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spiker 05-05-2006 11:05 AM

Some photos of the Los Angeles illegal alien rally
We must have a law to force employers to verify the citizenship of their employees.

If we fail to do this, our Republic will become a 3rd world hellhole similar to Bangladesh!

Los Angeles Independent Media Center

Photo Page - 1

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Photo Page - 4

Photo Page - 5

Photo Page - 6

Photo Page - 7

Jordon 05-05-2006 11:15 AM

'Throw us out and we'll take the heart of California with us?" I don't think so. It would be more like giving California a much needed laxative.

Hasta La Vista, Bebe

chainsaw 05-05-2006 12:14 PM

Man, traffic was awesome on Monday. I don't care who's protesting. If I can get to work in 42 mins, I say protest every day!

smoothmoniker 05-05-2006 01:14 PM

doesn't matter what you're arguing for, calling me a racist is a pretty good way to end the conversation.

MaggieL 05-05-2006 02:26 PM

In the same vein: "Uno de Mayo"

billybob 05-06-2006 01:57 AM

They're making the right-wingers uncomfortable.Anyone who thinks that they will turn the US into another bangladesh is dreaming. As for 'giving California a laxative', what a great way to rid the west coast of Republicans!

skysidhe 05-06-2006 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by smoothmoniker
doesn't matter what you're arguing for, calling me a racist is a pretty good way to end the conversation.

( ditto :P)

Everyone is so afraid to say what they feel because of this kind of social blackmail.
As shown in the photos.

Where's the dignity and grace ....oh and how about a valid point for starters. 'I know it's about race' isn't the point. The point is people want freebees.

smoothmoniker 05-06-2006 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by billybob
... As for 'giving California a laxative', what a great way to rid the west coast of Republicans!

There are Republicans in California? I'm pretty sure the only two parties out here are Democrat, and the New Line Cinema Oscar Party.

MaggieL 05-06-2006 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by billybob
As for 'giving California a laxative', what a great way to rid the west coast of Republicans!

How much time have you spent in California?

billybob 05-06-2006 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by MaggieL
How much time have you spent in California?

Zero, none, zip.................About as much time as the idiots who whine about illegal immigrants actually spend thinking about it. Not once have I heard a new or original argument for the nasty little line of hate that they love to spew. it's always the same..."they don't pay their taxes, they chew up our welfare....''

The whiners are happy to hide behind their computers, spewing out ignorance in their cosy suburban homes while these 'illegals' are slopping out toilets and picking vegetables all day for minimum wage, so that the whiners can pay a few cents less for items that require menial labour. If you want to do something about the problem,set a decent minimum wage, and prosecute anyone that tries to hire anyone, without paying taxes.

I've yet to see any of the racists complain about the millions of Americans who 'bend the facts' on their taxes every year. A little tweak here, a little cash not declared there, write the cost of the new home computer against the company here, and there we go, saved myself a few bucks and stuck it to the man.

Compare if you will, the hideous crimes of Juan who jumps on the pickup for a few bucks a day to those of someone like Leona Helmsley. Ask yourself how many illegals can defraud the people of that much money. And then ask yourself why there isn't a big crowd of rednecks who want her kicked out.Resolve the problem.Naturalise those who want to stay. Round up the crooked employers and deal harshly to them.

Just one more idea..............let the market decide. Set up a system of accreditation for the 100% legal products. Heck, they can do it for organic produce, why not a '100%American' tag. Obviously, these goods would cost a few cents more than those produced by dodgy companies with cheapskate hiring practices, but nobody who hates Mexicans that much would object to paying, right?..............yeah, riiiiiight.

MaggieL 05-06-2006 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by billybob
Zero, none, zip.................About as much time as the idiots who whine about illegal immigrants actually spend thinking about it...
The whiners are happy to hide behind their computers, spewing out ignorance in their cosy suburban homes haven't ever actually been here, but you're perfectly willing to "hide behind your computer, spewing out ignorance" about the US from thousands of miles away.


Yank bashing is a nice comfy self-satisfied occupation for many. Evidently NZ has completely enlightened open-border immigration policies too. :-)

Helmsley makes a nice red herring, but the Queen of Mean is a citizen, so she gets to stay, now that she's paid her fines and gotten out of the slammer.

And I did respond to your "how much would you pay" point by suggesting that the open market resolve what price legal goods should command, but apparently you can't bear the thought of not having another make-work pseudo-socialist NGO certification program.

We don't need it. Just send the illegals home by stopping exploiters from hiring them.

billybob 05-06-2006 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by MaggieL haven't ever actually been here,

You asked how many times I'd been to [i]California[/].I answered honestly. Apparently, because I haven't been to that particular stae, I've never been to the States.Pay attention, sweetie, or you end up looking silly.
Yank bashing is a nice comfy self-satisfied occupation for many. Evidently NZ has completely enlightened open-border immigration policies too. :-)

I try to avoid bashing Americans in general, but that doesn't stop those who disagree with me from gratuitously including every other American by proxy on their side of the argument.You need remedial lessons in how to cope with criticism, the 'yank bashing' defence is getting jaded.This is not about America, this is about your opinion.Deal with it.

Incidentally,New Zealand has fairly stringent immigration requirements, backed by a competent customs and immigration service, and protected by an enormous body of water on all sides. As a result, most of the immigrants can speak English and have skills and qualifications that allow them to compete on an equal footing with any other resident.

Despite this, there are still those shameful people who believe that we have 'too many immigrants' and that we 'should send them all home'. I'm sure that if there was an issue with illegal immigrants here, the racists here would be screaming for them to go first.

WabUfvot5 05-06-2006 09:52 PM

It's one thing to ignore the breaking of a law; it's quite another to reward it. California would suffer in the short term from giving das boot to illegals but it would quickly be fixed with LEGAL immigration.

MaggieL 05-06-2006 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by billybob
Incidentally,New Zealand has fairly stringent immigration requirements, backed by a competent customs and immigration service, and protected by an enormous body of water on all sides. As a result, most of the immigrants can speak English and have skills and qualifications that allow them to compete on an equal footing with any other resident.

Which is at the core of the hypocrisy of your preaching from a safe spot on your cozy little islands. Pretty much as nice as those "suburban houses" you like to sneer at...but not in any danger of needing to cope with actual illegal aliens as we do here every day.

Obviously it was the sheer competance of the NZ immigration service to site your country behind such a natural barrier to...erm...undesirables. How nice that it makes it so much easier for you to be smugly critical of the "racists"...and painless for you to be generous with their country.

billybob 05-07-2006 12:01 AM

well, if you ever intended to debate, you sure abandoned it faster than a cheap whore abandons her underwear. Accusing me of being a hypocrite for having an opinion on a problem that doesn't exist in my current country of residence is gratuitously insulting. Yes I'm an immigrant, but I'll not tell you from where, because doubtless your bigotted attitude would have a snappy little dismissal for that too.
You won't argue the debate points as they arise, preferring to attack your opponent on the few fragments that you know of him. The term 'red herring' has been used as an out-clause to avoid the concept that it's not just illegals who evade taxes.The real red herring is trying to discount a participant's views by virtue of geography. If you want to debate some issues, I'd happily debate you, but looking through your post history, I don't think you are capable. Stay happy in your own twisted version of reality, and troll away as much as you like. I'll be reserving my further debate for the 3000 or so cellar members who are smarter than you. For someone who likes to wail about 'yank-bashing' you do nothing to enhance the world's view of your compatriots.Fortunately,I have spent enough time with Americans to know that you are the exception,rather than the norm.

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