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BrianR 09-23-2004 10:32 PM

Sharing sorry news
Thursday afternoon, one of the family pooches went to doggie heaven. Kirby, the eight year old Corgi was let out to "do his business" and had wandered near the road. A school bus came along and he decided that it would be a fun idea to chase that huge noisy thing away.

Unfortunately, he came at it from the side rather than the back and was run over. I saw it happen and am devastated. I picked up his remains and buried them in a shady spot in the backyard. This weekend, I will make up a grave marker for him.

The family here is missing him terribly. :mecry:

Rest in peace, Kirby my little friend.

bluesdave 09-23-2004 11:01 PM

Sorry to hear the news, Brian. The fact that you witnessed it happen makes it worse for you. We lost our last dog to cancer, 8 years ago, and decided not to replace her, but she left a large hole in our lives, and I often wish that we had "adopted" a new one (I don't like saying "purchased"). The joy that a good pet brings into your life, far outweighs any expense.

Three months ago I lost my budgie after 14 years. When I walked in at night, from a day at the office, he would bob up and down, and tap his mirror in greeting. I still automatically look to the spot where his cage used to be, expecting to see him.

lookout123 09-23-2004 11:47 PM

i'm really sorry to hear that brian. i've had the same thing happen.

BrianR 09-24-2004 06:45 AM

It was a hard night last night. I'm going into work as usual, but I'm leaving before lunch. I just want to avoid customers today...I'm not in the mood to hear their questions. I'm definitely NOT feeling friendly today.

Neither Kurt nor I, and I suspect Alex (Kurt's 15yo son) also, didn't sleep very well. I tossed and turned most of the night, catnapping in between periods of waking. Every time my dog would roll over, I would wake up expecting to find Kirby's warm furry body stretched out as usual next to my leg.

I know this will fade in time. This isn't the first dog I've lost. But somehow, having seen it happen makes it worse. And I noticed that I was extra-careful letting out the other two last night and this morning. Even THEY miss Kirby, and I see them nosing around the yard looking for him. When I came home last night, I could see in Casey's eyes the hope that his friend of eight years would be with me. And disappointment that he was not.

Oh, how I wish I could turn back the clock. :mecry:


Catwoman 09-24-2004 07:18 AM

That philosopher's soul lives on Brian, it's only his body that's gone. He'll be up there in doggie heaven smiling down on you. *Wishing you all the strength in the world.*

garnet 09-24-2004 03:49 PM

I'm so sorry for your loss--there's few things in life that hurt as much as losing a beloved pet.

A few years ago one of my kitties escaped out the front door. He'd always been an indoor cat, and probably didn't even know what a car was. Needless to say, few hours later I found him dead in the street--he'd been hit by a car.

It was probably one of the worst days of my life (I'll always blame myself for it), but just so you know, it DOES get better with time. I thought I would never get over losing him, but now I can look back on it and remember how much joy he brought into my life. I'm sure it hurts like hell now, but like they say, "time heals all wounds."

Radar 09-24-2004 04:31 PM

A few years ago a friend of mine asked me to watch his dog for a night because his landlord found out about the dog and he had to find a new apartment. It was a cinamon colored Chow (the stupidist of all dogs). Ten hours later his dog was dead.

My friend told me not to put him on a leash because he would go crazy and he hated it. The dog was whining all night and I didn't get any sleep, so I woke up in the morning and opened the door to take him out for a walk and he promptly ran straight ni front of a van that hit him in the face. His jaw was broken and blood was everywhere. He was yelping and ran into my apartment and was running all over getting blood on everything. I lived next to a vet so I wrapped the dog in a towel and took him to the vet and they had to put him down. It was gross and traumatic and sad. I'm glad my friend didn't see it.

Then I had to call my friend to tell him. I paid the bill to put the dog down, but my friend never stopped reminding me that I killed his dog.

I don't mind saying I bought a dog, because a dog is property every bit as much as a table or a chair. They are your friend, your property, etc. Actually I do mind saying I paid for a dog. I prefer to get them for free.

Griff 09-24-2004 04:35 PM

Sorry Brian. I lost a great dog to the mailman a few years ago,.. sorry.

xoxoxoBruce 09-24-2004 08:45 PM

Shit. :thepain:

Brigliadore 09-26-2004 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by garnet
...(I'll always blame myself for it)...

Boy do I know how that feels. Last year we moved into a new house and the dogs kept finding holes in the fence and getting out. They would be out for a few min. and would find a hole or a loose board, etc and be out in the front yard or down the street. One morning they got out (again) and it was several hours till we found them. I fixed the hole and after making sure they ate some food and drank some water we left for the day. We were gone the rest of the day and did not get back till late at night. According to the vet my border collie/chow mix had over heated from running around in the heat during there escape. She had a think black coat of fur and despite fresh water and a mostly shady yard, she got heat stroke and died while we were gone. Our Springer Spaniel who also got out with her got heat stroke as well but was still alive when we found them. He spent a day and a half in the vet hospital and then was able to come home. I still to this day beat my self up over not being home to catch any of this. I know I had no way of knowing what would happen, and they did have food, water and a ton of shade, but I still feel terrible about it. I still miss her all the time, she was one of the best pets we had ever owned.

Feel better Brian, a lot of people know what you are going through.

jane_says 09-27-2004 04:52 PM

Sorry for your loss. Last week my possum buddy died, and I have mentioned it to very few people since most folks aren't fond of them. It still sucks to lose a pet.

The Rainbow Bridge, etc. :(

marichiko 09-27-2004 05:13 PM

I am so sorry to hear your sad news, Brian. I owned a Cardigan Corgi (the ones who are slightly bigger and have a tail). I absolutely adored him, and miss him to this very day. Corgi's are such wonderful little dogs! My advise is to find yourself a new Corgi pup. Of course, he'll never replace the little guy you lost, but he will help fill that hole you currently feel in your heart. I've been trying to find anoher Cardigan, but they're kind of rare, and so far I haven't found a breeder with pups that haven't been spoken for. I am continuing to look, however; so should you. :heartpump

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