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Slartibartfast 12-27-2003 05:10 PM

Fuzzy Ferrets!
1 Attachment(s)
Here are my favorite pics that I took of my two ferrets.

This first one is Panda, a tiny female

Slartibartfast 12-27-2003 05:12 PM

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This one is Blanki in one of his favorite spots, my paper shredder. I removed the top of the paper shredder to take this shot.

I also have to comment that Blanki loves it when I shred papers on him. They snow down on him, and he squirms around.

Slartibartfast 12-27-2003 05:14 PM

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Here is Blanki again this time about to climb onto my computer desk. This is an off limits place for him, but how do you convince that to a ferret?

Slartibartfast 12-27-2003 05:16 PM

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Finally, here is Blanki striking a pose among family pictures. This is also an off limits area as the ferrets love to knock down as many pictures as they can. Again, all I can really do is pick them up, say NO, and take them back to their cage. They don't care, they just go do it again some other time.

Ferrets are very stubborn.

I have some more pics I can post if folks are interested.

daniwong 12-27-2003 08:15 PM

Ok - in person - I don't care for ferrets but that has to do with my Aunt and her lack of any training whatsoever and one of them biting me on the nose when I was 5 while the other bit my ear.

But your two are cute. In pictures. I'd probably cry and run away from them in person.

plthijinx 12-27-2003 09:07 PM

very cute! I used to have some too. blanki looks exactly like one that we (when i was married) had but had escaped out the door one night via my (ex)wife not paying attention. when she left a year ago all the ferrets and cats went with her. no worries here though. i got tired of picking up their little "presents" that they would leave in the corner. try as we might, they would still use the corner instead of the litter box every now and again.

Slartibartfast 12-27-2003 09:23 PM


Originally posted by plthijinx
i got tired of picking up their little "presents" that they would leave in the corner. try as we might, they would still use the corner instead of the litter box every now and again.
From what I've read, it's because they have a short digestive tract and when they have to go, they really have to go! My ferrets are potty trained, they are just not very consistent with it.

And my ferrets like to nip, though they do it much less now then when I first got them. Blanki especially like to attack toes that are sticking out of sandles. Panda prefers to lurk in the couch behind the cushions and bite if you reach into it to try to get her.

plthijinx 12-27-2003 10:04 PM


Originally posted by Slartibartfast
From what I've read, it's because they have a short digestive tract and when they have to go, they really have to go! My ferrets are potty trained, they are just not very consistent with it.

that or if you piss them off:rolleyes:

yeah, they like to be sneaky! i would walk by the couch barefoot and amanda (she replaced the one that got away) would leap out and grab my toes, it always scared the shit outta me

shannon (my ex) is down to two now. amanda and samantha. williie, a 7 y.o. male had to be put down two months ago. he was cool, i had bought him for shannon for xmas before we got married years ago.

xoxoxoBruce 12-27-2003 11:10 PM


This is an off limits place for him, but how do you convince that to a ferret?

all I can really do is pick them up, say NO, and take them back to their cage. They don't care, they just go do it again some other time.

biting me on the nose when I was 5 while the other bit my ear.

they would still use the corner instead of the litter box every now and again.

attack toes that are sticking out of sandles. Panda prefers to lurk in the couch behind the cushions and bite if you reach into it to try to get her.

would leap out and grab my toes, it always scared the shit outta me
I don't get it. Never did. Never will.:confused:

plthijinx 12-27-2003 11:21 PM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce

I don't get it. Never did. Never will.:confused:

my excuse is that they came with "the package" of the ex-wife. man, 8 years total. i could bitch but that would be another thread.....

Slartibartfast 12-27-2003 11:27 PM

I have no excuse :p

xoxoxoBruce 12-29-2003 10:07 PM

Well obviously they must have an up side or people wouldn't put up with the crap. There can't be that many masochists, can there?

Beletseri 12-30-2003 04:28 AM

I have two ferrets as well. Mine are very good about using their litter boxes though. Mine are also very cuddly. We got them when they were only 7 weeks old so they are very tame. The boy is deaf and acts more like a dog than a ferret. The girl is a mama's girl and likes me above everyone else.

They are a riot when they decide to play and chase us around or grab and hide all their toys. However, their favorite activity is sleeping which is one reason they are a good pet for people who are away from home during the day.

Slartibartfast 12-30-2003 07:29 AM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
Well obviously they must have an up side or people wouldn't put up with the crap. There can't be that many masochists, can there?
Ferrets are the one of the funniest animals I have ever had, and I've had cats, dogs, and gerbils. Ferrets are as playful and hyper as kittens on meth.

And, as Beletseri mentions, ferrets sleep a good deal. They sleep more than cats, so they are out of the way except for a short while every day.

When my ferret bounces around with his favorite plush toy bear (twice his size), that makes my day.

Ferrets when they are especially happy do something called the ferret war dance. They jump around and make clucking noises. If this doesn't make you smile, you are made of stone.

Oh, and ferret's droppings are pretty much odorless. Having had a cat, I can say that is a very very good thing.

Beletseri 12-30-2003 08:19 AM

Being burrow dwellers they evolved to sleep very deeply because they didn't need to have hair trigger escape responses when they were safe at home. That means that you can pick them up and they don't wake up and in fact they are often so limp that they look dead. I know neofite ferret owners who have been scared out of their wits thinking that they are dead.

Anyway, they make good lap warmers when they are asleep. You can also dress them up in silly clothes and take their photos while they sleep if that entertains you.

Their tails smell like grape soda. Weirdest thing.

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