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rkzenrage 07-30-2007 01:55 AM

The Dem You Tube Debate

They are kinda' long, so here is the link.

In the 8th video Gravel defends the "died in vain" comment.
I agree. Soldiers died in vein in Nam and they are dying in vain in Iraq.

yesman065 07-30-2007 07:46 AM

I tried 3 times to watch that debate on tv. I think I finally saw it all, albeit it, in pieces. I had high hopes that format, questions from the general public would make for a better debate, but again I was disappointed. Too bad CNN chose the ones to air. The petty catfighting between Clinton and Obama was typical, the same old "ignore the question and say what I want" tactics - spouting rhetoric - bashing the opposition, no real answers or solutions were discussed. None of them seemed like visionaries to me, with any innovative ideas for our country. Lets just tell people what we think they want to hear. They seemed to just try and make themselves, as individuals and democrats, look better by making the republicans look worse. I'm very disappointed and disheartened. I have little hope that the republican debate will be much different.

Happy Monkey 07-30-2007 10:22 AM

The Republican debate will be between McCain and Ron Paul. Everyone else is worried about getting questions from snowmen.

rkzenrage 07-30-2007 06:09 PM

These people were annoying and FAKE as hell, except for Gravel. I'm not all there with his policies, but I like his personality and agree with the "follow the money" theory (which is absolutely true).
The Republicans are going to be more fake, corrupt and uptight except for Ron and I don't even know if I'll make it through it.
Honestly, this was a waste of time... most of them were lying their asses off and were barely trying to hide it.

yesman065 07-30-2007 08:00 PM

[quote=rkzenrage;369789]These people were annoying and FAKE as hell, except for Gravel. ~~ Honestly, this was a waste of time... most of them were lying their asses off and were barely trying to hide it.[/QUOTE]

Ya know - thats what bothered me the most. I really don't understand how anyone could vote for Clinton. I feel the same way about some of the republicans, but damn she is so full of crap its almost amazing. [flip]I'd like to see another debate, if the war started to turn and we were kickin ass, the Iraqi gov't was taking control... how they all would be right there swearing their support and the "I knew it" and...[flop]

rkzenrage 07-30-2007 08:05 PM

Yeah, looking at her is like looking at a fish.
Also, how many questions did she and Obama actually answer?
Again, I want to sponsor and hold a debate where the candidates HAVE to answer direct questions, questions from the public that they don't get in advance.
I am going to ask the Republicans if they support getting out of Iraq without taking their oil... leaving all of it owned by the Iraqi people.
We chose to invade and occupy them while they posed no threat to us, they owe us NOTHING.

yesman065 07-30-2007 08:11 PM

How bout this - a debate with yes/no questions only!

rkzenrage 07-30-2007 08:16 PM

They tried that a few times with the YT debate, you saw how well that worked out.

xoxoxoBruce 07-30-2007 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by yesman065 (Post 369832)
"supported the troops the whole time"

What the hell is, "supported the troops"? If congress cuts funding for the war, the soldiers won't get paid? The mess Sargent will say sorry guys, congress cut off food so you'll have to eat at Quicky Mart with your credit card? I know the enemy is attacking but we couldn't afford bullets?

Supporting the troops should mean sending care packages and making sure they get the best medical care when wounded. Supporting the troops has become a bullshit term which really means supporting Bush's war.

rkzenrage 07-30-2007 08:31 PM

I support the HELL out of the troops... I want them home and safe after we stabilize Afghanistan, which should have been done already, with proper troop support.

yesman065 07-30-2007 08:36 PM

C'mon guys - thats not what I meant - post edited.

xoxoxoBruce 07-30-2007 08:40 PM

No problem, it's a common mistake.

piercehawkeye45 07-30-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 369855)
I support the HELL out of the troops... I want them home and safe after we stabilize Afghanistan, which should have been done already, with proper troop support.

I agree with this.

We made significant progress in Afghanistan but left for the EU for Iraq. The Taliban and Al Qaeda are not groups that will supported by the public while the nationalist groups in Iraq are.

Urbane Guerrilla 07-30-2007 10:17 PM

If La Clinton is a good match for that husband of hers -- and I've said so more than once -- nobody in this Republic has any business voting for her.

Socialism, selling out, and hostility to the Bill of Rights were the hallmarks of that other Clinton. I'm glad he never sufficiently deceived me to support him.

Urbane Guerrilla 07-30-2007 10:19 PM

Supporting the troops means pursuit of victory. Victory is the best support of the troops.

Our enemies' best hope is to outlast us. Why don't we pursue a strategy, an attitude, of outlasting them instead? Let's plan for handing them a hundred fifty years of defeats and denying them area to operate in and scouring, disinfecting, their sanctuary areas? Permit humanity's foes no safety, no surety, no nothing; do it a lot and do it for ever.

There is no substitute for victory, said MacArthur, and the Dems all went and put their fingers in their ears when that was mentioned. That is why I've no time for them any more.

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