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tw 11-15-2018 08:41 AM

Great harm to the British economy was apparent when Elaine May went to India to promote new business connections. She returned empty handed. Because only the brainwashed in Britain think their economy will get better by finding trading partners elsewhere.

EU is properly putting the screws to dumb Brits who voted for Brexit. Friends inside so many companies currently based in Britain have plans or will be moving out of Britain once Brexit happens. Even Japanese car factories may have to close because the brainwashed were so easily manipulate by the emotional (liars).

Good for the EU. Screw the British people for voting for extremist rhetoric. The framework in a 500 page draft is apparently so ridiculous (unworkable) that neither side in Parliament can find anything good in it. We know massive job losses, especially in London and the Midlands will occur because of Brexit. The laughter at Elaine May's obvious stupid comments about an 'organized process' makes it obvious that she should be removed as Prime Minister. Since Brexit also created a weak and ineffective Prime Minister.

Brexit means a further decline of what once made Britain so strong.

Brits still have a few months to backtrack on this stupidity called Brexit. But they won't. For the same reason so many in America still respect The Don. Brainwashing, once implemented, means those cannot learn and correct their mistake.

It is good that Brits will suffer economically. They voted for it and deserve it. As with everything economic, things that affect economics become apparent only many years later. (America is still in an Obama economy.)

May's trip to India should have made obvious the stupidity of Brexit. Now and years later, the British people must and will be punished for their obstinate stupidity.

henry quirk 11-15-2018 09:42 AM

"extremist rhetoric"
What a good lil propagandist you are.

Sensible folks 'get' and 'like' the idea of individual, regional, national sovereignty.

You 'get it' too, I reckon, but you don't 'like it', and that's why you're opposed: *communitarianism can't flourish if 'borders' exist. And a flourishing communitarianism is what you want.

Marx loves you, tw.

*to avoid page-generating misunderstanding: 'communitarianism' is an umbrella placeholder I apply to all anti-individual, anti-human philosophies. Communism, socialism, even Capitalism all fall under that umbrella, as well as any number of other **cog-generatin' ideas, systems, etc. My use of 'communitarianism' in this way falls outside the conventional defintion, hence this footnote.

**what you are if you embrace communitarianism(s) cuz, sure as hell, you ain't a self-owned, self-directing, person (an ***agent).

***as in 'agent causation', a distinct kind of 'libertarian' ****free will I believe in.

****to be clear: I don't 'have' free will; I 'am' a free will (just like the rest of you ['cept for tw, of course, cuz he's just a cog]).

xoxoxoBruce 11-15-2018 11:18 AM

Europe is pretty small from our perspective, none of the countries has all the resources to maintain a successful microcosm at today's standard. That's why they have all interacted since forever to trade their strengths, so everyone gets their needs met. Joining together to make trade easier helped them all, although it has brought some onerous annoying regulations like lower beer standards to Germany.

The UK cutting off their nose to spite their face, makes no sense. One of the UK's big strengths was coal, but coal is fading fast. Another is banking but that will fade too, being an outsider looking in.

Making the UK great again is bullshit there too, just like it is here.

henry quirk 11-15-2018 03:08 PM

"Europe is pretty small from our perspective, none of the countries has all the resources to maintain a successful microcosm at today's standard. That's why they have all interacted since forever to trade their strengths, so everyone gets their needs met. Joining together to make trade easier helped them all, although it has brought some onerous annoying regulations like lower beer standards to Germany."

Yeah, but there's a difference between 'alliance' (of sovereigns) and 'union' (which is the dissolution of sovereignty).

I've yet to see a convincing argument for the an encompassing European Union when most of the benefits of such a thing coulda been had through narrow economic alliances, alliances which coulda preserved natiional autonomies.


"The UK cutting off their nose to spite their face, makes no sense. One of the UK's big strengths was coal, but coal is fading fast. Another is banking but that will fade too, being an outsider looking in."

Mebbe so, but a significant number of Brits thought, mebbe still think, the benefits of blurring into 'union were/are outweighed by the cost to national autonomy.

Meh...I don't get a say, and neither do you...them folks are gonne do, or allow to be done to them, 'whatever'.

tw 12-06-2018 09:20 AM

Many clearing houses must start executing for Brexit three months before the March exit. This made worse because so many Brexit supporting Brits cannot even accept the massive penalties and job losses they deserve for voting for Brexit. So companies have even more incentive to get out of Britain.

Some 30 institutions are planning a move to Frankfurt; moving almost $1 trillion in assets. HSBC will move to Paris. Bank of America and Barclays will move to Dublin. Many insurers and asset managers are moving to Luxembourg including (I have heard) Citibank. Amsterdam may get the London Stock Exchange Group and CBOE Global Markets.

These are only the many who must make the move before Brexit. A large number of other institutions must slowly move out over the next ten years.

From The Economist:

The problem ... they are so preoccupied by crisis management - getting the deal over the line if you are Ms May, engineering a general election if you are Mr Corbyn, or salvaging "true Brexit" if you are a Brexiteer - that they haven'y got any time to think about what actually caused the crisis. The greatest tragedy of Brexit is that it is consuming the solution to the problems that cause the volt to leave in the first place.

glatt 12-06-2018 11:22 AM

Even though we are about three months out from Brexit, my firm is now advising clients who want trademark protection in the UK to file joint trademark applications in the EU and the UK.

The current EU trademarks will be grandfathered in to the UK once it leaves the EU, but future trademarks must be filed in both locations if a company wants protection in both places. And since the process of having a trademark approved in the EU takes about 3 months, we're now at the time when a new trademark filed today will issue in the EU after Brexit, so that company would have no protection in the UK from an EU trademark. They would have to file all over again in the UK and wait for that process to be completed, delaying protection there by months or more.

