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Madman 02-12-2007 08:11 AM

Rape... sad news
I was listening to the news this morning. Some 28 year old lady was raped inside her home. Some thug came to the door, knocked, she opened the door and he froced his way in and raped her.


I don't like this kind of news. It upsets me. Hopefully this guy won't get away with this horrendous crime. Hopefully he'll spent the rest of his life in prison getting gang-banged by big hairy men. Hopefully he'll contract some disease that is excruciatingly painful, unsightful and smelly. Hopefully he'll receive poor medical attention by a nurse that thinks he's a scumbag, hopefully he'll burn in hell forever.

Clodfobble 02-12-2007 11:40 AM

It's shit like this that makes me not answer the door when I'm home alone. At least she's alive. I have this sense (which could be totally wrong) that many crimes that start out as rape end up as murder because the rapist realizes too late that he may be identified.

Elspode 02-12-2007 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Madman (Post 314937)
Hopefully he'll spent the rest of his life in prison getting gang-banged by big hairy men. Hopefully he'll contract some disease that is excruciatingly painful, unsightful and smelly. Hopefully he'll receive poor medical attention by a nurse that thinks he's a scumbag, hopefully he'll burn in hell forever.

You forgot my favorite punishment for sex crimes...having his testicles dangled inside an open car doorframe, and allowing the victim to kick the door shut.

xoxoxoBruce 02-12-2007 09:23 PM

Naw Elspode, too quick. I think the slow cranking of a cider/wine press or C clamp would be better. :mad2:

Urbane Guerrilla 02-14-2007 01:34 AM

Though too, the instant justice available in armed self defense rather flits through the mind...

Aiming at the groin is a good pistol tactic. If you do the usual sighting mistake and line up with the front sight too high you hit him in the chest or the face. If your bullet goes right where you intended (within a six inch radius, which is about as good as you can expect under the stress of shooting when it counts) means either a broken pelvis which puts a man immobile on the ground right now, or shooting away any chance of him satisfying himself with rape and if the next two or three slugs have to take him in the center of his mass that's about one dollar's price for life insurance that just saved yours. Less, if you got a good deal on the ammo. Legally, it's advisable to use factory-loaded ammunition for self-defense shootings as a prosecutor then can't paint you as somebody who makes a hobby out of fixin' to kill people. Though I believe this angle of prosecutorial attack is less popular than it once was; expert witnesses have done a pretty good job of educating juries that there really is no nice bullet -- they all smart.

How about a printing press? That typeface ought to be pretty uncomfy... does italic or German Fraktur hurt worse?

WabUfvot5 02-14-2007 01:58 AM

Aye, a gun may have been a handy thing in this case. Don't think it would have done any good unless she answered with the gun on her however.

Urbane Guerrilla 02-14-2007 02:05 AM

That's the particularly sure way, but breaking out of the attacker's grip has also worked, and often. To some degree, this is luck. But it's better luck than you'd have with no killing tool in the house.

rkzenrage 02-14-2007 04:10 PM

Use hollow-points, hollow-points do not "go through", it shows you do not want it to go through a wall and kill your neighbor. Always aim for center body mass. A gun is made to kill, trying to show you are not using it to makes no sense.
Don't answer the door unless you know who it is.
If they say it is the police, call the cops and ask if there is a cop at the door.
One should not worry about being rude.
Get an peep-hole made to one's height.
Answer the door with your gun on you if you do not know who is at the door, why not?

Madman 02-14-2007 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode (Post 315098)
You forgot my favorite punishment for sex crimes...having his testicles dangled inside an open car doorframe, and allowing the victim to kick the door shut.

I like that one! Don't mind if I plagiarize your idea do you?

This reminded me of an article I had read years ago in The American Rifleman magazine. It was in the section "The Armed Citizen." Anyway, this guy was trying to break into this old gals home. Well, he was making so much racket that he woke the gal up. Apparently she had a shotgun in her room. So she grabbed the shotgun and stepped into the hallway. The crook finally made his way into the home and the old lasy had called out that she had weapon. The crook then threatened her and the old gal fired off a shot. Well, the crook took off. She called the police, the police arrived, the police found blood. They followed the blood and found the crook unconcious in the bushes next door to the old lady.

