The Cellar

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lisa 05-01-2001 03:32 PM

Hey, is the cellar code open-sourced?

Undertoad 05-01-2001 03:42 PM

Not really. Well it's half-n-half. You pay for your license and you get the source.

There is different software that has a nearly identical user interface, and it's 100% open source, but it's not as well supported.

lisa 05-01-2001 03:47 PM

Well, I was just thinking it'd be fun to look over and possibly make some suggestions for it. Guess I just have
instincts for the "good old days". :)

Undertoad 05-01-2001 04:06 PM

The way they've set up this system, one can change just about everything from a set of "templates". The HTML for the site is kept in mysql databases and yanked out to display whatever is called for at any given time. It's a cute way to put it all together.

I don't particularly care for any updates that people have made to the code. At some point it requires a heavier moderation system, but that's all. See, the thing is, the web-based BBS/forum system has taken a while to evolve to this point. Each of us may have to participate in several different forums - if not now, maybe sometime in the future.

I myself have logins to about 8 different forums, and on each one I have to learn a slightly different interface. I'm at the point now where I'm thinking "oh yeah, they have slashcode and they've modified that..." Whereas when I participate in a vBulletin-based forum with few changes, I navigate around it right quick.

It would be better if we had a very standard interface for forums, and then a documented format/protocol for the data in them - so someone could either browse and participate on the home system, or search, meta-display or syndicate the content on a different system.

Hey, somebody has to think about this shit!

lisa 05-01-2001 05:45 PM

Ah! I did not realize that this was *purchased* software. I'd assumed that you (perhaps with friends) had put this together... My line of thinking has become moot.

Undertoad 05-01-2001 08:35 PM

I, along with another friend, put together the last incarnation of the Cellar, but it didn't really fly. It discouraged posting and was too "different". It wasn't as fully realized as we had hoped and there was no time in my life to revisit the code and make improvements.

jaguar 05-03-2001 02:34 AM

Interesting, i seem to remember coming accross another baord somwhere with a very similar interface, bu ti'm buggared if i know where
is there a moderation system here i cna't say i noticed....for this size its not needed which is good.

lisa 05-03-2001 07:42 AM

Yes, I have also seen at least two message systems with the same interface. I'd been thinking that Tony was selling it. :)

Undertoad 05-03-2001 09:50 AM

There is a moderation system and any message area can be handed off to any moderator. But in the Cellar history I don't remember ever deleting one post, so there's surely no need for a moderation system here.

jaguar 05-04-2001 02:52 AM

Yes, i agree
and as soon as you start deleting msgs
its a bit of a downawrd spiral
im' glad this shite is small enough to get flooded by idiots

richlevy 05-05-2001 09:21 AM


Originally posted by jaguar
Yes, i agree
and as soon as you start deleting msgs
its a bit of a downawrd spiral
im' glad this shite is small enough to get flooded by idiots

I hope you mean "..NOT to get flooded by idiots."

jaguar 05-05-2001 06:41 PM


jaguar 05-19-2001 11:20 PM eems to use the same system, although they've added laot of stuff.

Undertoad 05-20-2001 12:04 AM

A lot of the people running systems feel like they HAVE to make a lot of changes or they aren't 31337. I used to think like that and I'm just tired of thinking that way.

I didn't even change the default colors for this software. I did write about 100 different "user titles", just to amuse myself.

jaguar 05-20-2001 04:03 AM

Yes i noticed all the user titles, add a touch of human to the system. =)
need some more at the top end though! I've hit resient desien already!

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