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footfootfoot 05-07-2011 10:52 AM

Hand wringing about Jill leaving.
Here is where you can wring your hands over Jill's leaving. Breast beating and brow furrowing is in another thread.

"If only I hadn't been so sarcastic..."

lookout123 05-07-2011 04:08 PM

Someone who has been absent for a long time packed up and left after a short visit??? OMGoes to get another bowl of cereal...

Aliantha 05-07-2011 05:36 PM

But I want to beat my breasts here!

DanaC 05-07-2011 06:42 PM

Well, since I was the one who made the fuss about it:

I am a little pissed she's gone, but to be honest i was more pissed that yet another seemingly reasonable person has been driven away by aggression and personal attacks when attempting to have a political discussion.

But hey, if you want to characterise that as handwringing over the loss of one member you go right ahead.

monster 05-07-2011 06:45 PM

She'll be back.

DanaC 05-07-2011 06:52 PM

Maybe, maybe not. Really not the point though.

Last time she left for how long? a year or two? Just long enough to forget what drove her off the last time (getting into a firefight with a wingnut in the politics forum) and then she came back and was given a stark reminder.

Well done us.

monster 05-07-2011 06:57 PM

OFFS she's clearly an attention ho -moreso than me, even. Would you have mourned so if she had dressed to the right rather than the left?

Clodfobble 05-07-2011 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC
(getting into a firefight with a wingnut in the politics forum)

It takes two to tango. It should have been apparent from the first half-dozen posts that she wasn't going to convince either UG or Merc of anything. No harm if she wants to continue past that point, that's her call, but it's kind of silly to cry foul and leave when you only got what you insisted upon receiving.

DanaC 05-07-2011 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 731851)
OFFS she's clearly an attention ho -moreso than me, even. Would you have mourned so if she had dressed to the right rather than the left?

If she'd dressed to the right and been treated the way she's been treated in the politics forum, yes.

I really don't see she was an attention whore. She clearly enjoys having a political debate. It's just a shame that isn't really an option in here.

I also like having a political debate but I rarely do so these days.

@ Clod: Jill recognised her role with Merc and fessed up to it. Then got shat on somewhat more mildly, but still as far as i can see for no real reason, by someone else. Less of an attack, but on the back of the previous one, I can see why she just thought oh fuck it. Y'know, it just isn't worth it.

A sentiment I can fully relate to.

DanaC 05-07-2011 07:10 PM

Just to be absolutely clear: though I like Jill, I don't really know her that well. I'm not oh so upset that she isn't here. I'm annoyed at the way this keeps happening. She isn't the first and she won't be the last. Reasonable people attempting to have a robust political discussion with people of varying opinions end up being subjected to personal attacks and trying to argue rationally with people who are being irrational.

That doesn't make for a fun debate.

Stormieweather 05-07-2011 07:10 PM

I have lots to say about politics, but I won't say it here. I've observed that there is no possibility whatsoever of a reasonable political debate on these forums.

DanaC 05-07-2011 07:13 PM

Right. So, if your main gig is politics and you come to the Cellar expecting to be able to engage in that subject with other people who are interested in politics, you can expect to be insulted, derided and disrespected.

Little surprise then that we keep losing political animals.

It is not healthy.

And as for the left-right split: I don't know why it is, because there are rational and reasonable people of all stripes in the cellar, but the ones that tend to get driven away by this shit do tend to be the left-leaning ones. The most vehement and consistent nastiness seems to come primarily from the right. That's not to say everyone on the right is doing this, but there is a definate imbalance as far as i can see.

DanaC 05-07-2011 07:20 PM

No word of a lie, I have had friends express an interest in joining the Cellar and I have warned them away. Because they are into politics and are on the left. So, I know what they'll be faced with when they attempt to engage in a political discussion.

And if they do end up being driven away well, as has bene pointed out in another thread: their fault for being too political right?

Couldn't possibly be that we as a community simply cannot be trusted to engage with people of differing political viewpoints in an adult and respectful manner.

lookout123 05-07-2011 07:46 PM

Dana I love ya, you commie tart but if you think right or left matter in the politics forum anymore you need a serious rethink. Merc and UG are really not that different than spexx and whoever his latest little puppy in crime happens to be at the time. You just happen to agree more often than not with the view from the left so don't notice it. Political discussion in the cellar has been dead for a long time. Now it is just a statement and restatement of positions followed by escalated name calling poopslinging.

infinite monkey 05-07-2011 07:49 PM

I don't get why we're supposed to feel like hand-wringing wussies if we express that we think Jill got run out on a proverbial rail. Sure, she could have done things differently. So could you. And you. And me. I can still think we might have lost a unique voice.

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to annoy you for as many years as I'm alive. ;)

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