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Nunya 12-25-2005 12:04 AM

Do something evil...
Ok, I'm a newcomer here, but I don't see a "Do something evil to the poster above you" thread. I've always enjoyed those.

So here's the deal: I'm going to drop an evil deed on the lot of you, that's right, everyone in this forum. The next person to post has to do an evil deed to me, and then the next person after that has to do something evil to the previous on and so forth...

Ok, here it is:

Nunya hacks into to Santa's naughty/nice list on his computer and replaces "nice" with "naughty" for the entire forum. Everyone on this forum receives coal for Christmas.


zippyt 12-25-2005 12:11 AM

I sneak into santas raindeer shed and brib them ALL to shit on your car !!!

Come on LJ this is YOUR kind of thread !!!!!

Nunya 12-25-2005 12:19 AM

That's the spirit Zippyt! HA! Joke's on you! I don't have a car :lol: !

Ok--Nunya scoops up all the reindeer poop and lights it on fire on Zippyt's porch

zippyt 12-25-2005 12:27 AM

I fire the flameing shit RIGHT back at ya with my trebuche !!!

AND I bribe the milk man to spike your egg nog with Exlax !!!

wolf 12-25-2005 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Nunya
Ok, I'm a newcomer here, but I don't see a "Do something evil to the poster above you" thread. I've always enjoyed those.

That would be because we're not that kind of forum.

Oh, and I place a bag of flaming reindeer shit on Nunya's porch, ring the doorbell and run away.

Nunya 12-25-2005 12:34 AM

Nunya flies to Wolf's place and points her finger two inches from Wolf's face and says, "Can't get mad! Not touching! Can't get mad! Not touching!..."

(What kind of forum is it then? Too mature for a bit a harmless fun? :D )

Tonchi 12-25-2005 12:44 AM

Don't you have anything better to do on Christmas Eve? :lame:

zippyt 12-25-2005 12:48 AM

Nunya flies to Wolf's place and points her finger two inches from Wolf's face and says, "Can't get mad! Not touching! Can't get mad! Not touching!..."

Ugh ,,,,, I wouldn't suggest doing that !!!!!!!!

And if'n you do , what color body bag would you like ????

Nunya 12-25-2005 12:57 AM

Don't YOU have anything better to do on Christmas Eve besides trying to make a genuinely nice and funny person feel unwelcome? I get's one of THOSE forums, where the people who have been on it for years and have over 10,000 posts try to stifle what any newcomers do. If you had taken it as it was meant, a bit of harmless fun, then you wouldn't be attacking me.

AS you can see, my "evil deed" was a not intended to be EVIL at all.

I'm sorry that I so deeply offended you by putting you on Santa's "naughty" list.

This forum: LAME!!

I won't disrupt your little clique anymore.

BTW: Here's your tag line: The Cellar: A friendly little coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop

You certainly are out to redefine the term "friendly" aren't you.

Trilby 12-25-2005 08:10 AM

Aw, come back, Nunya. It's not like that at all. For whatever reason Tonchi was being a green meanie. Maybe his heart is two times too small, or maybe his undies are too tight. Maybe he ISN'T GETTING ANY PRESENTS FROM SANTA COZ HE'S BEEN NAUGHTY! Fuggetaboutit! This is a fun, nice Forum. Come on!

Tonchi 12-25-2005 11:21 PM

Bri, the kid agreed to give us the best gift of all and disappear forever. Those parting slobbers more than define the mentality he/she/it intended to bring to this forum. If you want that here, especially after your posts about how you are surrounded with such pathetic and rude juveniles in your classes, then you must be really full of the Christmas spirit today. Anything more I could say will soon have be said by more worthy judges and trenchant wits than I if you succeed in luring him back ;)

Nunya 12-26-2005 12:05 AM


I am 33 have a Master's degree and localize websites, software and translate other documents from German into English for a living. I think your reaction says much more about your mentality than mine. I belong to another forum of bright, funny people, and we have had a blast with the "do something evil thread" because we are all very witty and don't have to resort to bashing people.

It can be a good place to quickly assess the sense of humor of those in a forum.

marichiko 12-26-2005 12:15 AM

Well, I'm staying out of spats between my friends. Welcome, Nunya. We have been having problems with trolls here, lately, or more exactly, they've been having problems with us. People have gotten a bit snippy toward newcomers, as a result. Anyhow, tomorrow, I'm coming over and exchanging all your Christmas gifts for pairs of lederhosen.

Tonchi 12-26-2005 12:19 AM

Methinks you are a liar too. Your mentality is strictly AOL chatrooms and people with Masters Degrees do not throw tantrums and say "so are you, I'm leaving forever!!!" So go ahead and play, little boy, you self-described "genuinely nice and funny person" (oh my) there are some very big dogs here. VERY big dogs and one wise old wolf too. I know enough to stay out of their way, somehow I think you won't.

Nunya 12-26-2005 12:30 AM

No, Tonchi, I'm not lying. I DO have a Master's degree and lived in Germany for 2 years. I also hold 2 undergrad degrees: one in art history and the other in German language and culture. I'm not a troll. You misunderstood my intentions.

Also, having a Master's degree does not preclude one from having feelings.

As you can see my "evil deed" was an attempt to have a little fun with you guys. I was not trying to start one of those insipid threads where people start hurling insults at each other and calling them idiots.

A better alternative would have been to respond with something like: Because Santa has nowhere to drop off the presents for the upwards of 2,000 people who had formerly been on his "nice" list, he is forced to leave them on Nunya's roof. Nunya's roof caves under the weight.

It was in fact a member of your own forum that turned this into a juvenile bash fest.

Speaking of juvenile, have a gander at some of the threads under your images sections.

Hope you had a nice Christmas. I spent it with friends and watched March of the Penguins.

By the way, I'm a woman. I don't much care if there are "big dogs" here or not. Who are you trying to impress?

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