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Undertoad 03-12-2002 01:28 PM

3/12: Man strung up [graphic]

Things have to get worse before they got any better, but how much worse can things be? This Palestinian gentleman was strung up by his own people, an angry mob who accused him of collaborating with Israelis.

To cross threads, is this patriotism in action?

Jag, the warning on the subject line is for you -- in case you're eating brekky, hey you asked for a warning! So if you looked anyway, it's your fault.

dave 03-12-2002 01:47 PM

I thought just meant that it was a graphic and wasn't text-based!

I was eating brekky! :)

juju 03-12-2002 05:12 PM

Wow...look at all those patriotic Paletinians. Isn't patriotism great??

Nic Name 03-12-2002 05:33 PM

This couldn't happen in the United States, could it?

Say, to someone accused of collaborating with the Taliban ... John Walker Lindh? hmmm ...

Lynchings in America

dave 03-12-2002 06:16 PM

Yeah, I don't think it could happen to John Walker Lindh. He's sitting in a heavily fortified cell right now. Despite the fact that the government very clearly thinks that he is guilty (after all, they wouldn't prosecute him if they didn't), they've been very careful about preserving his rights and not allowing a bunch of rednecks to git that there boy an' string 'im up.

juju - I believe the proper adjective is "murderous". Let's take a look at what WordNet has to say about it.



adj : inspired by love for your country; capable or conducive to beating the living fuck out of an accused enemy collaborator and hanging them upside down for public viewing
No, that's not right. I made that last bit up myself, with a little help from the definition of <i>murderous</i>. There was nothing about that in the definition of <i>patriotic</i> - sorta the same state of affairs since we last clashed over what it meant. Can you drop the stupid US-bashing rhetoric for just one of your posts and say something like "Man, that is really fucked up"?

juju 03-12-2002 06:52 PM

No, man... sorry.. it's just the way I am. :]

elSicomoro 03-12-2002 07:11 PM

The big picture
So, let's say that Israel came out of its face and said that this particular man WAS an Israeli collaborator.

And, we have Palestinians...Arabs...attacking this man.

Would this then be an attack against Israel? And if so, would we really nuke the Palestinians?

dave 03-12-2002 08:10 PM

I don't think we'd nuke the Palestinians anyway. They attack Israel every day and we don't do shit.

paxton 03-12-2002 10:11 PM

Worse has happened in war.

But if we are at war with those that would do this (which we aren't - there's a difference between al Queda and the Palestinians), then we must beware the fortunes that will befall our combatants.

That is, be prepared to see this. Like in Somalia.

In the end, I think our efforts are just. With freedom as our protector, so shall we complete our tasks abroad.

We will be successful. It's a war worth fighting.

jaguar 03-12-2002 10:41 PM


I don't think we'd nuke the Palestinians anyway. They attack Israel every day and we don't do shit.
...................ohhh don't get me started on this BULLSHIT right now, I read two daily papers, 3 weeklies, and I’m really, really, really getting sick of this pile of bullshit line. TO be succinct the fucking butcher is quoted as "the Palestinians must be hit, and it must be very painful" "we must cause them losses, victims, so they feel a heavy price". Then "we will not negotiate unless there is total peace for seven days" What kind of bullshit is that? But noo, that’s not enough, why don’t we tell them they have to round up the ‘extremists’, then kill their police so they cannot even attempt to do it, after that, well bomb arafat’s office so he can’t operate effectively too. That will work really well……..
If my country was occupied, and troops came though every now and then, rounded up every male, murdered people and ripped holes in my house I’d take up a gun and try and kill as many of the motherfuckers as I could too. God fucking damn I wish they'd kill Arafat so that the international condemnation it caused got rid of Sharon, if anyone should be strung up, it’s him.

Rant on……

Nic Name 03-12-2002 10:48 PM

A Moment Cafe moment

Last Saturday night in Israel.

If this image is too real for the political rhetoric of this thread, UT can take it down.

[Edit] It says "graphic" in the thread header, and I wouldn't have posted it otherwise. UT can update that warning to "Too Graphic" or take it down. The source is a news site. It may be worth knowing what the people in territory are seeing to understand the escallating responses on both sides.

Nothing But Net 03-12-2002 11:11 PM

Oh Nic, that is gross!
Soon to be available on Rotten, if that's not where you got it in the first place. I'd prefer some kind of caveat before seeing that!

BTW, where did you get that image (nudge)?

Nothing But Net 03-12-2002 11:24 PM

jag, there's surely enough blame on both sides. Pointing fingers and seeking revenge will never solve anything.

That being said, I do notice a not so slight difference in the way each side prosecutes their war (perhaps it has eluded you):

The Israelis seem to be concentrating on legitimate targets or actual combatants. To do otherwise would attact even more international condemnation, probably from the US as well. Even they know better.

Palestinians, on the other hand, resort to guerilla and suicidal tactics. Admittedly, it is the only avenue open to them, but what possible cause does it serve to walk into a bus, disco or cafe with high-explosives strapped to your body simply to kill a lot of civilians?

I'm not saying either side is right, but one side is hamstrung by rules that the other side does not respect.

Didn't September 11 and its aftermath teach you anything?

Nothing But Net 03-12-2002 11:56 PM

A little more perspective on the subject
Israel is a very small country, about 8000 square miles. That's about twice the size of Los Angeles County, with basically the same population density and ethnic diversity.

Now let's take very analogous situations (although there are differences in the cause). Remember the L.A. riots of the '60s and early '90s? What if some of the rioters had come into the suburban neighborhoods and started randomly killing large numbers of people. What do you think the response would have been?

If you said mass retaliation on South Central by the folks from the Valley, you would most certainly be wrong.

Frankly, I think the Israeli response has been remarkably restrained, given the circumstances. Maybe we could offer one side or the other a place to relocate in the vast uninhabited regions of the American West. Shit, they all live in a desert now anyway...

Nic Name 03-13-2002 12:44 AM


Originally posted by Nothing But Net

The Israelis seem to be concentrating on legitimate targets or actual combatants. To do otherwise would attact even more international condemnation, probably from the US as well. Even they know better.
Today's reprisals:


Israeli tanks and troops thrust into Palestinian refugee camps and took command of the streets in this key West Bank city today, killing 31 Palestinians in one of Israel's largest military operations ever in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
I don't know what to say. There are no good guys in this war.


Earlier Tuesday, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan delivered his toughest statement on the Middle East, urging Palestinians to halt "morally repugnant" acts of terror and suicide bombings and Israelis to end their "illegal occupation" of Palestinian territory and stop using excessive force.

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