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bissyb 11-10-2005 03:31 PM

'Lost' Is Starting To Piss Me Off
This show this season. Anyone else starting to get bored over the last couple episodes?

I came across this today, worth a look if only for the "Contra" reference!

glatt 11-10-2005 03:40 PM

I stopped watching Lost. They "lost" me three episodes into this season where they showed the same scene where Kate is hiding behind the grate and a bullet is shot at her, unintentionally. Screw that. It was marginal television up until that point, but after showing the same scene in three different shows, they lost me. I don't have cable, and there is pretty much nothing on Network TV for me to watch. Oh well. I'm reading more, and doing more around the house. It's a good thing.

jinx 11-10-2005 03:43 PM

So did I waste my money buying season 1 yesterday? Is it even worth watching?

bissyb 11-10-2005 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by jinx
So did I waste my money buying season 1 yesterday? Is it even worth watching?

no, i really liked season 1 and the first couple this season. it wasn't a waste...

glatt 11-10-2005 03:45 PM

sure, watch a few episodes. If you like it, keep watching it.

bissyb 11-10-2005 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
sure, watch a few episodes. If you like it, keep watching it.

good advice...i actually watched it on dvd and i think its much easier to get into the show that interruptions, etc.

Happy Monkey 11-10-2005 03:52 PM

I think he was expecting this to be a 2-season show, and now it looks like it will go longer, so he's dragging things out.

I'm just hoping it will end up being a sequel to Twin Peaks...

Cyclefrance 11-10-2005 05:59 PM

My son is a 'Lost' evangelist -always spouting on about it - he even made his own video (starring himself, naturally) of the opening sequence of the first episode (drew the line - thank god - at arranging for half a wing and fuselage plus an engine of a disused 737 to be dropped off in the garden!).

Personally I gave up after about five epsiodes - the growling and palm shaking became a bit tedious. It's as if it couldn't make its mind up what sort of series it wanted to be, and so, in the best nouveau cuisine menu language, we have a rendezvous of assorted airline passengers, lightly steamed in an autour of tropical surroundings, dressed with a supernatural coulis. A sort of Fugitive meets The Incredible Hulk via the X Files c/o 24 - you can hear them in the ABC boardroom now 'It's got all the right elements: personal traumas, fear of the unknown, a strange unexplained beast, a life-threatening mystery to solve - it'll run for years - we just can't lose....'

Oh, well there you are. It's a shame, because the quality of acting is generally very high - such a pity they have the scripts they are landed with to rob them of this advantage.

Oh no! son's just turned up with boxed set of series 1 - I'm outta here.....

Happy Monkey 11-10-2005 06:30 PM

I'd say it's the Prisoner meets Twin Peaks. I hope the end is better.

Beestie 11-10-2005 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
... I hope the end is better.

End? I don't expect there will be an "end" because I don't think there is a story. Each episode, it seems to me, is just one of an endless series of vignettes the purpose of which is to instantiate the next. Not unlike a book that just goes on forever.

Not that it isn't intriguing but to watch it in anticipation of a conclusion is, I think, a bit of a misunderstanding - like expecting a soap opera to "end." It'll end when the ratings fall below the breakeven level. Rather, it will stop.

If you took every episode of Gilligan's Island and laid the film out end to end and cut the first five minutes off the first episode such that the first five minutes of each show (except the first) becomes the last five minutes of the preceeding show, you'd end up with the same basic story structure as Lost.

I suspect that they are making it up as they go along and have no idea from one week to the next where the "story" is going much less where its going to end.

I could be wrong, though.

Happy Monkey 11-10-2005 11:43 PM

No, there will be an end. It's too successful a show to not get a massive series finale when it's cancelled (unlike Twin Peaks). The question is whether the writers know yet what that end will be. I suspect they don't as well, and worry that there will be some off the wall ending that only seems to be deep, like the Prisoner.

wolf 11-11-2005 12:53 AM

I have managed not to watch it at all.

Cyclefrance 11-11-2005 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Beestie
I suspect that they are making it up as they go along and have no idea from one week to the next where the "story" is going much less where its going to end.

Hey! We've got one of those on the Cellar - Creative Expression category, 'Anyone want to write a story' thread - read up and join in!

Beestie 11-11-2005 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
No, there will be an end. It's too successful a show to not get a massive series finale when it's cancelled (unlike Twin Peaks). The question is whether the writers know yet what that end will be. I suspect they don't as well, and worry that there will be some off the wall ending that only seems to be deep, like the Prisoner.

My guess is that it'll be a Jacob's Ladder type ending where its revealed that everyone died when the plane crashed and the whole series was the dream of one of the passengers in the last few seconds of his life.

Cyclefrance 11-11-2005 07:44 AM

I'm surprised we haven't had any guest appearances yet. Must be scope for some. Bruce Willis with his 'Sixth Sense' and 'Die Hard' pedigrees would be a good one, possibly Keifer Sutherland. Or maybe someone from 'Friends' (gives the opportunity for some canned audience laughter). I'm sure they could work out a way for them to appear suddenly and then bugger off again at the end of the episode. In fact, thinking about it, the whole thing could be turned on its head and end up as a variety show or a celebrity guest interview programme or maybe an adventure game programme (a la Crystal maze) - plenty of options and well, let's face it, they're going to have to do something soon....

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