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blue 05-15-2004 03:36 PM

Gonna get this off my chest (long)
OK, I've been in IT, been the computer guy for 15 years. Recently I was the Systems Administrator for a major plastics manufacturer.

I was making the best money of my life. I grew up on a farm, don't have a college degree, am pretty much self taught. I love computers and gadgets, but had become very frustrated with my career for several years now.

At my last job I was THE ONLY IT guy in a plant of 300 people. I was responsible for 100+ workstations, anything that resembled a electronic device on the production floor, supporting 300 end users, rotating help desk duties one day a week for facilities all over the US.

I also provided BAAN support of which I had very little experience, I was in charge of producing & meeting all requirements for bar code data collection & labeling.

I was responsible for all inventorying, purchasing, research & approval, I averaged 6-8 hours in meetings each week, keep in mind since I'm the only guy there no work is being accomplished while attending meetings. My day on the helpdesk was 8 hours, so basically I have 3 days a week to do my real job. I was on call 1 week out of six for the entire corp., and on call 24/7 for my own facility.

Anyhow, to make this story somewhat shorter, obviously I couldn't keep up and each day more got piled on. Oh, for what it's worth I got excellent perf reviews and was promoted. So anyway, on Feb 26 (this is what you were wondering about LJ) I literally had to somehow be in 5 different places that day, as I was wrestling with a solution to this unsolveable problem I had one system crash, 2 printers die, and my backup helpdesk from another plant called in sick. I cleaned out my desk, emailed all the appropriate folks who weren't yet, let them know I'd be available for any crisis resolution and walked off the job. Although I'd been there an hour, it wasn't yet 7:30 in the morning.

My wife does work, but obviously I was the primary provider. That day waiting for her to get home was one of the longest in my life. She was ok with it at first, then turned into super-bitch. After another day to reflect she felt horrible and apologized and we were good. I however felt like shit, and still do. She's been pretty supportive, but I feel I'm letting her down big time. I've looked for work non-stop since that day, here's a little about that part of the story:

Started sending out resumes fast and furious. One of the first I sent was for a temporary seasonal position. I wasn't panicked, but wanted something NOW, not a few months down the road. Not being there to support your family is a sin in my book, and I always said I'd fucking flip burgers if necessary, but I did want to be somewhat smart about it.

Early on I got 2 quick interviews. I actually turned down the first job, they would have trained the hell out of me and invested in me, but it required travel daily. I didn't quick the job mentioned above so much for it being a tough job, it became more of a quality of life issue. I was making big bucks, but was under way more stress than I thought reasonable, felt like crap & ornery when I finally got home, cringed every time the phone rang, had a cell phone & pager on constantly. My wife agreed with me on that one....unless I'm a paramedic or fireman, etc. life is too short for that shit.

The second interview was for the seasonal one, they called me with an offer the same day, I accepted it as an "insurance job", didn't start for 6 weeks, nothing to lose. So, I kept interviewing. Had a good week a month ago...was trying to decide which job to take because I knew I nailed them both. One offer on the table, the other was just a wrap up interview (the one I really wanted). Job one offer at the last minute let me know that I would be working 45 hours M-F, every other Sat (this wasn't a very good paying job but I thought it would be a real steady, good environment...retirement type job) and would be required to get and pay for a CDL on my own time within 60 days, just in case it was ever needed. I was tempted because I really wanted work, but that would have been the end of looking for something better...I turned it down, even the wife was glad.

But hey, job 2 was looking strong....'til the day before the "wrap up" interview got a call saying no need to come in, we picked somebody. Jesus Christ people, at least go through the motions if you commit to an interview. I found out just last night they puled the same shit on another guy, when he showed up for the second interview. I guess in hindsight it was good I didn't get it, but I was devastated by the end of that week.

Well there were other interesting stories & mis-adventures, and things were starting to look bleak. I'd gotten sick of being home, had a million things I could work on and enjoy with the time off but I felt totally in limbo. Didn't want to start any major projects and get distracted from the job search. Was getting up early, taking care of the house, supper for my wife, etc. still plugging away, but damn I was miserable.

BUT, I had that temp job lined up...wasn't quite ready yet to take something really menial. I DO NOT want another IT position, but to be honest if one came up I'd take it, go back to being very unhappy probably and go from there. So I went ahead with the temp thing, went to night class for the first week which home 3 hours after I'd normally be in bed, didn't actually see or talk to my wife for a week. And ow I work 4 days a week talking to people from Colorado about their electrical outages, moves & bill paying. It's really fucking boring, but it doesn't pay all that bad. If nothing changed this would last til Sep-Oct, but most importantly I have time to interview/search (and I work with mostly hot chicks, they consider me a novelty, so I got that going for me). I've been there a month now.

OK, geez I hope you're still reading, even I'm getting bored. On to the present.

I had an interview 2 days ago. Kind of strange circumstances, they started advertising a month ago and the position doesn't open up 'til June 14. I'd actually kind of forgotten about it. This one I had a gut feeling about right away tho. It is sort of a cust serv/do every thing else in a small office type of job for a large producer of rural stuff, been around for 70 years, didn't even hit a speed bump when the economy tanked. Every damn person I met that day seemed down to earth, decent and glad to talk to me. Full benefits, a good environment, and good pay (not computer money, but very good). No on call, no weekends, WAY less stress than I am accustomed too.

Had maybe the best interview of my life. Guy started wrapping up the interview talking about a second interview (God I hate those and heart sank a little), then he said he had 130 resumes, 4 interviewees, and plans on bringing the final 2 back in. Said he knew in the first half hour I was one of those 2 and could I meet the other person in the position and the operations manager now? Hoo doggie, so we did that, it went well, said they'd talk with the other applicant and would know by next week. Made sort of a comment when I was walking out the door how he'd be talking to me soon.