I'm not sure how this will impact my firm. We have a London office that handles EU trademarks for us, and I suppose they will still offer that service as well as the less desirable UK trademark service, but will clients think to come to a law firm in London to file EU marks after London leaves the EU? We may see a decline in overall business. We also have an office in Brussels that could handle the EU trademark work, but all of our knowledgeable EU staff is in London.

Interesting times.

be-bop 12-08-2018 05:41 PM

TW some of your quotes...
“only the brainwashed in Britain think their economy will get better by finding trading partners elsewhere.

EU is properly putting the screws to dumb Brits who voted for Brexit.

Good for the EU. Screw the British people for voting for extremist rhetoric.

It is good that Brits will suffer economically. They voted for it and deserve it”.

Are a bit over the top, I voted to leave, and I can assure you I have never been brainwashed in my life, I voted leave because the EU is becoming the united states of Europe by the back door and it's not what was signed up for.
I just wish the UK government grew a pair and told the EU to fuck off

when that deal was put on the table, I would have told them that they could sing for the 39 billion pay off plus I would have pulled the plug on all future developments that were previously agreed.

When Brussels realised they would have to find this money they would have changed their tune somewhat I think

tw 12-09-2018 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by be-bop (Post 1020428)
Are a bit over the top, I voted to leave, and I can assure you I have never been brainwashed in my life,

A majority who smoked cigarettes to increase their health also denied they were brainwashed. Not one logical fact justifies your vote. That reasoning is classic and silly emotion.

A perfect example of brainwashing is demonstrated. Your economy will suffer. One must be a fool to not see the obvious. Even Donald Trump sees it (amazing).

The brainwashed routinely deny their brainwashing. Only way to deny that brainwashing is to provide hard facts. Some silly emotion about becoming the United States of Europe is only silly emotion; clearly not a fact.

Does being part of the EU mean increased costs. No. Exactly the reverse. But soundbytes always work on the most easily brainwashed.

Repeatedly listed are the many corporations and industries that must leave Britain or substantially reduce employment due to economic punishment such as tariffs. Even using different currencies further destroys jobs.

Brexit has no advantages. May even went to India to futilely promote new trade. As if that would make up for lost trade due to Brexit. She wasted her time for obvious reasons. She came back with nothing.

Brits are so screwed up as to not even admit that leaving the EU results in massive increased costs. EU has no reason to play nice. Britain deserves it because so many voters believed hype and soundbytes (lies) promoted by Boris Johnson and David Davis. They only wanted to wreck things; to achieve self serving political power. They had no plan beyond that Brexit vote. They were and remain incapable of thinking strategically.

As the Washington Post and large numbers of educated people note:

In fact, it has long been clear that the government of Theresa May must choose between losing privileged access to continental markets — on which both large manufacturing industries and the crucial London financial sector depend — and accepting continued E.U. regulation in some form.

After prolonged and damaging procrastination, caused by deep divisions in her Conservative Party, Ms. May finally bowed to reality last week. She presented her cabinet with a plan for a “soft” Brexit that would, among other things, accept E.U. rules for manufacturing and agriculture.
Why procrastination? You voted for emotions; with total disregard for economic realities. Johnson, et al can only procrastinate. They had no plan beyond economic destruction for personal gain. Anyone who can not see that today is denying reality.

This is already obvious. Britain will suffer economically due to Brexit. No reason (other than emotions) contradict that reality - from BeBop or anyone else. Plenty of reasons for that economic punishment are listed. Good. Maybe the less intelligent people will finally learn that soundbytes promote brainwashing.. Bebop's post also is only a soundbyte. Honesty always requires many paragraphs - that only adults who are adult can read without glazed over eyes.

Even drunk alcoholics claim they can quit drinking whenever they want. Another example of brainwashing. Brexit is only justified by emotions promoted by brainwashing. Not one honest reason has yet justified that vote. Same emotions are why no Brexit plan could be created after two years. Brexiters are getting destruction they were told to promote.

You are getting a disaster you wanted because you voted emotionally.

DanaC 12-09-2018 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1018924)
Great harm to the British economy was apparent when Elaine May went to India to promote new business connections. .

Theresa May.

Undertoad 12-09-2018 09:10 AM

You're brainwashed, it was Elaine May.

She's still with us!

Happy Monkey 12-09-2018 09:23 AM

She was brought up on the Late Show last week. One of the guests was in a play with her.

Undertoad 12-09-2018 09:26 AM

Also, tw has helped us to understand a very good point.

If you want people to vote the way you want, insult the living shit out of them.

Don't bother with their concerns. Their concerns are dumb. You're the one who is smart! There's no need for convincing and trivial things like that. The dumb people should listen to their betters who truly understand things.

The biggest problem is when they listen to people on their side, the dumb side! Then they become brainwashed and the election doesn't go the way we like! At that point it is a compleat disaster and we have to double down on insulting them. We have to get the media involved to explain to them over and over why they are dumb.

Elaine May can help but without Mike Nichols she is a shadow of her former self.

xoxoxoBruce 12-09-2018 11:10 AM

She used to be a Berliner.

sexobon 12-09-2018 11:42 AM

30 years from now, everyone will be talking about what courageous people of vision the Brexiteers were; but, the old naysayers now don't care because they won't be around anymore for anyone to say I told you so.

tw 12-09-2018 12:05 PM

Brexit is already in trouble. The bad parts have not yet started.

Brexit supporters will remain in denial even as things degrade over the next tens years.

No one has yet posted one fact that justifies Brexit. That reality is somehow insulting to Brexit supporters - who only voted their emotions.

There is some pathetic prime minister called May. Even her fist name will be forgettable. History will record her unremarkable tenure.

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