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footfootfoot 06-07-2007 08:04 PM

Wha'd I miss?
I have been working like a manic depressive off his meds surfing a 6 week mania high. The house is sided on three sides (the 4th has yet to be removed) and just as I finished up in time for the bank appraiser I discovered a huge toilet leaking problem due to the previous owner's bizarre ideas about what constitutes subflooring. after going to bare floor joists I replaced all the subfloor and and figured what the hell, in for a penny in for a pound and I tiled the floor. Tomorrow is grouting day, then I'll replace the toilet. In the meantime, Mrs. foot is under strict orders to ignore any signs that might indicate labor. (any day now we'll have a mrs. foot junior)

I miss you guys, I've had no time to go to the library, especially since the comuters are right next to the circulation desk and the head librarian (yes, the one with the dirty knees) likes to chat up a storm with me or any one at on of the two terminals.

I am at a friend's house tonight ostensibly checking my email and placing an order with the coop.


oh yeah, the more things change the more they stay the same, I checked in with dwellar nsfw 2007 first and saw about 167 posts complaining about how come there weren't any pics of LJ's taint, a nipple out of context, a jade gate also out of context, and about seveteen pics of some guy's schvantz, interspersed with commetns about "how come I can't see the pic?" and no
one got it together to make a crack about not having a magnifying glass...

glatt 06-07-2007 08:30 PM

Hey foot, thanks for checking in. We miss you.

Undertoad 06-07-2007 09:01 PM

Brianna seemed to leave in a huff for some incomprehensible reason. LJ threatened to leave but continued to give people user titles.

Zippyt visited FL and had a good ol' time, like he always does, with pics. Elspode had a good ol' time in his hometown, but scarcely had enough time to give the very intimate details. Case was invited to a good ol' time in her hometown.

rkzenrage had a minor stroke, recovering.

Iggy posted KinkyVixen's pussy to NSFW show yourself. Some dude posted his wang, but Iggy couldn't see it, which resulted in it being posted again and again.

There were a few battles and attention whores.

Flint presented a cool new nothingland game.

A gun thread riled people like you wouldn't believe! Fights broke out all over it, again and again. Finally somebody posted "gun thread must die" and a whole NEW set of fights broke out in THAT.

jinx posted really cool pics of frog eggs, then tadpoles, then tads turning into frogs... and promises more.

I got a job.

The 'This is not Porn" creator made a short film of the phenomenon.

The predominant sport of dwellars remains biking.

Cloud started a number of provocative, open-ended threads which gave everybody a chance to weigh in.

York's lass is a few months older and more interesting. A few other children poked their head up.

Shawnee123 posted an excellent summary of her time here to the Landmark thread.

I have missed about half of it, anyone want to fill in?

Flint 06-07-2007 09:04 PM

He knows my name! He knows my name!

DucksNuts 06-07-2007 09:35 PM


The 'This is not Porn" creator made a short film of the phenomenon.
Huh? I missed that too ?

Elspode 06-07-2007 10:22 PM

I will be writing up a summary of Fest and the sordid details. I'm just not real sure you all really *want* to know.

DucksNuts 06-07-2007 11:35 PM

Oh yeah we do :)

zippyt 06-08-2007 12:14 AM

Oh Zippyt is STILL in Fla , more pics to come !!!
Oh and Carol is WAY drunk ( light upeyes and ALL ) she gots her self a drink and she be ready to go walk on the BEACH !!!!!!

lumberjim 06-08-2007 12:24 AM

i gotta rock...

as unsure and awkward as you purport to see yourself being in real're like a friggin sage in here. it's like that old brokerage commercial.....'when undertoad talks...people listen,.'

i'm a UT fan. the rest of you can lick it.

Aliantha 06-08-2007 01:34 AM

lick what?

freshnesschronic 06-08-2007 01:53 AM

His huge gaping pusssssssayyyyy. Been bothering him lately.

Undertoad 06-08-2007 06:47 AM

appreciate it man

There's no money in it though. Can you imagine? The entire net goes apeshit for social constructs where user input alters the nature of the site, and I'm working nowhere near that phenomenon.

I'm not complaining.

DanaC 06-08-2007 06:56 AM


rkzenrage had a minor stroke, recovering.
Shit, I didn't know about that. I have been popping in briefly in between elections and exams (and dad's house-fire etc) so haven't had time to read up on all missed threads.

Shawnee123 06-08-2007 08:02 AM

UT is so humble; he didn't mention the award he won.

HungLikeJesus 06-08-2007 08:49 AM

Lord Undertoad, that was an excellent summary. If you could do that every week (A Summary of the Week's Top Stories - complete with hyperlinks, of course) I could save about 10 hours a day of Cellar Time.

You really are the all-seeing, all-knowing being. Like Santa Claus, but without the red suit ... or reindeer ... or gifts.

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