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orthodoc 09-03-2012 10:23 AM

The journey begins
Finally get my surgery this week. Oldest son visited this weekend, had SUCH a good time ... made Turkish coffee for the first time, yumm. And he fixed my SAS/Excel incompatibilities, showed me how to use the dang programs, basically made it possible for me to do my coursework during the next two weeks. And he fixed the weird color on my TV! Hooray!!

I'm ready for this. Not so much for the injection on Wednesday, which involves not one but TWO injections deep into an area that - let us say - is right up there on my list of places NEVER to want an injection. But I think I'm psyched for the surgery. Time to get on with this, get treatment going, take back my life. Even if it involves temporary crud and no-hair days.

And I can use SAS and Excel now! Woot! (Small but sweet victories)

zippyt 09-03-2012 11:39 AM

Good luck and Great vibes , Fuck cancer !!!!

Griff 09-03-2012 01:19 PM

You go Ortho!

Clodfobble 09-03-2012 01:41 PM

You'll do awesome, ortho.

xoxoxoBruce 09-03-2012 03:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Wait, wait, lemme check...

Oh yeah, you're cool. :thumb2:

Sundae 09-03-2012 03:49 PM

Smile, darling.
Hair grows back. I refer you to my list of things for Brianna to do regarding hairloss.
NB - Bri felt she looked like a potato when she lost her hair.


While you're feeling at your lowest and feel you look like something out of Grimm's Fairy Tales, I suggest you do something outrageous. Because you can't feel any worse about things and it will make you laugh when you get better.

My suggestions of once-in-a-lifetime things to do when you've had chemo:
- Go into the place where you usually buy shampoo (pharmacy, supermarket etc) with a scarf on. Queue up at the counter with an empty bottle in your hand. When you get to the front, whip off your scarf and say loudly, "I want to speak to someone about this product!"

- Go to your nearest amusement park with a friend, get a wheelchair and get to the front of all the queues - any murmers, again show your head and shout, "I've only got a month left goddamnit!" Especially make sure to get your bald picture taken on every ride.

- Buy a full burka. Hell, you might get some suspicious looks but at least you won't have anyone thinking of gravy. Might raise some eyebrows in the liquor store though.

- Go to a local event where they offer face painting. Ask to be painted up as a plate of potatoes. Then you'll know what it would really look like.

- Draw a tattoo on your head to freak out your family. Like "God Is Stopping My Hair Growing" or something. Tell them God will choose when you grow enough back to cover it up.
All my best wishes and love for you.

glatt 09-03-2012 04:00 PM

Good luck, Ortho!

DanaC 09-03-2012 04:01 PM

*hugs* best foot forward babe!

limey 09-03-2012 04:54 PM

We're with you every step of the way! X

Sent by thought transference

orthodoc 09-03-2012 07:06 PM

Thanks so much! Looking forward to getting treatment going, as I said. Not so much to the discomforts etc., but it's all part of the package. I'm really crossing my fingers and doing some visualizing that nodes will be negative (of course they are what they are, but if I picture them negative it can't hurt, right?).

Wouldn't you know ... developed a sore throat in the past 24 hours. Arrgh! It won't prevent the surgery but will add to the post-intubation throat pain. I'm sucking on zinc lozenges and scarfing down the Vit C.

xoxoxoBruce 09-03-2012 07:34 PM

The wait/anticipation is worst than the actual treatment, because then you know your making progress. You'll buzz through this, write a book about it, NYT best seller for months, book tour, Letterman & Leno, crown heads of Europe and Asia...

Be sure and stop in the Cellar to say high to your old buds. When you get a little time, that is. ;)

classicman 09-03-2012 08:31 PM

Hopin & praying the best for you.

plthijinx 09-03-2012 09:10 PM

Good luck Ortho!!

Trilby 09-04-2012 07:17 AM

I was afraid of those shots, too, ortho, but they DIDN'T HURT at all!! Really!

and Sundae's suggestions are both hilarious and fun to do. I esp. like the one about whipping off the scarf and implying the shampoo made your hair fall out - also the bald-head painting is a very cool thing to do. and wear big earrings. Tell people you're Shaft's girlfriend. :) good luck honey. And take those drugs!!

eta: the GOOD drugs. The percs and vics and ati's and so forth. The chemo they MAKE you take but the others-----PRN!

infinite monkey 09-04-2012 07:22 AM

Hope all goes well, ortho.

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