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Undertoad 11-06-2010 07:25 AM

What kinds of fights did you get in when you were younger?
When I was a kid I was a complete wuss and geek, and I was afraid to get into fights, and I never did. It didn't help being the shortest guy in my grade. But in my British year, 9th grade/3rd form, I was able to be an entirely different character due to the amount of attention paid to me, which I liked. There I did get into a fight, and I won it out of sheer confidence. I mostly just held the guy down and told him I didn't want to fight. Since then I have been allergic to violence and will avoid it at any costs.


morethanpretty 11-06-2010 07:32 AM

Against classmates? Fights that I won.
Against my sister? Fights that were a draw.
Against my brother? Fights I lost.

The fights with my sister were the most violent. We really both lost those.

glatt 11-06-2010 07:40 AM

Not many. Fights with siblings don't really count, I think. I used to get into fights with my little brother a lot, but stopped when I realized he didn't know how to stop and was willing to go much further and was willing to actually injure me. Plus, he started getting bigger than me.

Only non-sibling fight I remember was in 3rd grade. I got into an argument with a friend on the playground at school. I'd seen other kids get into fights, so I thought I would try it. I shoved him a couple of times, and he kicked me in the nuts.

That was the end of that. I'm an expert at avoiding fights now.

Trilby 11-06-2010 07:45 AM


Once I chased my sister around the house with a kitchen knife - but that was all in good fun.

Lamplighter 11-06-2010 09:55 AM

The only real fight I remember was one Saturday on the school yard.
It ended in a draw, but me a little more ahead.

On Monday, it started up again and I took a pounding...
from his big brother !

Pico and ME 11-06-2010 10:48 AM

In fourth grade, I jumped on the back of a much bigger girl who was beating up my little brother. Lucky for me that stopped the fight, because I think she was so fucking surprised by it.

BrianR 11-06-2010 10:55 AM

I avoided fighting as much as possible as I abhor violence. It didn't help that I was bullied and wanted to more than a few times but it's not my nature to hurt people. I preferred to play mean pranks on my tormentors instead. To this day, that is my default response.

As an example, during gym class, my bookbag had a habit of vanishing, along with textbooks, library books, homework and calculators and other expensive goodies. After the third time, about which the teacher could do nothing, I took a smaller leather satchel instead. Soon, there was a blood-curdling scream from the locker room. The class all streamed in there to see what had happened. Except me, I sauntered slowly, knowing what was going to happen. Seconds later, the class (and teacher) came boiling out again faster than they went in.
Somehow, a North American Hognose (a snake that mimics a cobra but is harmless) had gotten into the bag over the weekend. The thief was easily identifiable as he had levitated onto a bank of lockers. I collected the snake and the miscreant and hauled him to the principal, who suspended us BOTH. And made me let the snake go in the woods, which I would have done anyway.

I took the individual aside and told him the next time it might be a REAL cobra (they do not live in North America) or perhaps a rattlesnake, minus the rattle so he'd be wise to stay far away from my bags in future. I was bluffing of course, but...

No one ever really wins a fight. I learned that early on.


footfootfoot 11-06-2010 10:56 AM

WWII. The big one.

Juniper 11-06-2010 11:04 AM

When I was in 6th grade, there were these mean bully girls who drove me crazy. One day I decided to stand up to them, or at least one of them, by picking a fight with her in the school's gym locker room.

I advanced, went to kick her (didn't know how to fight . . . duh) and on the swing, my other foot slipped on the wet floor and I ended up on my back, head hit the floor, stars spinning over my head.

When I'd recovered, they'd gone. I guess I kicked my own ass that day, which takes considerable talent.

They never really bothered me after that, though. I suppose they figured I wasn't worth the effort. Either way, I guess it worked out.

Juniper 11-06-2010 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 693032)
The only real fight I remember was one Saturday on the school yard.
It ended in a draw, but me a little more ahead.

On Monday, it started up again and I took a pounding...
from his big brother !

Remember the days of the old schoolyard?

That's another Cat reference, but I'll spare you the embedded YouTube.

You should go check it out though, it's a cute video. :D

skysidhe 11-06-2010 12:08 PM


Nobody was ever mean. I was accepted into different circles, although by highschool the hoods were my group.

I never felt cast out but then I never knew there were mean spiriteded people until the internet, via my first pc. I guess that makes me a dork.

Now, I just have a take me or leave me attitude which was probably the attitude all along.

Apollo 11-06-2010 03:01 PM

Once, in middle school, a kid named Kenny kept getting in my face asking if I wanted to fight. I usually just gave him a weird look and walked away, but on this particular day we were at recess on top of this fairly large hill and he was being particularly annoying, so I shoved him and he fell down the hill. He wasn't injured, but I still got suspended.

Then there was a kid that kept twisting my nipples. I told him the next time he twisted them I'd punch him in the face. So, of course, I ended up punching him in the face. He ended up getting more suspension time than me because I told the administration he was sexually harassing me. Kind of a stretch but whatevs...:D

those are my only two fights!

jimhelm 11-06-2010 03:22 PM

I think I was a prick as a kid. I've got a bad memory for stuff like that, and tend to forgive myself more easily than I should, too. So I assume most of the fights I got in were my fault. Once I decided that it was not helpful or whatever, I stopped getting in them. The last one was at 12 years old. Since then, I've been big enough to talk people out of wanting to fight me.

you eyeballing me?:eyebrow:

zippyt 11-06-2010 03:39 PM

I went to a few racially tough schools ( I was one just a few White boys ) and I have All ways had some size to me , so I Learned EARLY on the best tactic was to get the Bluff in the first of the year 9 Leave that CRASY ASS White Boy ALONE !!) , Im Part of the reason there aren't fire extinguishers on the walls of Memphis city Schools !

Last Fight was in Iceland I bet a dude UP 2-3 flights of steps . he had it comeing , was trying to Push my buttons , I got sick of it and Pushed him Up a few flights of stairs .

Gravdigr 11-06-2010 03:48 PM

Due to my childhood, I am no stranger to violence. As a result, I can get my ass kicked, and carry on better than anyone I know.

One of the UncleDigrs said something once, that has since come to mean a lot to me. Some guy spouted off to him, and he (uncle) walked away. I told him I was somewhat impressed, cuz, back in the day, he would have stomped (or tried to) a mudhole in the guy's ass.

UncleDigr said: "I've gotten to the age where it hurts just as bad to give an ass-whuppin' as it does to take one."

I have rage issues, and an unbelievably short temper. But, looking back, I haven't really been in that many fights.

Last guy I punched hit the ground like a sack o' potatoes, but he was a cream puff. Had to be, I ain't bad like that. Last knock-down-drag-out I was in, yeah, I got knocked down.

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