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glatt 11-07-2006 12:35 PM

Cellar exit poll - Election 2006
Just for kicks, I figured I'd put up a Cellar exit poll for those in the US.
Please indicate (anonymously) how you voted or if you won't be voting.

Then we can see how close we are to the country at large when the results come in.

Edit: You can vote for more than one category.

Trilby 11-07-2006 12:41 PM

My motto: Throw the Bums Out!

It's a good motto.

Elspode 11-07-2006 12:44 PM

The hell with anonymity...I plan to vote a straight Democratic ticket for the first time in my life this evening when I finally get to vote. Yes, I know, Dems are scum, too...but I can hardly see how they can hose things much worse than they've been hosed already. At least they might ease the burden of my indigent son a little bit by rolling back some of the cuts that were shoved down his already-below-the-poverty-line throat since they took over Missouri.

I am also voting in favor of Missouri Proposition 2 (the Stem Cell Research Initiative - a Constitutional amendment which will prevent Missouri from enacting laws dealing with stem cell research which are any more stringent than those that the Feds allow...but which the local opposition refers to as an incentive to abortions, an inducement for young women to sell their eggs, and a guaranteed path to human cloning on the public dollar). I plan to vote against Prop 3, a new 90+ cent per pack tax on cigs, because, even though I don't smoke anymore, Missouri hasn't shown that they do anything with such revenues except throw them into the General Fund. They don't fund anti smoking education, improve schools or fund public health with the dough, so screw 'em.

There are a couple of local sales tax initiatives which I will vote in favor of, because I support my new suburban municipality in its efforts to modernize and provide state of the art facilities to its residents. I will also vote in favor of a school bond issue on the ballot.

glatt 11-07-2006 12:55 PM

Elspode, you sound very informed on the issues. Good for you.

I was a little shocked when I got to the polls today and hadn't completely done my homework. It was a three page ballot. I knew the races well, but I only knew of one proposed amendment to the state constitution, when there were three, and while I knew there would be some bond issues, we had 7 of them. It took me a little longer than I originally planned to read through all the proposed language and think about it before voting. When I left the polling place, I took a sample Democratic Party ballot from one of the people passing them out outside, and I had voted right down the party line.

I'd be curious to hear of any problems anyone encounters as well while trying to vote. My only problem was that the ballot was so long, it was taking everyone a long time to read through it, and the line moved slowly. But it wasn't bad enough to complain. Only a half hour.

BigV 11-07-2006 12:55 PM


I am also voting in favor of Missouri Proposition 2 (the Stem Cell Research Initiative - a Constitutional amendment which will prevent Missouri from enacting laws dealing with stem cell research which are any more stringent than those that the Feds allow
Bully for you!

Elspode 11-07-2006 01:01 PM

As I've gotten older, I find myself drawn more and more into the political scene. I don't tend to participate in the debates here because I am most decidedly not a partyline kind of guy. I'm a social liberal and pretty much a fiscal conservative. There's an inherent clash in those two philosophies these days as one side is pretty much "shove the sick and old out into the snow and let 'em die" mentality, and the other is "cradle to grave care, baby". I happen to think that we can be fiscally responsible while still taking care of our infirm and elderly in a decent manner. I believe the reason we don't is that people are seen as commodities off of which to make profit, and nothing more. I believe that hard core Capitalism is responsible for that, and that the only way to soften and humanize our world is to remove some of the profit incentive from keeping people healthy.

Spiraling medical and drug costs are disproportionate to what you are buying. Essentially, we're being told, "How much would you spend to stay alive?" The answer, these days, is, "How much do you have?"

That's wrong.

Shawnee123 11-07-2006 01:06 PM

Hoping my votes count in Ohio and we get the change we so desperately need.

Also hoping that Big Brother doesn't tell the whole state they can't smoke. Smokers and non-smokers alike can make choices as to what establishments they frequent. Restaurants non-smoking? Fine. Bars? Leave it up to the freaking bars.

lhatcher 11-07-2006 01:07 PM

I had gone over the ballot (3 page in OK) that was in the newspaper over the weekend, so I had it all planned out and the actual voting process was quick. I went on my lunch hour and there was no hassle at all.
I always vote in presendential elections but never in primaries because I'm not affiliated with a party. I don't always vote in mid-term elections but I did this time.

I'm probably the least political person on the planet. I just hate all the lies and negative campaigning. You know, in high school when the person running for class president was promising all sorts of great stuff and then got in office and we realized that the administration really had a lot to say about decisions and the class president really could not do whatever she pleased, I realized too that the country is run pretty much the same way. It does not matter what a person running for president says he will do, he cannot always do exactly that because there are so many other people involved in decision making. It almost does not matter who is president. Which party has control of congress is a much more important issue sometimes.

Radar 11-07-2006 03:47 PM

Who made this poll? Why would you put "other" with independents and Libertarians. Libertarians are a significant political party.

Tonchi 11-07-2006 03:53 PM

So what are you going to do for me when you win, Radar? :D

glatt 11-07-2006 03:58 PM

Hi Radar, sorry I didn't include a slot for Libertarians. I didn't give the poll a lot of thought.

How's election day coming along for you? Is everything going smoothly?

Clodfobble 11-07-2006 04:08 PM

I voted "a mixture of the two" in the thread poll before I realized that I could choose more than one option. So add in another person voting Independent/Libertarian in some of the bigger contests. I don't think Kinky will win, but there's always a chance I suppose.

We had a 9 page ballot, including a lot of judges and local positions like Comptroller, and 7 bond propositions. I voted four up, three down. We don't need any more "art centers", new playgrounds, or "diversity education centers," IMHO.

glatt 11-07-2006 04:09 PM

9 pages! Holy cow. How slow was that line moving?

rkzenrage 11-07-2006 04:11 PM

Dems, one Rep, some Indis.

Clodfobble 11-07-2006 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
9 pages! Holy cow. How slow was that line moving?

My polling station had 12 booths, and I spent about 15 minutes there total, half in line and half actually voting. But maybe other polling stations in the city were more crowded, I don't know.

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