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King 03-17-2007 09:10 PM

Unpopular opinions you hold
As it says in the title, what opinions do you have that most people seem to disagree with? I'd prefer not to get into actual arguments about them on this thread though, as that could lead to a lot of different arguments going on at once. (Assuming that this thread takes off.) If you want to debate a point made in depth, I think it would be better to start a new thread on it. Anyway:

- Discrimination on grounds of race is the same as discrimination on grounds of anything else that a person can't change, be it gender, sexuality, age, height, attractiveness etc. No worse, no better.

- The invasion of Iraq wasn't morally wrong, whether or not there were WMDs or not. Saddam was a tyrant who killed his own people and in the long run it will be better for the people that he is gone.

- North American sports that aren't hockey are dull.

I'll add some more upon reflection.

lumberjim 03-17-2007 09:20 PM

life is a popularity contest

WabUfvot5 03-17-2007 09:35 PM

The Irish make good slaves. Most people tune me out as soon as I say that.

Undertoad 03-17-2007 09:56 PM

Single-malt Scotch is overrated.

Howard Stern is a remarkable talent.

Linux is "ready for the desktop" and has been for quite some time.

Many types of recycling are rather ineffective and may actually harm the environment worse than landfills.

If they shut down all of the public schools tomorrow, any system that would spontaneously arise to replace them would be 100% better... 1000% better in the inner cities.

piercehawkeye45 03-17-2007 10:05 PM

Metal is good.

Rex Grossman is inconsistant not bad.

Calc 3 and 4 are still fun (sometimes).

Beer is overrated.

I am better than you.

elSicomoro 03-17-2007 10:07 PM

Affirmative action is still a necessary program in this country.

Suburban living is severely overrated.

Segregation isn't necessarily such a bad idea.

The "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" story of life is mainly bullshit.

Sheldonrs 03-17-2007 10:51 PM

Crime doesn't pay is bullshit.

Everyone should love one another is bullshit.

He who hesitates is lost is bullshit.

Bullshit is bullshit.

tw 03-17-2007 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by King (Post 323984)
As it says in the title, what opinions do you have that most people seem to disagree with?

Do historical references count? Because in 2002 I had the "mother of disagreeable opinions".
George Jr is lying.

rkzenrage 03-17-2007 11:32 PM

Affirmative action is racism and bigotry. It harms those it proposes to help by eliminating respect. A position given, not deserved harms all.

Pure separation of church and state should be fully implemented tomorrow, that it will hurt people's "feeling" does not matter and should not be taken into account.

Real history should be taught tomorrow, that is contradicts what kid's parent's were taught does not matter and should not be taken into account.

Marijuana should be legalized and the Government and AMA are conspiring to keep it illegal because the CIA and FBI are profiting off of importing and distributing it. (I have met people who know)
Those in the AMA and medical field that continue this ruse want people to suffer, yes want us to. If not they would publicly state the facts, they do not so they want those who need the relief to suffer. A fact.

Religion is delusion and simple mythology, no different than believing in Zeus, the Sun God Quetzalcoatl or any other "god". Why pick a popular one, why not a fun one like Kali where you get to sacrifice your neighbor?

Children should be taught at their talent level, not held back due to average age group limitations.

People who excel should get more.

"We are causing global warming and you too can make a difference" is a guilt based scam. We love to feel guilty.

Enforcing immigration law is not xenophobia or racism, it is just law enforcement & LONG overdue, nothing else.

Iraq was/is/will be about stealing oil.

The net is no different than real life, communicate the same.

Children should not be patronized... people say they disagree with this until they try to put it into practice.

If a politician is dishonest they should be charged with liable, slander or the proper law for the situation, every time. Yes, it would be practical, no we don't need that many secrets.

We have pure free-will/accountability.

lumberjim 03-18-2007 12:06 AM

i should have a 'ban key'

Elspode 03-18-2007 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by sycamore (Post 323997)
Affirmative action is still a necessary program in this country.

Segregation isn't necessarily such a bad idea.

Am I just stupid, or are these very nearly mutually exclusive concepts?

elSicomoro 03-18-2007 12:32 AM

Voluntary segregation, not forced.

Kagen4o4 03-18-2007 03:52 AM

the killing of 6000000 jews in WW2 may have been a bad thing but its not the worst thing that has been done to humans and people should understand it was a bad thing but get over it and make jokes about it like southpark does.

discrimination due to an irrelevant trait is wrong. but stereotyping is a logical way to make conclusions about someone until they prove you wrong

Australia is and always will be, the best place in the world to live. so anyone that has the choice of where to live and complains about australia should get the f.uck out and see how welcoming this country is when they come crawling back. (im looking at you moofty)

bluecuracao 03-18-2007 04:54 AM

- The new version of Battlestar Gallactica is annoying.
- Skinheads are responsible for many of the unsolved shootings in Philly. :tinfoil:

Kagen4o4 03-18-2007 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by bluec
The new version of Battlestar Gallactica is annoying.

is this because you dont like it or like me you just want it to end because you got stuck watching and just wanna see the end?

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