Any of you gals own a shotgun?

Urbane Guerrilla 02-16-2007 12:31 AM

Tactically, a home defense shotgun works best from across the room. At contact range, the length of a long arm may be used as a lever to wrest the arm away, though it's a helluva dangerous game to play for the invader if the defender has her finger inside the triggerguard. Pistols are much harder to seize and grapple, or even to see, even at close quarters -- a smaller target and far less relative leverage.

Where a H.D. shotgun shines, instead, is in the "citadel defense" portion of the house, often the master bedroom. All inhabitants of the house retreat to the citadel and are stashed behind the furniture, like the bed, on the side away from the door, which is also where the shotgunner is holed up. If the invader comes through the door, they collect a chestful of goose shot from across the room. At this range it's not a pattern, but one ragged hole. Ain't many bandits stay functional after a hit like that.

coolm 02-16-2007 01:11 AM

Sometimes it's hard to comprehend the state of our world. I always believed that people were naturally good and exigent circunstances changed them.

These days it appears more and more that many are just deadened to remorse or guilt for the suffering they cause.

You might expect to see these sorts of reactions in a state of nature or some other situation where the instinct is pure survival. But we're talking about people in a supposedly advanced society with social programs and other forms of aid.

Not sure that I could ever shoot someone breaking into my home unless the kids were here that weekend. Were I alone the criminal would likely prevail.

sorry, didn't mean to veer off on a tangent. I just see these defendants daily and I constantly shake my head at the sociopathic attitudes.

DanaC 02-16-2007 08:37 AM

Hi there cool:) Welcome to the Cellar!

Don't get too disheartened at the state of the world. There have always been and there will always be, people who enjoy or feel the need to inflict pain and suffering on others. These days at least they are seen as sociopaths and not just really successful warriors:P

I mean, take the Greeks for instance. The Athenians whom we look to as the inventors of democracy, and who gave us such a flowering of philosophy and scientific investigation: when they sacked the independant city state of Melos, slaughtered all the men and boys of fighting age and sold the women into slavery. Standard procedure for the conquering power.

People inflict pain and suffering onto other people. Sometimes that means hurting 'foreigners' and sometimes that means hurting people from their own society. These days, in the developed world we consider such activities barbarous, but we have never been, nor will we ever be, able to prevent all cruelty. If you work in the field, however, you may be far more exposed to the day-to-day effects of such behavior than most people.

Trilby 02-16-2007 09:05 AM

some people inflict pain and suffering on others via a supposed (and a wholly unfounded and fictional) feeling of superiority. Most, if not all, of these folks are of a European stock; thou I've come to set my teeth against the Aussie's as well--Thanks, Ali!

This sentiment applies to literally SHITloads of you Cellarites who love to love yourselves.

lumberjim 02-16-2007 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 316297)
some people inflict pain and suffering on others via a supposed (and a wholly unfounded and fictional) feeling of superiority. Most, if not all, of these folks are of a European stock; thou I've come to set my teeth against the Aussie's as well--Thanks, Ali!

This sentiment applies to literally SHITloads of you Cellarites who love to love yourselves.

If you suffer, then it's not their feeling of superiority, but your feeling of inferiority that is causing it. fuck em.

Shawnee123 02-16-2007 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 316294)
Don't get too disheartened at the state of the world. There have always been and there will always be, people who enjoy or feel the need to inflict pain and suffering on others. These days at least they are seen as sociopaths and not just really successful warriors:P

As of late, I wonder why all the cruelty and apathy. I'm an idealistic person, I admit, but it just seems like the world hurts so much all the time. If I feel so much of other's pain, how is it possible that there are people who feel no empathy for anyone at all or worse, those who enjoy other's pain?

As we like to say here at work "it is what it is" but deep in my unrealistic heart I wish it weren't.

The good that I know exists seems overshadowed, and becoming more so each day.

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