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BrianR 03-07-2005 10:51 PM

Personal update
Please feel free to skip this thread if you don't care about me or my life. Yes, this means YOU, Radar.

Now then, everyone still here care even a little bit? Good.

Despite all odds, I completed truck driver school with a straight A average and perfect attendance. Friday, I began taking my state license exam. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I was forced to complete said exam today.

As of 1630 on Monday, March seventh, I am a licensed Commercial Driver.

Be afraid. Be VERY afraid! :)

Bruce, I hope that wasn't YOU I ran off the road by the Boeing plant. ;)

And to the naysayers who told anyone who would listen to their rantings that I could not/would not complete the school and receive my license :flipbird:

That was very childish of me and I know it so don't tell me. I deserve an indulgence.


Brett's Honey 03-07-2005 11:31 PM

I apparently missed out on some previous conversations concerning this, but Congratulations!! and good luck in your new career. :beer:

dar512 03-07-2005 11:46 PM

Cool. I hope you get a good job out of it.

cjjulie 03-08-2005 07:45 AM

Congratulations :thumbsup:

Can you go off road :confused: ;)

Trilby 03-08-2005 08:11 AM

BrianR---it's good to see people making real changes in their lives. congratulations and keep on...well, you know.

Griff 03-08-2005 08:16 AM

Cool! Sounds like a healthy change, congrats.

LabRat 03-08-2005 08:37 AM

Congrats! I love to hear of people who actually DO things instead of just TALK about doing them...(no stab at anyone here, just in general) What kind of driving are you looking at doing? When my dad was laid off from John Deere in the 80's he drove trucks for awhile, but never overnight trips. He once had a breakdown somewhere, and when he got out of the truck, a stray farm dog bit him. Because he couldn't get the dog, he had to get rabies shots. OUCH!! His buddies who still worked at Deeres in the machine shop made him a dog licence that said he was up to date on shots, and belonged to My Mom, at Our Address. It's still hanging down on his workbench :)

mrnoodle 03-08-2005 08:49 AM

congrats brianr. i always wanted to be on OTR driver. i just wanted the air horns and cb, actually. got the cb when i was on the road selling commemmorat...comemora..commem... collectible winchesters. always someone to talk to late at night, and most truckers were patient and friendly with the 'four-wheeler'

good luck man

jinx 03-08-2005 09:08 AM

Way to go Brian, you rule!

OnyxCougar 03-08-2005 09:34 AM

You worked hard and you made it! Congrats!

Clodfobble 03-08-2005 09:37 AM

Awesome! I hear that the typical truck driver does the same circuit repeatedly... how many days long is yours?

Beestie 03-08-2005 09:43 AM

Outstanding! :thumb:

glatt 03-08-2005 10:26 AM

That's great! Now that you have the license, what are you planning to do with it? Do you have a gig lined up? I'm NOT trying to put pressure on, just wondering what's next? Does this mean no more Cellar?

BrianR 03-08-2005 11:15 AM

Welp, it don't have a job just yet...gimme a chance!

I'm getting feelers from several major companies though...I expect a job within a month.
This is a new experience for me, having to turn DOWN job offers and pick the best one rather than taking whatever comes along out of desperation.

I plan on OTR driving. I already have a CB and I admit I tended to lay on the air horns in the beginning to fulfill a boyhood fantasy. (now for a train whistle!) It's old hat by now though ;)

Anyway, that's a big step for me and I'm happy I did it. It fills a void in me. Men have a tendency to define themselves by their jobs and I hated defining myself as a sandwich maker at Quiznos or something menial like that. This has more cachet to it.

Yes, an OTR job means much less Cellar than you're used to but I'll still going to be in and out. I still get home time and vacations and such like. Maybe I'll get a cell phone that does internet and check in from the road. A laptop is definitely in the works too. I want to have someplace to put digital pictures and a personal log. Solitaire too.

I will not forget my friends, never fear.


Radar 03-08-2005 11:22 AM


Please feel free to skip this thread if you don't care about me or my life. Yes, this means YOU, Radar.
What the hell was that about? Attacked just to attack me? Just like mentioning my name? I didn't say a single bad thing or have anything to do with the thread and I catch shit from you?

Congrats on going to trucker school. I'm sure you'll get work in no time and be up to your ears in speed and hookers.

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