Damn I hope I'm not setting myself up for an even bigger disappointment again, but I know I am...I want this one bad. . Not just because I need work, but this looks like a place I could be at happily for the next 30 years. I will be crushed if it doesn't work out.

So wish me luck, this semi-un-enjoyment crap is starting to piss me off. Thanks for reading, I'll post the results next week.

jaguar 05-15-2004 03:44 PM

um, good luck. Considering the IT market I don't know if you're brave or insane but good luck.

blue 05-15-2004 03:50 PM

Thanks Jag, I'm at the point in my life where I want to be employed, satisfied and happy. Big money & miserable didn't work for me.

Ooo, forgot to mention....I have one nasty ass case of poison oak or second interview & a June start date may be a very good thing...arms, chest, face, etc. But it was worth it, I have several new illegal trees in my yard...and that's a long story for another day.

lumberjim 05-15-2004 03:57 PM


as long as no black cats cross your path this week. oh, and be careful of walking under ladders, breaking mirrors, and stepping on cracks.

so, i had assumed you injured yourself, but you had simply wigged out and bolted. good for you. there are moments in my job when that is tempting.

seriously, good luck, mark!

xoxoxoBruce 05-15-2004 04:12 PM

When you go back for the second, go drunk, goose the chicks and pass out joints. But what ever you do, don't, repeat, do not, tell them you know LJ.
Good luck, Blue.:thumb:

Undertoad 05-15-2004 04:28 PM

Having the resolve to leave is a great attribute to have. There is no job worth having a heart attack for. I know type-A managers who had their first heart attack, oh, one at age 30 (granted he was a smoker). That's the wrong way to learn you need to be able to walk away.

Don't feel bad because you did the right thing for you. What if you'd stayed and had that heart attack? Don't show your children that you're someone who blindly dealt with beatdowns... show them the example of someone who pushed back and perservered anyway in the long run.

Clearly you demonstrated, by getting to the point where you did, that you could put up with a lot of shit. Some companies are just untrainable and need to be taught the lesson of having a key person leave and need to replaced by two-three people.

blue 05-15-2004 04:30 PM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
When you go back for the second, go drunk, goose the chicks and pass out joints. But what ever you do, don't, repeat, do not, tell them you know LJ.
Good luck, Blue.:thumb:

Ha, best laugh I had all week...thanks Bruce.

And I'm glad I already did the second interview the same day, so I won't get a chance to test your strategy. As for the chicks, one is knocked up (and cute), maternity leave coming up, that's why the start date is weird. The other one is like 20 years older than me but kind of smoking!

She's the only one that didn't talk to me and the one I'd spend the most time with if I think she digs me.

blue 05-15-2004 04:34 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim

as long as no black cats cross your path this week. oh, and be careful of walking under ladders, breaking mirrors, and stepping on cracks.

so, i had assumed you injured yourself, but you had simply wigged out and bolted. good for you. there are moments in my job when that is tempting.

seriously, good luck, mark!

Thanks buddy, I wrote this because you said you wanted to know.

I think I'm ok with the paranoia thing, but hope they don't all have poison oak next week. I really considered not shaking hands and going through the whole awkward explanation thing, but finally said fuck it.

I used you as a reference so say nice things about me. Not sure if they will call "some online dumbass out east I know" however.

blue 05-15-2004 04:38 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad
Having the resolve to leave is a great attribute to have. There is no job worth having a heart attack for. I know type-A managers who had their first heart attack, oh, one at age 30 (granted he was a smoker). That's the wrong way to learn you need to be able to walk away.

Don't feel bad because you did the right thing for you. What if you'd stayed and had that heart attack? Don't show your children that you're someone who blindly dealt with beatdowns... show them the example of someone who pushed back and perservered anyway in the long run.

Clearly you demonstrated, by getting to the point where you did, that you could put up with a lot of shit. Some companies are just untrainable and need to be taught the lesson of having a key person leave and need to replaced by two-three people.

Hey Tony, it wasn't so much resolve as just reaching a breaking point. The resolve part I guess will be not putting myself in the same position again in an effort to make the bucks.

Thanks for the words, you are a wise toad.

plthijinx 05-15-2004 04:44 PM

good luck dude! i need to seriously do the same thing.:(

xoxoxoBruce 05-15-2004 04:47 PM

PM me you bosses contact information. I'd be glad to help you out, plthijinx.:angel:

blue 05-15-2004 04:57 PM


Originally posted by plthijinx
good luck dude! i need to seriously do the same thing.:(
Don't you fly or something? Do that! Unless that's what sucks? If I don't get this job I very well may become a Schwann's man. Is that just a midwest thing or do y'all have them too?

Course there's a down side, I'd be eating goldfinger bars contsantly and cooking breakfast meal kit on the motor block....picture my face on a fatter body...I'd be Sycamore ;-)

Thanks for the luck plthjinx.

xoxoxoBruce 05-15-2004 05:31 PM


....picture my face on a fatter body...I'd be Sycamore ;-)
I've fallen and I can't get least until I stop laughing.:haha:

elSicomoro 05-15-2004 05:43 PM

Ahahahahafuck both of you.

In December 2001, I left the job I was at due to excessive stress and unhappiness. It took awhile--17 months--but I finally found a job that I enjoyed and that paid well.

Good luck, blue...don't settle for second best.

xoxoxoBruce 05-15-2004 05:56 PM


Good luck, blue...don't settle for second best.
Like Rho did.:haha:

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