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Radar 11-14-2005 12:44 AM

I'm running for Congress
I will be putting my name on the ballot this year and running against Maxine Waters. I don't stand a chance in hell because she's got unions, and tons of black people on her side (I live in a mainly black area), and she's got lots of dirty money on her side and people like Al Sharpton. I won't be spending much money. I'll try to get some donations, and put signs up around town, maybe doing a website, an occasional interview, and filling out questionaire's. I only have to gather the signatures of 80 libertarians to avoid filing fees, which shouldn't be too tough.

I just hope I can find a good deal on signs, business cards, etc.

Wish me luck. It would be cool if I were the only guy running against her, and some scandal broke out which allowed me to win. Can you imagine having me in congress? :D

marichiko 11-14-2005 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by Radar

Wish me luck. It would be cool if I were the only guy running against her, and some scandal broke out which allowed me to win. Can you imagine having me in congress? :D

Radar, at one point I would have been horrified by the thought of you in Congress. However, the nation has sunk to such depths, that I now feel that you would actually be a genuine improvement over 99% of the people currently in office. At least you are against the insane war in Iraq.

If you promise not to appoint any child abusers as ambassador to Italy or anywhere else, you have my vote (not that it will do you much good since I don't live in your district). :rolleyes:

Undertoad 11-14-2005 03:16 AM


It would be cool if I were the only guy running against her, and some scandal broke out which allowed me to win. Can you imagine having me in congress?
This is a standard fantasy, not really true. If a scandal broke out she would still get more votes than you. If she was arrested and charged with murder she would still get more votes than you. Nevertheless, "some weird fluke" has been the political strategy for almost every L campaign ever run. Have fun making work for the election departments and boosting your ego.

DanaC 11-14-2005 06:19 AM

Have fun Radar.

Radar 11-14-2005 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad
This is a standard fantasy, not really true. If a scandal broke out she would still get more votes than you. If she was arrested and charged with murder she would still get more votes than you. Nevertheless, "some weird fluke" has been the political strategy for almost every L campaign ever run. Have fun making work for the election departments and boosting your ego.

I've already said my chances are virtually nil. Sheese! Besides, I doubt I'll have as much fun running for office as you have being a negative, bitter, asswipe.

If I had 50 million dollars to throw at this race I probably couldn't win based solely on the color of my skin. What matters is that we have libertarians being represented on the ballot. This isn't an ego thing, it's a freedom thing and you'd understand that if you had a clue about libertarianism or freedom.

Thanks for hijacking my thread.

Either way, I'll do the best I can with the limited resources I have. Hopefully I'll get some decent earned media coverage. I'll try to bring up the fact that she's voted to raise taxes every chance she's had. I won't focus too much on her racism though I might make mention of her connection to special interest groups and opportunistic friends like Al Sharpton.

mrnoodle 11-14-2005 09:54 AM

Maxine Waters is an idiot. Give 'er hell.

wolf 11-14-2005 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Radar
Thanks for hijacking my thread.

He didn't.

His post was on topic, and the result of his considerable years of experience of running not just campaigns, but Libertarian Party campaigns.

Your not liking what he had to say is not hijacking. It isn't even thread drift.

I wish you luck, and hope that you at least learn something from the experience.

You might well want to consider toning down some of the obviously racist rhetoric, though.

By the way, what does the wife think of all this? And how does she help or hinder your political aspirations?

Cyclefrance 11-14-2005 11:18 AM

In the event of possible hijack (whether valid, unintentional or incorrectly perceived), good politics would be to quietly and subtly steer (I'm still not comfortable with split infinitives, but I will persist) the thread back under your control. Blatant and unsubtle accusation doesn't have too high a success rate for achieving this (that approach also manages the same level of success in terms of winning over potential supporters).

The race card seems to have been played a little prematurely too, I feel. Have you been watching too much Ali G by any chance? On the limited information I have about you and your methods, there seem to be strong similarities in approach.

Hope I'm wrong - good luck in any event, but I think you may yet have some way to go to place your opponent in 'worried' mode...

Radar 11-14-2005 12:40 PM

My wife is not political minded at all. She considers my libertarian activities to be an annoyance and thinks I shouldn't do them if I'm not getting paid to do them. She doesn't understand why I'm into politics. But she's from a communist country so it's hard for her to understand my dissatisfaction with our government. To her it's a dream come true.

wolf 11-14-2005 01:20 PM

Her perspective as an univolved observer of our process might be very helpful to you.

I'm serious on this one.

We often don't know and don't appreciate what we've got.

dar512 11-14-2005 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Radar
I've already said my chances are virtually nil. Sheese! Besides, I doubt I'll have as much fun running for office as you have being a negative, bitter, asswipe.

Radar, politics requires a reasonable amount of flexibility. You can't even be flexible in social situations like "where to go for dinner".

And another one: politicians are personable - or at least they can simulate it.

jinx 11-14-2005 03:30 PM

Go Radar!

glatt 11-14-2005 04:28 PM

Good luck Radar. I wish you well. You seem to have a healthy dose of reality on how well you will do.

If your presence in this campaign shines the spotlight on important issues that are being ignored, then it's all worth it. I'd steer clear of issues that just muddy the waters, like allegations of racism and ties to special interest groups. Explain to the votors why your ideas on the issues are better. Anyone can smear an opponent. If you want to make Libertarians look good, then you need to explain why they are better.

mrnoodle 11-14-2005 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
We often don't know and don't appreciate what we've got.

Our freedom to loudly and aggressively disagree with our system of government is widely taken for granted -- many, many places don't have it so good. That's why I tend to sneer when the "capitalists are the root of all evil" BS starts flying in some centrally heated, broadband-enabled coffeehouse. The people living in communist countries beg to differ, and would like to sip some of your chai tea, if you'd be so kind as to hold their place in the toilet paper line.

xoxoxoBruce 11-14-2005 06:41 PM

Candidates have died and still won.
Have fun Radar, hope it isn't too stressful without support on the homefront.
Maybe we could get Urban Godzilla to run against you, then you'd have something to sink your teeth into. ;)

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