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footfootfoot 01-29-2005 10:53 PM

28 more days
I had a thought today, did ya'll smell the smoke?

Actually, I thought it might be cool to send anyone in cellar land a pinhole camera and have you set it up facing your view of the sun for 28 days.

Send it back to me and I'll process the print, scan and post a little gallery of 28 day pictures. I'll send you back your original for you to frame.

If you think this would be cool, let me know. I'll hook you up with a "camera" and paper and instructions. outside the u.s. is no problem, but I might send you a smaller version.

Dagney 01-29-2005 11:51 PM

I'd be willing to do it, however I have 'odd' windows in my abode, and am not sure i'd get the view you're looking for.


wolf 01-30-2005 07:01 AM

I would love to, but I also don't have a direct sightline.

jaguar 01-30-2005 08:10 AM

I'd love to but I live in London, we know there is a sun but we can't remember what it looks like or when it is.

Beletseri 01-30-2005 09:46 AM

I want one!! I have a south facing window and I can put it there. Can I put it in a clear baggie? If so, I can stick it inside the case where my orchids live and we can see what they see everyday.

limey 01-30-2005 04:51 PM

I'll do it. I have a south facing window. gimme!

footfootfoot 01-30-2005 07:57 PM

Aaaaaa! You're all talking at once! let's see,

Dagney. Well first I'm not looking for anything in particular. I am going to set one up in a place that gets about two hours of direct light a day. You could put one at work or on the dashboard of your car, esp if you park in the same spot all the time.

The idea is that exposures take a very long time to record unless the subject has the intensity of the sun. The image you saw was heavily tweaked in photoshop to improve contrast. Truth is, the camera could have stayed where it was for a couple of months to get the non sun subjects properly exposed. Except the sun would have been blotted out. Over exposed.

So that is why you could put one in your car on the dash board. most of your driving around would not really add any notable exposure. but if you park in the same spot (sunny) every day for several hours, that will add up.

Wolf, same thing for you. You could put one anywhere you like, if you go the non sun route, just leave it for 2 or 3 months. Unless you are pointing it at one of those buildings that is all mirrored glass, then go 28 days.

Jaguar (jag you are? or jag wahr?), Actually, when the sun is not an everyday occurance you get better division between the arcs. Still, you'd probably need at least one sunny day to make it work.


You probably won't need a plastic baggie, the paint can is waterproof except for the hole. I've left them outdoors for months and they only develop a bit of surface rust. Just don't mist directly into the hole. Or do. It might be COOL! BTW, the orchid show at the NY botanical gardens is coming up soon ( AMAZING.

Awesome! If I send you a couple can you get one in the vicinity of some standing stones? I'm a wanna-be tourist.

Whoever wants one pm me where you'd like it sent. Give me a few days to get them together and write up instructions.


richlevy 01-31-2005 02:48 PM

In that case I would like to try one. The back of my house faces pretty southward, so much so that my outdoor thermometer gives false readings due to exposure. If I could put one outside I could get good exposure. I just don't get a direct view of the sun above the treeline and houses overlooking me.

lookout123 01-31-2005 03:41 PM

hey i'd sure like to try one. lord knows we have plenty of sunlight in phoenix. tell me how much $$ for shipping etc. and let's see what happens.

elf 01-31-2005 03:46 PM

ohhh, I want to stash one at the park, but I would feel really bad if someone made off with it. Are the materials really inexpensive?

Elspode 01-31-2005 04:33 PM

I don't want to be contrary, as you obviously have some skills in this area, but wouldn't it be difficult to park in precisely the same place over a 28 day period? Even a few inches off would pretty much render the accumulated images a blur.

footfootfoot 01-31-2005 05:30 PM

Whoever wants a camera, they are ready to ship. PM me your address. Don't worry abuot shipping $, it'll probably be only a few bucks, you can pay shipping on the way back. You have to send them back, but I'll return your original photo. I number them and keep track of the numbers.

Elf, the materials are about 1.50 for th paint can and about .68 for the paper. Hide it really well, maybe you could put it under a weapon of mass destruction, then no one would be able to find it!

Elspode, who would have thought you were such a fun sponge? :D That would be true with film or conventional paper, but with these materials since it takes so long for an exposure to record (weeks) most of the background probably just wouldn't show up. It might be kind of cool though to see the sun arcs starting and ending at different points, skipping whole days, etc.

So if you want em, they're ready! pm me is better than email.

elf 01-31-2005 05:43 PM

Woo! Count me in! (I sent you my mailing addy) :thumbsup:

jaguar 01-31-2005 07:12 PM

foot^3: in summer here it might be perfect.

lookout123 01-31-2005 08:24 PM

Jaguar - i don't have a calendar handy, what day will that be?

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