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FreeYourself 01-01-2002 10:04 PM

A mirrow reflection.
1 Attachment(s)
Don't deny it, unless you are a part of the small percent of this population who can.

dave 01-01-2002 11:18 PM

Heh. You sure do love showing how uppity and shallow we are, don't you?

jaguar 01-01-2002 11:19 PM

love it...

juju 01-02-2002 12:35 AM

I protest... I am not an addict of buying things. I can stop anytime! I...ehh.. hmmm.. Nevermind. :]

MaggieL 01-02-2002 10:15 AM

Wow, that's such a clever and insightful cartoon. I bet the artist is the best one in his high school. :-)

Nic, what *is* a "greanary", (other than the name of your web site)? Is it like a granary?

dave 01-02-2002 11:41 AM

That's FreeYourself, not Nic, and I was wondering the same thing a few months ago whenever I visited his site.

MaggieL 01-02-2002 12:07 PM

Sorry...all these newbie kids are starting to sound the same. I meant to say "is a mirrow like a mirror?"

FreeYourself 01-02-2002 01:36 PM

I meant to say mirror, sorry.

The Greanary is a name that I and a friend came up with to describe our site. Since no such word exists, we decided to put a meaning to it by designing a webpage that is for those people who choose not to 'follow the leader' so-to-speak. In order to do this, we surely couldn't use a name already used!?!?

I wish i had more time to work on the page cause i'd love to; it's pretty empty.

"Live simply so that all may simply live"

Why must you have a bigger tv?
...a bigger house?
...a faster car?
...whiter teeth?
...smoother hair?
...bigger sound system?
...newer shoes?

I want to know for I have seen through these empty pleasures.

FreeYourself 01-02-2002 01:44 PM

"Any relation that does exist
between happiness and
income is relative rather than
absolute. the happiness
people derive from
consumption is based on
whether they consume more
than their neighbours and
more than they did in the past.
The upper classes in any
society are more satisfied with
their lives than the lower
classes are, but they are no
more satisfied than the upper
classes of much poorer
countries, nor than the upper
classes were in the less
affluent past."
Michael Argyle, The
psychology of happiness

Nic Name 01-02-2002 01:44 PM is AVAILABLE

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FreeYourself 01-02-2002 01:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)

ndetroit 01-02-2002 02:16 PM

Well, you're all cool for being all enlightened and shit, but...

Why must you have a bigger tv?
...a bigger house?
...a faster car?
...whiter teeth?
...smoother hair?
...bigger sound system?
...newer shoes?

-I want a bigger tv because I like to watch movies, and the larger image (and generally better image quality) afforded by a widescreen television enhances my viewing pleasure. A lot.

-I want a bigger house to put my TV in. To move about in. To chase my cats around in. To entertain people in. To have a place to put guests when they arrive in town and need a place to crash.

-I want a faster car to get the places that I want to go .. FASTER. I'd rather take 1 hour to get the mountain, and ski an extra hour, than take 2 hours to get there. ... safety concerns aside. ;)

-I want whiter teeth because yellowed teeth are generally a sign of tooth decay, which is in turn indicative of gum disease. We are genetically predisposed to choose mates that we believe to be strong and healthy. I enjoy being a part of that whole "mating" thing.

-smoother hair: dunno dude.. you've lost me.

-bigger sound system: see: TV.

-newer shoes: Because when I play ball in my current shoes, the soles tend to slip on the court, because they are worn through. When I can't cut as fast as I want, or post up properly, it diminishes my enjoyment of the game..

I dunno man. There's a lot to be said for consumerism. I'm glad you're enlightened, but... I enjoy my consumerist lifestyle.

oh well.

FreeYourself 01-02-2002 02:21 PM

"I dunno man. There's a lot to be said for consumerism. I'm glad you're enlightened, but... I enjoy my consumerist lifestyle.

oh well."

Those last 2 words are the exact response to 99% of north america. Being glad can only accomplish so much dude. It's time act!

I want you to enjoy your lifestyle, just like i want everyone to, but do it in a way not destructive to our environment and/or too the people of this world that we so often 'appear' to forget about.

verbatim 01-02-2002 02:21 PM

A bitter bite of reality. I quite like it.

Have you sent any of this stuff into local/national papers and written an editorial? Its good stuff.

dude123 01-02-2002 03:08 PM

So, what are you trying to say?
"I want you to enjoy your lifestyle, just like i want everyone to, but do it in a way not destructive to our environment and/or too the people of this world that we so often 'appear' to forget about."

That's a very different message than your cartoon is trying to send. The cartoon says that I am like a heroin addict, since I'd like a bigger house, etc. That's a pretty harsh message, especially now that you're saying that it's actually OK to want these things. Maybe toning down your retoric will help your argument - nobody wants to be insulted (assuming that most people think being called a junkie is an insult). Insulting people won't change their minds.


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