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Pete Zicato 01-15-2010 10:14 AM

Roger Ebert writes an open letter to Rush Limbaugh

How low can you go? Rush shows us.

Shawnee123 01-15-2010 10:17 AM

Jebus. Get Satan over here when he's done with Pat Robertson.

GAWD I despise that man. He's sick. :headshake

xoxoxoBruce 01-15-2010 10:19 AM

Same old Rush... at least he's consistent, the cocksucker.
Sorry, didn't mean to insult cocksuckers.

classicman 01-15-2010 10:30 AM

Gotta post it so it never disappears.

You should be horse-whipped for the insult you have paid to the highest office of our nation.

Having followed President Obama's suggestion and donated money to the Red Cross for relief in Haiti, I was offended to hear you suggest the President might be a thief capable of stealing money intended for the earthquake victims.

Here is a transcript from your program on Thursday:

Justin of Raleigh, North Carolina: "Why does Obama say if you want to donate some money, you could go to to direct you how to do so? If I wanted to donate to the Red Cross, why do I have to go to the White House page to donate?"

Limbaugh: "Exactly. Would you trust the money's gonna go to Haiti?"

Justin: "No."

Rush: "But would you trust that your name's gonna end up on a mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes?"

Justin: "Absolutely!"

Limbaugh: "Absolutely!"

That's what was said.

Unlike you and Justin of Raleigh, I went to Obama's web site, and discovered the link there leads directly to the Red Cross. I can think of a reason why anyone might want to go via the White House. That way they can be absolutely sure they're clicking on the Red Cross and not a fake site set up to exploit the tragedy.

But let me be sure I have this right. You and Justin agree that Obama might steal money intended for the Red Cross to help the wretched of Haiti.

This conversation came 48 hours after many of us had seen pitiful sights from Port au Prince. Tens of thousands are believed still alive beneath the rubble. You twisted their suffering into an opportunity to demean the character of the President of the United States.

You have a sizable listening audience. You apparently know how to please them. Anybody given a $400 million contract must know what he is doing.

That's what offends me. You know exactly what you're doing.
I knew he and Pat were buddies.

Shawnee123 01-15-2010 10:31 AM

What's it say about the multitudes of idiots who believe his shit?

Satan 01-15-2010 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 626738)
Jebus. Get Satan over here when he's done with Pat Robertson.

Dammit not this again.

Ok, ummm.....technically I can't do anything to Rush because of a past agreement. A young desperate radio host who went by Rusty Sharpe wanted to be the most popular radio host of all time. Keep it mind it was during the late 60's and I was getting real tired of all the hippy bullshit so the thought of a conservative radio host was appealing. I really need to stop doing business under the influence of LSD...

But, yeah, anyways, did you really think he is popular because of talent or brains? Bwahahahahaha

Shawnee123 01-15-2010 10:47 AM

Come on Satan. What about the deal where I'm your girlfriend when I get to hell, huh? 'Cause, uh, that Jebus fellow's been eyeing me pretty heavily, and I'd hate to think I'd have to kick you to the curb over something as silly as l'il ole Rush. I mean, are you trying to tell me you have ETHICS?

Satan 01-15-2010 10:56 AM

Girlfriend? Oh....haha....yeah....that was before I met Saddam.

Nirvana 01-15-2010 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Satan (Post 626753)
Girlfriend? Oh....haha....yeah....that was before I met Saddam.

Umm what about Chris? Besides didn't God tell you that neither boyfriend was right for you? :eyebrow:

morethanpretty 01-15-2010 11:46 AM

Rush stands by his comments and explains why he said them. Not that its a good explaination


Controversial conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh is defending earlier comments in which he accused President Obama of using the disaster in Haiti for political gain.

"I do believe that everything is political to this president," Limbaugh said on his radio show yesterday. "Everything this president sees is a political opportunity, including Haiti, and he will use it to burnish his credentials with minorities in this country and around the world, and to accuse Republicans of having no compassion

So, Obama is suppose to not respond at all because a good/timely/compassionate response might gain him politcal favor? Yes, that makes a hell of a lot of sense.
Rush is an idiot, and people who believe him are too.

Shawnee123 01-15-2010 11:48 AM

He's an ass. I once heard him argue for like an hour because he insisted the @ sign was called an ampersand. He wouldn't concede the point even though people were shoving dictionaries in his face. I mean, if you've fucking watched Wheel of Fortune ONCE you know what an ampersand is. (I didn't listen to him on purpose, I worked with a bunch of dumb old bats who worshipped the ground he walked on and kept him on the radio. I wanted to vomit.)

He really is a big fat idiot. Pure evil, along with Palin and Bush.

lookout123 01-15-2010 01:03 PM

I personally think Rush Limbaugh is a douchebag BUT he is without a doubt awesome at what he does. Look at all of you getting your panties in a twist over something said by a guy you describe as an idiot. In case you haven't figured it out, THAT is what this guy is about - ratings and marketshare. You give it to him.

Shawnee123 01-15-2010 01:05 PM

I love how no one will actually admit they love Rush. Every conservative on this board knows better than to affiliate with him (which tells me you're smarter than the dumb rednecks), and so, instead, say things like "I think he sucks BUT..." or "I don't agree with Rush, BUT..."

Those posts make your but look big.

lookout123 01-15-2010 01:12 PM

About as much as your superiority complex. I've stated my views on Rush a number of times over the years.

I think he is a douchebag. A very rich, very intelligent, very successful douchebag. It cracks my ass up when I hear him ridicule his own dittoheads. It cracks my ass up when he goes on a rant and by the end of it he is having a hard time not laughing because even HE doesn't believe the bullshit he's spewing. I love it that supposedly intelligent beings such as yourself ridicule him for being a stupid irrelevent cocksucker but you waste no opportunity to get wound up by his comments on his entertainment radio show.

I respect his ability to succeed in a cutthroat business for so long. Just like a respected Bill Clinton's ability to come out of shitstorms relatively unscathed.

Shawnee123 01-15-2010 01:16 PM

Oh, so my approach should be to put him on ignore? Nope! He's dangerous, and you're an apologist. And you can give the lip service about how you think he's a douchebag all you want, but your actions via your words belie that notion.

Me reading an article posted on the Cellar, then commenting on it, contributes to Rush's marketshare? OK. You're right. I'll just shut up because it's just not RIGHT to say anything bad about Rush: his fans get their panties in a wad.

Superiority complex? HA! That's good, cuz. :p

And you snuck in Clinton?'s almost like you're using the earthquake for gain or publicity, Rush. Grab at what you can I guess, when you really have nothing else to go with. :headshake

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