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pensive pam 04-26-2011 06:00 PM

I have my first friend on here!!! Thank you DanaC
I am making sure this post is grammer perfect!!! I have a new friend. last week, i asked DanaC to be my friend on here. and perhaps add me to her list. all week i was nervous wreck because there was no accpetance. i just saw my profile, to see if my picture was still there. i see she has accepted my friendship!!!

I was almost ready to give up. but she gives me hope!!! good things can happen in this world. I am so happy right now...i do not want to ever die!!!

i shall post a song commerating this very big event for me!!! I can hear some of it, not all of it. but Napolean should not have surrenedered at 'Waterloo.' he should have remained positive...

I will post the song below... THANK YOU DANA, I LOVE YOU...PAM!@!

Waterloo! Waterloo! Waterloo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pensive pam 04-26-2011 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by pensive pam (Post 727559)
I am making sure this post is grammer perfect!!! I have a new friend. last week, i asked DanaC to be my friend on here. and perhaps add me to her list. all week i was nervous wreck because there was no accpetance. i just saw my profile, to see if my picture was still there. i see she has accepted my friendship!!!

I was almost ready to give up. but she gives me hope!!! good things can happen in this world. I am so happy right now...i do not want to ever die!!!

i shall post a song commerating this very big event for me!!! I can hear some of it, not all of it. but Napolean should not have surrenedered at 'Waterloo.' he should have remained positive...

I will post the song below... THANK YOU DANA, I LOVE YOU...PAM!@!

Waterloo! Waterloo! Waterloo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s., i meant to post a smiley face, not a mad face. not sure how that happened. my excitement caused a 'typo.'

jimhelm 04-26-2011 06:03 PM

and...uhm... you misspelled grammar.

yeah.... sorry.

also, I'm hoping to be your #2 friend!

pensive pam 04-26-2011 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 727562)
and...uhm... you misspelled grammar.

yeah.... sorry.

also, I'm hoping to be your #2 friend!

děkuji za zdůraznění své slabiny. to, aby se cítíte lépe? byste měli být rádi za mě ...

DanaC 04-26-2011 06:12 PM

Pam, don't take this as a criticism, but rather a suggestion:

Instead of starting a whole new thread for this. It might have been a good one to post in the 'What's making you Happy Today' thread.

Though we sometimes post fresh threads for things that are making us happy, or things that are upsetting us, most of the time we go to the existing threads for that and post there:

That thread was started in 2007 and is still going strong. many of us post there when things are going well, or something has made us happy.

Likewise, when something is upsetting us, rather than starting a new thread, much of the time we will just go and post in the 'What's Upsetting you Today' thread:

Again that thread was started years ago and is still active.

Both of those threads are very active, with Dwellars posting the ups and downs of their lives. It makes it more of a 'shared experience' that way.


pensive pam 04-26-2011 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 727565)
Pam, don't take this as a criticism, but rather a suggestion:

Instead of starting a whole new thread for this. It might have been a good one to post in the 'What's making you Happy Today' thread.

Though we sometimes post fresh threads for things that are making us happy, or things that are upsetting us, most of the time we go to the existing threads for that and post there:

That thread was started in 2007 and is still going strong. many of us post there when things are going well, or something has made us happy.

Likewise, when something is upsetting us, rather than starting a new thread, much of the time we will just go and post in the 'What's Upsetting you Today' thread:

Again that thread was started years ago and is still active.

Both of those threads are very active, with Dwellars posting the ups and downs of their lives. It makes it more of a 'shared experience' that way.


OK, i wishh to contribute to that thread. but i do not want to 'double post.' I hereby ask a moderator to move my thread to that section, if possible... Thank you. Pam.

jimhelm 04-26-2011 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by pensive pam (Post 727563)
děkuji za zdůraznění své slabiny. to, aby se cítíte lépe? byste měli být rádi za mě ...

Thank you for pointing out its weaknesses. make you feel better? You should be happy for me ...

Jsem šťastná za vás. Jsem rád, že jste nás milují. Doufala jsem, že byste zjistit, že zábavné. Možná jste mě bát. Já vám neublíží. Většina lidí tady mě milují proto, že jsem moudrý a starostlivá. Někteří nechápou mě. To jsou ty, byste se měli vyvarovat.

pensive pam 04-26-2011 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 727568)
Thank you for pointing out its weaknesses. make you feel better? You should be happy for me ...

Jsem šťastná za vás. Jsem rád, že jste nás milují. Doufala jsem, že byste zjistit, že zábavné. Možná jste mě bát. Já vám neublíží. Většina lidí tady mě milují proto, že jsem moudrý a starostlivá. Někteří nechápou mě. To jsou ty, byste se měli vyvarovat.

No, I am not afraid, you seem sincere. and kind as you said. i do not have much support here. i did add you as a friend as well...
I was so ready to just give up after myy 'meatloaf thread' disaster.
Much love,

lookout123 04-26-2011 07:21 PM

Dana, I don't judge you for being a commie, a politician, a manc... boltonite, or any of those awful things. but this? this? encouraging the troll is unacceptable. I look down my nose at you now.

DanaC 04-26-2011 07:26 PM

Well...that's cool, because she's looking down her nose at me too right now lol.

[eta] sorry, almost forgot to insult you for being a capitalist pig: Lookout, you are a capitalist pig.

lookout123 04-26-2011 07:30 PM

Who me? Nah, I'm gonna throw in the towel and join the club. I want government run eduction, medical care, and retirement. While they're at it they should just start assigning us spouses.

Ya commie tart.

pensive pam 04-26-2011 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 727604)
Well...that's cool, because she's looking down her nose at me too right now lol.

[eta] sorry, almost forgot to insult you for being a capitalist pig: Lookout, you are a capitalist pig.

please do not take me away as a friend from your list. i am holding it together right now. i am learning to control emtions better.
i will be ok.


DanaC 04-26-2011 07:32 PM

Pam, I have no intention of removing you from my list. It's cool.

footfootfoot 04-26-2011 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 727604)
Well...that's cool, because she's looking down her nose at me too right now lol.

[eta] sorry, almost forgot to insult you for being a capitalist pig: Lookout, you are a capitalist pig.


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 727607)
Who me? Nah, I'm gonna throw in the towel and join the club. I want government run eduction, medical care, and retirement. While they're at it they should just start assigning us spouses.

Ya commie tart.

OMG get a room you two. and a web cam...

lookout123 04-26-2011 07:33 PM

Helpful tip: Before hitting the Post Reply button, stop. compose yourself. compose your response. read it again. if it has the word "I" or "you", delete it. If it doesn't come back in 48 hours to reread it. Print it out and seal it in an envelope. Open the envelope 367 days later and shred it. Go about your life assuming everyone here misses your melodramatic posts. I suggest the Survival Monkey forums for your next destination. They'll luuurv you.

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