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jinx 12-23-2003 11:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My mom took me and sis to see Jaws when it came out in the theater.... I think I was 4 at the time, and it scarred me for life. Even swimming in lakes, or pools at night, I have a fear of sharks in the back of my mind that makes it less than enjoyable.
This is just an email forwarded pic, but it makes my blood run cold. What are you a'scared of?

lumberjim 12-23-2003 12:00 PM

Re: fear

Originally posted by jinx
What are you a'scared of?
your mother

remind me to kick her in the nuts when i see her. no wonder you freak out when I want to swim in the ocean

jinx 12-23-2003 12:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)

wolf 12-23-2003 12:42 PM

It's a goddamned dolphin!!!!


(We've been through this before, see ...)

OnyxCougar 12-23-2003 12:50 PM

Yes, actually there have been 2 or 3 threads on this pic already....

wolf 12-23-2003 01:00 PM

Here are a couple of them ...

The Original Thread

The Repeat, by someone who hadn't read the first thread ...

The Poll

jinx 12-23-2003 01:03 PM

Oh, hey, sorry.... lemme go back and read every old thread on here then, so I never again make the same faux pas. :rolleyes:

perth 12-23-2003 01:09 PM

Don't take it personally jinx. Reposts happen all the time. Wolf was, in her own charming and inimitable way, pointing this one out. :)

But, yeah, get cracking on those threads. Theres a lot to read and there will be a test. :D

lumberjim 12-23-2003 01:26 PM


Originally posted by perth
charming and inimitable way

hmmmm. not too cool. this was a source of displeasure for you, wolf? or are you just edgy?

jinx 12-23-2003 01:27 PM

Yeah... the picture itself wasn't really the point of the thread, it just represents my 'fear'. That's what all those words were about in the original post.... and the name of the thread... Sorry I wasn't clear enough.
Perth, I actually have at least skimmed thru quite a few old threads - I even read the history, lol! I've been bored with sick kids at home...

wolf 12-23-2003 01:28 PM

Indeed, I did not mean it personally.

My response was primarily a joke for the folks who have been through the shark/dolphin wars.

If I had intended my remarks to be personal, they would have involved direct reference to your being an "asshat" or "fuckwit."

They did not.

You are new(ish) here, and have more leeway provided than perhaps others might. You are a nice lady and offer a refreshing point of view around here.

I also offer my condolences for your having accepted LumberJim's offering of genetic material and providing him offspring.

P.S. It's a joke. My humor tends to go from dry to arid at times. Please do not initiate a flamewar over commentary I thought was funny. I sometimes have difficulty comprehending 'normal' social interaction. Come to think of it, most of us do here ...

perth 12-23-2003 01:40 PM


Originally posted by perth
charming and inimitable way
LJ, I actually meant "charming and inimitable", for Wolf is both. :) Maybe its due to a similar sense of humour, but I've never misunderstood her intent when on more than one occasion, others did.

Perth, I actually have at least skimmed thru quite a few old threads - I even read the history, lol!
I've done that a couple times, too. It is an interesting read. Think I'll read it again. Its slow here at work today, and I'm just about out of internet to read.

lumberjim 12-23-2003 01:41 PM

wolf, you dirty rat.

i'll have you know that i outscored jinx on the emode iq test by 2 whole points, i'm tall , well spoken, healthy as an ox, and can see out of both eyes. ( man, i wish dave was here for that one) You should be so lucky. (not that jinx was lucky in roping me, as she has as many or more redeeming qualities.)

but beyond the jibes and insults that could errupt from this point, let's focus instead on what scares you. namely, gun control.

lumberjim 12-23-2003 01:44 PM

Re: fear

Originally posted by jinx
What are you a'scared of?
being burried alive

having my eyes gouged out with a dirty spoon

wolf 12-23-2003 01:48 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
but beyond the jibes and insults that could errupt from this point, let's focus instead on what scares you. namely, gun control.
Gun control does indeed scare the shit out of me, but with good reason ... many of which are enumerated in The Seven Myths of Gun Control and More Guns, Less Crime.

But ... as far as what really scares me?

Fire and falling from high places. Falling from a high place while on fire would be extremely nasty.

(note, I'm not afraid of high places. I actually rather enjoy them. It took a long while to realize that it was the falling part, and not the heights part that I fear. I get woozy on stepstools while changing lightbulbs, and also have a life long dislike of escalators.)

(2 points on the emode test is probably within the margin of error. You two are quite nicely matched.)

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