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BigBoy100 05-13-2006 07:06 PM

Sick of Being Fat
Hi im a 17 year old guy and im 394lbs. I really need to lose weight. Im tired of not being able to do things and beig made fun of.

Please help

Beestie 05-13-2006 10:57 PM

Please tell me everything you have eaten in the last 48 hours. Be as precise as possible.

rkzenrage 05-13-2006 11:37 PM

You just took the first step... it is hard, but you can do this.
Two BIG things. This is not going to be easy... this is a life decision, so if you don't want to change who you are, you are not ready.
Two... you are going to make mistakes, when you do, you have not failed. It was just something that happened at that moment and you will have to work that much harder.

However, if you ever plan for a mistake.... if you ever excuse a mistake, you are out of it and it is time to get help.

No diet will work. No plan with purchased food is good for anything but a jump-start which = another crutch you have to get rid of.

There is good, rich tasting food you can eat and enjoy, just not for the same reasons... your self image and reasons you eat more than to survive are about to have to change.

Some hard moments inside your head/in front of the mirror are about to happen & the harder they are the closer you get to being free... free from the cage of fat and lack of air/energy and free from the voice of hate and "can't" that you probably don't even hear any more because you act before hearing it.

Just know this, no matter what happens.
I am proud of you just for making that post, damn proud.

charlene 05-14-2006 12:14 AM

Bravo, Bigboy, you have indeed taken the first step!
Not to be overly critical, but I think there is a reason you put the weight on to begin with.
I have a great friend who weighs 500 pounds. After 8 years of nudging, she is finally seeing a counsellor because her weight problem stems from childhood trauma.
Don't give up!

lumberjim 05-14-2006 12:35 AM

There IS no skinny potion. You have to do it. What kind of help could we offer? You've told yourself everything we could say. You do every night as you lie awaiting sleep..... that tomorrow, you're not going to eat so much. but then you do.....

That said, I'll go ahead and ofer advice that you will think makes sense, but will not adhere to. I know this because I will not adhere to it either. (although I have been making a bit of progress lately)

You have to like being hungry. How often, and for how long are you hungry? you have to keep in focus that hunger is not an emergency.

It is a change you have to make to your personality, and therefore, v. diff.

I always view diets as having a beginning and an end. I realize that this is wrong. It has to be a change in how you percieve food.

While you are losing weight, though, it helps to be obsessed with a girl. Just never speak to her until you're skinny. And then, the other girls will be all over you, and she won't be able to resist you.

cableguy 05-14-2006 12:36 AM

Dude, congrats on taking the first step. One thing that I found that worked for me is eating half as much more often, it sped up my metabolism. Drinking more water helped to - I found most of my weight was my body retaining water becuase it didn't know when it was going to get it next.
Have you talked to your doctor yet?

rkzenrage 05-14-2006 12:57 AM

True on the water thing, a lot of the western people are dehydrated most of the time and we are actually thirsty when we think we are hungry for a snack.

Skunks 05-14-2006 03:35 AM

Clear & copious. Drink tea in tea season; avoid coffee, and you should already be done drinking sodas.

Hydration is pretty essential.

Beyond that, my most productive strategy was not to eat past 8pm. Similarly, consider becoming vegetarian or vegan.

As a means of explaining food & digestion & basic strategies, this was very helpful & formative:

Kagen4o4 05-14-2006 03:55 AM

will power
mental pain
physical pain
light excercise
time. (even if it take 2 years to lose 100lbs, wouldnt it be worth it?)

dont look for the easy way out. set small goals that lead to bigger ones. ie, 1lb a week for 12 weeks. then 2 lbs a week for 12 weeks...)

the longer you stick to something the easier it will get.

fargon 05-14-2006 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by BigBoy100
Hi im a 17 year old guy and im 394lbs. I really need to lose weight. Im tired of not being able to do things and beig made fun of.

Please help

Been there and don't want to go back. 4 years ago I was 439, now I am 301 and still losing. what works for me, is lots of water and a smaller portion. Eat only enough to satisfy, then go do something, get out of the house if nothing more than going outside.

Even though you are young, pace yourself. If it hurts then stop. Walking and water aerobics are what works for me. Set a daily goal and move in that direction. If you do not achieve that goal don't get discouraged and quit, just keep moving.

Find a support group, T.O.P.S., or O A is a good place to start. If you have a college or university in your town go to the Phyisical Education Department and talk to them about a low impact program, they will help you.

You did not get fat overnite, it WILL NOT come off fast! Trust me on this.

Look to your friends for help, more for emotional support, and company. Your diet is your business, do what works for you, not anybody else.

Jenni Craig is a waste of money. My SO and I eat salads and other lite fare, when we out for dinner we choose a buffet with a good salad bar, I eat alot of salad. One of our favorite summer meals is a salad containing canned chicken, cheese, prunes, orange slices, cashews and any thing else I can find.

Being 17 You are in high school, don't let life pass you by. Get out and do things with your friends. If the jocks and face boys give you a hard time ignore them, and get on with what you are doing. They are beneath your contempt. Remember you are bigger, stronger, and better looking than they are.

The only way this plan will work is to get out and do it!!!

billybob 05-14-2006 10:09 AM

The water thing is excellent advice, the colder the better. By drinking chilled water, you are forcing your body to expend energy bringing it up to body temperature.

footfootfoot 05-14-2006 10:48 AM

To expand on what LJ said, losing weight and keeping it off requires a lifestyle change. A change in what you do and how you think. Some may say a pardigm shift. How you got to your weight took choices all along the way. You need to look at the choices you will make from now on.

You aren't a victim, you chose. You can choose differently. It takes a lot of awareness to snap out of habitual actions. I remember one time I decided I was going to "give pastries a rest". Not twenty minutes after that I was in a cafe and about to put a brownie in my mouth. I would have eaten it, but I dropped it and it fell onto a really grimy floor. As I stood there looking down at it I remembered that I had just decided that I wasn't going to eat pastries.

This wasn't lack of will power, this was TOTAL AMNESIA.

A really thought provoking movie I just saw was "what the bleep do we know?" It is more like a discovery channel/documentary than a feature film. It explores the nature of consciousness and how it is tied to our physical self. It looks at the connections from a biochemical point of view rather than a new age-y pov. Although, jz knight and ramtha appear, so I guess that makes it fair and balanced. /sarcasm

anyhow, good luck. You'll find no shortage of advice here, worth every penny you pay for it. ;)

smoothmoniker 05-14-2006 02:35 PM

One of the authors at my blog has lost 50 pounds since January. You might find his post encouraging:

wolf 05-14-2006 03:25 PM

Two words ... Richard Simmons. Get whatever the latest version of the Foodmover is. Follow the plan. While you're waiting for the kit to show up, start keeping a food diary ... write down everything you put in your mouth, as well as everything you do in terms of physical activity.

Don't worry about there being things you aren't able to do right now ... do what you can, adapt what you can't. Small steps lead to big successes.

What do you like to do ... what excites and interests you? Are any of these activities things that you can use to either motivate yourself, or adapt to a higher physical activity level?

Walk. Even if it's just to the end of your driveway and back. Start extending that ... closest end of the street, farthest end of the street. Don't run. Pay attention to what you're seeing on your jaunt.

BigBoy100 05-14-2006 04:49 PM

Does anyone have suggestions for exercise? I hate walking, I find even going from class to class in school to be really tiring. Im always being told that swimming is good but I dont think I can bring myself to go in to a pool shirtless. And wearing a shirt just draws more attention to myself.

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