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deepandchilled03 02-06-2004 08:13 AM

Carlie Brucia's body found
Carlie Brucia body found

So depressing. Even more so, when you saw the video of her abductor leading her away and you see the act happening. And now this.. she's dead.

Deep n Chilled :mad2:

Beestie 02-06-2004 08:24 AM

I say we bring back cruel and unusual punishment. Not for its deterrent value but just to teach that bass turd a lesson he'll never forget.

I seriously hope he winds up sharing a jail cell with a 400 pounder named Tiny whose just lookin' for luv.

I pity her parents and shudder to think what her last hours were like.

wolf 02-06-2004 10:18 AM

I just want to give the girl's parents 30 minutes with him.


No cameras.

He's handcuffed to a chair.

They get a table full of medieval weaponry and torture devices to choose from.

FileNotFound 02-06-2004 10:23 AM

Hungry rat. Bucket. Candle.

Michael Roth 02-06-2004 10:59 AM

He tried this before too, got him a false imprisonment acquittal...

"In the 1997 false imprisonment case, a 20-year-old woman in Bradenton said a man grabbed her as she walked by and tried to pull her away, according to records released by the Manatee County Sheriff's Office. "

Sounds pretty damn familiar. Someone want to be the first to say this could have been prevented?

Undertoad 02-06-2004 11:18 AM

It's the worst thing in the goddamn world, and what's worse? kids in this country are going to wind up put into rigid safety zones where they won't be trusted to walk through car washes, or anywhere at all for that matter, without being constantly overseen.

I don't know. When I was a kid, at age 13, my mom let me walk miles through the worst streets of Sheffield, and many blocks of some of the better streets of London, alone and sometimes carting an elite and expensive skateboard. And I was a foreigner!! She let me go to soccer matches with no-one but another 13-year-old, where we saw nothing less than full-out knife fights break out in the stands. At age 14 she let me walk about 30 blocks of Manhattan, alone, during nothing less than a fucking street festival on 42nd street circa 1978!

These were poor choices on the part of an otherwise over-protective mom. I was a cute and puny lad with no sense of how to deal with others and a rather complete trust of much of the world.

But it just goes to show you how far things have changed in terms of parental expectations in 30 years. Nowadays it would be assumed that I would be immediately snatched up and sold into slavery. Well not me now, I'm 40. Now I would probably have to pay to enter into such an arrangement.

SteveDallas 02-06-2004 11:31 AM

Yep, it's hard to know where to draw the lines. I rode my bike all over the place in our small town/suburban environment when I was 10 or so. I know my wife & I are more protective than that, but I try not to go overboard. You can't live your life afraid to go out of your house.


Nowadays it would be assumed that I would be immediately snatched up and sold into slavery. Well not me now, I'm 40. Now I would probably have to pay to enter into such an arrangement.
Yeah, go to Center City. I think there's a club somewhere that will accomodate you.

FileNotFound 02-06-2004 11:48 AM

Undertoad, I can relate to what you're saying. My parents used to always let me out without even as much as asking where I'm going. That is in countries where I didn't even yet know how to speak the language.

I Germany I rode around town on my bike at the age of 9 with out as much as half a clue on how to ask anything.

I showed up in Australia with 2nd level English when I was about 12 and went out alone to the mall etc.

It was always ok for me to hang out anywhere I liked as long as I got home by 11, later 3am.

The funny thing is, my parents bugged me more about where I was going as I got older, not the other way around. Maybe it was not my age that bothered them but thier concept of the saftey of the outside world.

But I don't consider those poor choices. I think they did the right thing. I think it taught me to be independent and know how to take care of myself.

With all due respect to the victim - but you never go along with a stranger. You never let people get THAT close to you. Just scream and run. It's not hard. It'll get all the attention you need and the guy won't do shit because he's not going to cut you open in the middle of the street.

Griff 02-06-2004 03:46 PM

It's horrible, but is it national news? To me, it's just big media scoring off a families tragedy, while pumping up the paranoia a bit. Our "local" news radio ran the story this morning while parents were waiting for school closing info. The local reporter then mumbled something about being a local news station with lots of local news. He sounded a bit annoyed but he'd better be careful about messing with Clear Channel.

xoxoxoBruce 02-06-2004 07:24 PM

As a kid if I fucked up any adult in town was ready to kick my ass, BUT those same people made sure I was safe.

Elspode 02-06-2004 07:47 PM

I think the thing that made this particular abduction national news was the fact that it was observed on video. Plus, any snatched cute young girl who remains missing for *any* length of time automatically becomes national news. Just the way it is, I'm afraid. We all "care" in some way, and we follow this sort of thing with both a perverse curiosity right alongside a genuine hope for the well-being of the stolen child.

*I* have kids. That could have been one of mine. To witness the act in progress, then hear about the horrific wrenches my guts. So I guess I *do* want to know about this story, much as it disgusts me to be aware of it.

There is no truly just punishment for this sick fuck, but I'm going to vote for this: we sell lottery tickets, all proceeds to go to the family and children's charities. The winner gets to perform the kicking shut of the car door with the guy's cock and balls in it. The car door is *almost* sharpened first, then allowed to rust. Then the girl's parents get to drive the car as fast they want down the highway while the guy is still stuck in the door. Cruel? Yup. Unusual? God, I hope so.

If we put it on pay per view, we could raise enough money to cure a lot of social ills.

Thanks...I needed to get all that out of my system. I now return you to your regularly scheduled all-too-sad reality.

Michael Roth 02-06-2004 08:06 PM

Cruel and unusual...that phrase is interesting, in that we protect perpetrators of violent crime from the very thing they understand and respond to most.

xoxoxoBruce 02-06-2004 09:38 PM

Hell, let him go home. Forget all about him.
Her family knows who he is.:shotgun:

Pi 02-07-2004 03:19 AM

But I wonder what happened to the world... When I was young, we didn't talk about problems like that. Didn't they exist or what?

xoxoxoBruce 02-07-2004 06:29 AM

See Griff's post, Pi.

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