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scrunchy 03-25-2004 11:34 AM

"There is no neutral ground between good and evil"


There is no neutral ground -- no neutral ground -- in the fight between civilization and terror, because there is no neutral ground between good and evil, freedom and slavery, and life and death.

Why does he have to talk at the level of a 5 year old??

smoothmoniker 03-25-2004 12:02 PM

he knows his audience?

the people he's trying to convince seem to have a difficult time with simple concepts.


Beestie 03-25-2004 12:24 PM

Originally posted by smoothmoniker

he knows his audience? The people he's trying to convince seem to have a difficult time with simple concepts.
The people he is trying to convince are the people not in his audience. But, other than that, I pretty much agree with you.

OnyxCougar 03-25-2004 12:34 PM

Why feed into the fucktardom that is scrunchy? Ignore it. It will go away.

vsp 03-25-2004 12:38 PM

Well, he does bring up a good point, in that the President seems to believe that good and evil are simple, easily definable, black-or-white absolutes. (Which is something that I consider to be extremely dangerous in a person, much less a guy with the keys to the nuclear football.)

Beestie 03-25-2004 12:54 PM


Originally posted by vsp
Well, he does bring up a good point, in that the President seems to believe that good and evil are simple, easily definable, black-or-white absolutes. (Which is something that I consider to be extremely dangerous in a person, much less a guy with the keys to the nuclear football.)
I'm not a big fan of W's intellectual capacity (helloo.. helloo.. helloo...anybody here but I think his approach to the three members of the so-called axis of evil (Iraq, Iran, North Korea) seem crafted to suit the country in question as opposed to the one-size-fits-all approach that one might assume he would use based on your characterization. He invaded Iraq, we have clandestine meetings with Iran in Sweeden and we have above-board and direct talks with North Korea. And we wouldn't invade Iran or NK in a thousand years under any pretext (real or imaginary).

I'm not really disagreeing with your main point as much as its implications. And do you really worry about W pushing the nuke-U-ler button? I don't.

Happy Monkey 03-25-2004 01:05 PM


Originally posted by Beestie
I'm not really disagreeing with your main point as much as its implications. And do you really worry about W pushing the nuke-U-ler button? I don't.
He did reopen funding for new nuclear weapons, of a size that he considers to be reasonable to use in conventional warfare.

russotto 03-25-2004 01:12 PM


Originally posted by Happy Monkey
He did reopen funding for new nuclear weapons, of a size that he considers to be reasonable to use in conventional warfare.
Using nuclear weapons in conventional warfare is like using a gun in a knife-fight. It can't be done. Once you've used the nuke, it's a nuclear war.

Happy Monkey 03-25-2004 01:26 PM

Indeed. Hence the "he considers".

scrunchy 03-25-2004 01:38 PM


Originally posted by OnyxCougar
Why feed into the fucktardom that is scrunchy? Ignore it. It will go away.
LOL is that a comeback? For fuck's sake, I wipe my ass with sharper stuff than this.

Let's get facts straight you fuckwitted imbecile. I came here to debate you inbred, but that seems to be beyond the capability of you and a few others so you resorted to insults.

If you dont like my threads stay to fuck out of them, okay?

vsp 03-25-2004 01:53 PM


Originally posted by Beestie
And do you really worry about W pushing the nuke-U-ler button?
Every day of my life since he got into office.

vsp 03-25-2004 01:54 PM


Originally posted by scrunchy
LOL is that a comeback? For fuck's sake, I wipe my ass with sharper stuff than this.

Let's get facts straight you fuckwitted imbecile. I came here to debate you inbred, but that seems to be beyond the capability of you and a few others so you resorted to insults.

If you dont like my threads stay to fuck out of them, okay?

Lighten up, Francis.

Happy Monkey 03-25-2004 02:06 PM


Originally posted by scrunchy
LOL is that a comeback? For fuck's sake, I wipe my ass with sharper stuff than this. ... I came here to debate you
To be fair, you started with:

Why does he have to talk at the level of a 5 year old??
I agree completely, but that is hardly particularly sharp or the introduction to a real debate.

If you dont like my threads stay to fuck out of them, okay?
This I agree with.

Radar 03-25-2004 03:55 PM

Doesn't Life Require Compromise?

"A compromise is an adjustment of conflicting claims by mutual concessions. This means that both parties to a compromise have some valid claim and some value to offer each other. And this means that both parties agree upon some fundamental principle which serves as a base for their deal.

It is only in regard to concretes or particulars, implementing a mutually accepted basic principle, that one may compromise...

There can be no compromise between a property owner and a burglar; offering the burglar a single teaspoon of one's silverware would not be a compromise, but a total surrender - the recognition of his right to one's property. What value or concession did the burglar offer in return? and once the principle of unilateral concessions is accepted as the base of a relationship by both parties, it is only a matter of time before the burglar would seize the rest...

There can be no compromise between freedom and government controls; to accept "just a few controls" is to surrender the principle of inalienable individual rights and to substitute for it the principle of the government's unlimited arbitrary power, thus delivering oneself into gradual enslavement...

Today, however, when people speak of "compromise", what they mean is not a legitimate mutual concession or a trade, but precisely the betrayal of one's principles - the unilateral surrender to any groundless, irrational claim. The root of that doctrine is ethical subjectivism, which holds that a desire or whim is an irreducible moral primary, that every man is entitled to any desire he might feel like asserting, that all desires have equal moral validity, and that the only way men can get along together is by giving in to anything and "compromising" with anyone. It is not hard to see who would profit and who would lose by such a doctrine.

The immorality of this doctrine - and the reason why the term "compromise" implies, in today's general usage, an act of moral treason - lies in the fact that it requires men to accept ethical subjectivism as the basic principle superceding all principles in human relationships and to sacrifice anything as a concession to one another's whims....

The excuse given in all such cases, is that the "compromise" is only temporary and that one will reclaim one's integrity at some indeterminate future date. But one cannot correct a husband or wife's irrationality by giving in to it and allowing it to grow. One cannot achieve the victory of one's ideas by helping to propagate their opposite. One cannot offer a literary masterpiece, "when one has become rich and famous," to a following one has acquired by writing trash. If one found it difficult to maintain one's loyalty to one's own convictions at the start, a succession of betrayals - which help augment the power of the evil one lacked the courage to fight - will not make it easier at a later date, but will make it virtually impossible.

There can be no compromise on moral principles. "In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit." ( Atlas Shrugged. ) The next time you are tempted to ask: "Doesn't life require compromise?", translate that question into it's actual meaning: Doesn't life require the surrender of that which is true and good to that which is false and evil?" The answer is that that precisely is what life forbids - if one wishes to achieve anything but a stretch of tortured years spent in progressive self-destruction." -Ayn Rand, 1962, from The Virtue of Selfishness

And additionally, regarding the RTKBA:

"The necessary consequence of man's right to life is his right to self-defense. In a civilized society, force may be used only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use. All the reasons which make the initiation of force an evil, make the retaliatory use of physical force a moral imperative." "If some 'pacifist' society renounced the retaliatory use of force, it would be left helplessly at the mercy of the first thug who decided to be immoral. Such a society would achieve the opposite of its intention: instead of abolishing evil, it would encourage and reward it."

-Ayn Rand, 1962, from The Virtue of Selfishness
( Recommended! Excellent reading on her rational Objectivist philosophy! )

smoothmoniker 03-25-2004 06:53 PM

holy crap. is radar backing the dubya?


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