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lumberjim 03-17-2004 06:57 PM

What do you like best about the cellar?
I am always fascinated by the way people interact. I tend to be most attracted to threads that have to do with personal affairs, crisis', and advice seeking. i also enjoy th extra curricular events. I'll have a hard time voting on this one.

smoothmoniker 03-17-2004 07:13 PM

this joint seems to have an absurdly high ratio of intelligent, thoughtful individuals to 13 year old wankers.

Long live the Glorious Revolution. Let Reason Triumph.


Elspode 03-17-2004 10:32 PM

Where is the obligatory joke answer?

Look, LJ...if you're gonna get all serious and shit on us, we're gonna have to tell your wife, and make her get you some counseling. Really.

lumberjim 03-17-2004 10:41 PM

it was "other"..........I didn't want to limit you. :rolleyes:

Slartibartfast 03-18-2004 08:51 AM

Shouldn't one of the choices be whale penis?

*gollum* *gollum*

novice 03-18-2004 09:07 AM

In case you're involved in some weird bet i'm calling you on "golluming a lot lately aren't we?"

SteveDallas 03-18-2004 09:55 AM

Oh jeez... are we going to have to have a special private forum to document Cellar bets????

Pi 03-18-2004 11:11 AM

I first looked at it because of the IotD and that's why I come back every day...

Elspode 03-18-2004 11:54 AM


Originally posted by SteveDallas
Oh jeez... are we going to have to have a special private forum to document Cellar bets????
For the love of God, don't give Lumberjim any ideas.

Trillian-zz9 03-18-2004 12:37 PM

I like to hearing about events and what people think about them.

Originally posted by smoothmoniker
this joint seems to have an absurdly high ratio of intelligent, thoughtful individuals to 13 year old wankers.
I resent that! :mad:

elSicomoro 03-18-2004 12:45 PM


Originally posted by Trillian-zz9
I resent that!
Why? Because you ARE a 13 year old wanker?

hot_pastrami 03-18-2004 07:38 PM

For a GREAT many visitors, the answer would be "Other: Image of the Day." I don't know what the numbers are, but I understand that a lot of people come just for that. Of course they're mostly lurkers, and they mostly don't wander from the IotD section... so they'd never even see this thread.

For myself, it's a combination of things... for one, you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting somebody smart. That's important. For another, you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting on of Jimbo's threads. That's also very important, because... I don't know how to finish this sentence.

There are two things which satisfy my intellectual lust... intelligence, and humor. But since I can't find either, I come here. Har har! :D

Griff 03-18-2004 07:51 PM

I like the steamed clams.

blue 03-19-2004 07:00 AM

Thats easy, it's the people. The bb software isn't anything too special, and it isn't a niche board (whale penis's aside).

The cellar has an excellent core group (even the ones I called assholes) and perhaps as important it's the right size...too much bigger or smaller and it wouldn't be the same.

The only thing I don't like is the lack of avatars (small ones), it's nice to see a picture of who's talking (if they choose), and you can quickly identify the poster, plus it would add a bit of color to a really bland blue/white/black page. Minor nitpick, but it's the only thing I would do to 'improve' the place.

That and if only we could somehow draw LJ out of his shell, get him to post a little more often. Oh...and the whole lack of amateur porn thing.

Cam 03-19-2004 10:05 AM

I like the size of this place. It's big enough that conversations occur daily, but small enough that you get to know most of the regulars. Also the fact that such a wide variety of topics get covered makes it much more interesting, especially considering the intelligence level here.

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