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freshnesschronic 06-07-2007 11:48 PM

QUACK! This just in!!!
Irrelevant Idea: Hong Kong prostitution out of control!!!

Simple all knowing explanation: As we know, many girls from China and Hong Kong are kidnapped, sold and forced to become prostitutes. Attempts to rescue them are few and far between. They need a solution right away! The solution? Don't breed girls in China or Hong Kong.

Hey, wait a second...didn't they already try that?

In Other News: America is crime ridden and lets too many invaders in! Oh my!

In Other News As Well
: Alas, another horrible thing is being ejaculated out of Hong Kong. You may have seen her on the Cellar about 3 months ago initially. She has proved to be a worthy irrational personality on the Cellar unwilling to submit to logical explanations about a country who she prejudges indefinitely. Most of her unintelligible ramble stems from her previously removed country of the United States. Not being able to see the picture of America as a WHOLE the right of now known as "ducky" attempted to tear America apart and try to fill in her "solutions" and ideas on an independent state she knew too little to begin with. All this happened in March during the Cho Gun thread on the Cellar, now she has reemerged at the end of May bashing America's "invaders".
Please beware. If you confuse her she will resort to "you're stupid lol" or may not even address any point you made in your arguement. If found in her natural habitat of Hong Kong, she will most likely be seen in her black bob and innocent first impression. But later on those unfortunate to make a point to her will feel the wrath of her "Phalanx" post technique which deflects any attack on herself and barrels through just and compelling ideas. This technique has killed many many good pawn ideas that just wanted to make a difference. We grieve in their ultimate peril.

There is no solution to the quarry of declared righteous beliefs and cultural intolerance she will never let go of, but mind you, she is 16. Which ultimately means...."She's a simple person who views the world a simple way. Any other stupid lol."

-Corresponding Dwellar Fresh Ness

lumberjim 06-08-2007 12:04 AM

someone delete that shit

freshnesschronic 06-08-2007 12:14 AM

Got your panties in a bunch? Maybe ur new prosthetic cock is itchy, or u got sand in your vagina? Sorry baby

lumberjim 06-08-2007 12:30 AM

you just suck.

you are the epitome of what i find distasteful on the cellar lately. you bitch like a fucking bleeding cooz. no one cares what you think or how bad your girlfriend wants to be rid of you. go fuck yourself, mary.

monster 06-08-2007 12:39 AM

one of you, not saying which......

freshnesschronic 06-08-2007 12:52 AM

thanks, glad to know a guy who gained 75 pounds while eating doritos stacked on his comp tower thinks i summarize the evils of the cellar. oooooooo evil. Tell me, at 35 or whatever do you have a full time job? You know, something that is salaried, annually have you.

So sorry I miss out on the nightly worshipping of LJ and his infallible attitude and opinions. Did community college harbor you all your insults?
Nice photoshop pic of you in a canoe. Why didn't you take off the weight though?

Everyone just sucks on the Cellar to you huh? Everyone is just a "simpering cunt" or full of bullshit or whatever have you. Maybe you're just easily annoyed. Or maybe you just aren't worthy of a social atmosphere, better yet locked away in the dreary moist air of the carpet stained basement.

Anyway, this post was about ducky, you just had to get some attention didja? What a mindless attention whore you are man, always picking fights.

When I first arrived here I was annoyed at how arrogant the adults were. YOU, good sir "epitomize" the legions of overweight, chuckling, solo drinking cocky sunuvabitch LOSERS that inhabit web space.

Go throw another girlfriend joke at me. It burns so bad.

duck_duck 06-08-2007 01:32 AM

And this is supposed to humble me in the wake of rampant crime in america?
Keep trying dopey.

freshnesschronic 06-08-2007 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by duck_duck (Post 352114)
And this is supposed to humble me in the wake of rampant crime in america?
Keep trying dopey.

Yes, your majesty.

Aliantha 06-08-2007 01:39 AM

Hey kids, you know the insult thread is about two over from here right? lol

freshnesschronic 06-08-2007 01:45 AM

I'm a lover, not a figher. (yeah Michael Jackson quote!)

But I also defend, and try my hardest not to go on the offensive. It's only at times where I am degraded constantly (LJ) or something I stand for is degraded (ducky) is where I start to put on my boots. Those two are the only two dwellars who seem to have a problem with me, someone correct me if I am wrong.

Aliantha 06-08-2007 01:48 AM

Well it was rather inflamatory starting a thread such as this. What's the point?

freshnesschronic 06-08-2007 01:50 AM


But it's worth it. Ducky I feel has a BIG role in the prarie fires that are escalating in the cellar right now, actually everyone feels this way.

And assuming LJ's is a reincarnated Jesus Christo I am also a part of it.

Aliantha 06-08-2007 01:53 AM

I don't feel that way. Maybe i'm not part of everyone?

lj is just the way he is. If you don't like him ever, then put him on ignore.

It's pretty simple fresh. Really it is.

freshnesschronic 06-08-2007 02:00 AM

What is ducky contributing to the cellar by constantly reminding us of what a landfill the United States is?

Is that gonna shine a rainbow over the Cellar's skys?

duck_duck 06-08-2007 02:03 AM

Fresh is king of ad hominem. lol

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