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Undertoad 04-08-2004 10:15 AM

4/8/2004: Big-ass spiders

Razorfish sends along this beaut, forwarded from Iraq, a big-ass image of two big-ass spiders in Iraq. At first it looks like one, but it's most certainly TWO spiders attached to each other. Looks like one attacked the other. Looks like each one is about as big as that guy's palm.

When you think about it, that means if it settled on your face it would cover both your nose and mouth. Yeah, I'd use pliers to pick that up.

Oh, you're not going to have nightmares now, are you?

They are <a href="">camel spiders</a>. Apparently they can run really fast too, no kidding around here. They run using 6 legs, and hold their two front legs forward like antennae, <i>almost as if they are holding their arms out like zombies, coming to get you</i>.

OK I'm sorry.

"Camel spiders are nocturnal predators of other arthropods including scorpions and are voracious feeders. Some species kill and feed on lizards and it is speculated that others kill mice and birds. They rely solely on their speed and stealth to catch their prey. In desert areas they are often attracted to lights at night in search of food and their appearance can cause alarm if they enter tents."

I'm alarmed, and this is only a picture and I'm thousands of miles away.

jdbutler 04-08-2004 10:28 AM

Those camel spiders look pretty bad, but my Marlboro spiders can kick their asses!:blunt:

Griff 04-08-2004 10:51 AM

A friend of mine who was called up to build bases said you always put your socks over your boots at night. GAH!!!!!

glatt 04-08-2004 11:13 AM

They give me the creeps. No. The creeps and the heebs.

Where's Leah? She will LOVE this picture.

linknoid 04-08-2004 12:16 PM

Ahh, what cute little fuzzy animals, would have made a great friday image :-)

Any mention of how dangerous they are to humans? Are they in the same category as a tarantula, or closer to a black widow?

Griff 04-08-2004 12:24 PM


Originally posted by linknoid

Any mention of how dangerous they are to humans?

He said they were just gross and everywhere, not dangerous.

glatt 04-08-2004 12:52 PM


Originally posted by Griff

He said they were just gross and everywhere, not dangerous.

I don't see where Undertoad says any of those three things. Maybe the comment about picking them up with pliers could be construed to mean "gross," but I think the tone of his post was more along the lines of being freaked out by zombie like voracious giant spiders that you would only pick up with pliers. But maybe I'm reading into things. :)

perth 04-08-2004 01:19 PM


Originally posted by glatt
But maybe I'm reading into things. :)
Or maybe mis-reading...


BryanD 04-08-2004 02:00 PM


Originally posted by linknoid
Any mention of how dangerous they are to humans? Are they in the same category as a tarantula, or closer to a black widow?
From the article :

" In the past they were considered venomous and extremely dangerous but it is now thought that the only risk of injury resulting from them is caused by shock or infection following a bite. There is no evidence of venom in any part of their body."

jdbutler 04-08-2004 02:05 PM

What are those 10 little doo-hickeys on the abdomen of the lower spider. They look like those annoying plastic tabs that get into your underwear whenever you put on a new shirt.:confused:

Griff 04-08-2004 02:09 PM


Originally posted by glatt

I don't see where Undertoad says any of those three things. Maybe the comment about picking them up with pliers could be construed to mean "gross," but I think the tone of his post was more along the lines of being freaked out by zombie like voracious giant spiders that you would only pick up with pliers. But maybe I'm reading into things. :)

Heh, I meant my friend who was over there. :)

ladysycamore 04-08-2004 02:12 PM

Damn my curiousity!!!! Damnit all to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why why why did I have to look??? LOL!! YIKES!!! :eek: :D

lumberjim 04-08-2004 03:39 PM

What, no references to Alien?

great photo, ut....great description, too.....wooo, zombies!

I wonder if they're tasty steamed with old bay seasoning?

Undertoad 04-08-2004 03:54 PM


This species possesses no poison and relies on strength and speed. It is carnivorous and lives on a diet of insects, spiders, scorpions and small lizards. It is so voracious that it will feed until it is too bloated to move effectively. Prey is held between the forceps of the Chelicerae and chewed with such vigour that a solifugae eating a beetle can be heard over a distance of several metres...
OH dear:

Mating habits are different from those of other arachnids. The male courts the female by stroking her with his pedipalpi and forelegs. This reduces her to a passive state, as if anaesthetized, whereupon the male lays her on her side. Raising his body he ejects a mass of spermatozoa onto the ground, picks it up with his chelicerae and forces it into the vagina. He closes the opening and waits a few moments and then hurriedly departs before the female has a chance to grab and eat him.
I've used that technique before.

ladysycamore 04-08-2004 04:14 PM

quote:Mating habits are different from those of other arachnids. The male courts the female by stroking her with his pedipalpi and forelegs. This reduces her to a passive state, as if anaesthetized, whereupon the male lays her on her side. Raising his body he ejects a mass of spermatozoa onto the ground, picks it up with his chelicerae and forces it into the vagina. He closes the opening and waits a few moments and then hurriedly departs before the female has a chance to grab and eat him.


I've used that technique before.
:haha: Oh my...the visual I just got...:D

Well damn! That male spider had BETTA run after doing that shit! :eek:

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