer was explaining to him that he had lost his original screenplay a long time, when the actor pulled out the one he had found on the bench from his back pocket, sure enough it was the writers original.

if anyone has heard this story and remembers who the hell the actor was please let me know.

xoxoxoBruce 06-01-2007 01:34 PM

Rod Serling?

Rexmons 06-01-2007 02:40 PM

here i found it:
“The Girl From Petrovka”
Before filming started, Anthony Hopkins scoured the bookshops of London's Charing Cross Road trying to find a copy of the novel by George Feifer, upon which this film was based. He had no luck and went to catch a train home. There at the station, lying forgotten on a bench, was a copy of the book. Years later, Hopkins met Feifer, who told him that he had lent his own copy to a friend, who then lost it. Hopkins produced the one he found and asked if it was his. By an amazing coincidence, it was the author's own book Hopkins had chanced upon.

Cicero 06-02-2007 03:53 PM

I concur....Holy Crap!!! How odd......sometimes there are signs that we keep running across our own past. No I don't know what that really means....just a gut thing I guess.

Clodfobble 06-02-2007 10:11 PM

I have an uncanny memory for faces. I've lost count of the number of times I've met someone only to realize that we've actually met before, in some completely different set of circumstances, but these two are particularly memorable:

They hired a new receptionist at my job, this was back in about 2003, and as so often happens with me I was certain I recognized her. We talked about it, but she did not find me familiar at all and we couldn't figure out the connection. Anyway, 6 months go by and I'm thumbing through an old photo album looking for an elementary school picture of some sort, and I happen across a photo from when I was about 10 years old. It was a local theatrical performance I'd been in, and the shot was of the entire cast in some scene near the end of the show--no flash during the performance, and my mom didn't have the greatest seats, so the picture was of blurry people about an inch tall. My eyes immediately picked out the receptionist as one of the other kids in the photo. I brought the album in to work the next day to triumphantly show her that we had met before after all--she was actually a little freaked out about the whole thing, she barely remembered doing the show at all and it's not everyday you discover that a coworker has a photo of you from 13 years ago.

At a different job just a couple of years ago, I began working with a new project manager who I recognized. At the time I actually thought she was a dead-ringer for a doctor I'd seen when I was much younger, but she swore that neither she nor any of her relatives had medical degrees. Anyway, at some point we began talking about a client company, and I was bitching about how terribly disorganized they were, and she laughingly noted that there was a reason she didn't work for them anymore. Wait, you worked for Textbook Company X? Did you work for them in, let's see, about 1992? ... When I was 12, I had a neighbor who worked for that company, and she brought me in to be a "real kid" tester for some CD-ROM thing they were developing. Three people from the development group watched over my shoulder for about 30 minutes while I fumbled my way through their program, so they could see how user-friendly and intuitive the whole thing was. She was one of those people watching me. So basically I recognized a woman who sat in a room with me for 30 minutes, without speaking or introducing herself, back when I was 12. She was a little creeped out by it too. It's just a pattern-recognition thing, though, I'm really good at those "guess who this baby picture is of" things too.

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