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Trilby 11-14-2012 03:28 PM

Jill Kelley-how do you do it?
I need this information. I need this classified stuff. HOW do you get 3.6 million dollars in debt (which began in 2006) and STILL continue to live in your 1.5 million dollar ocean front home in Florida? How do you keep the maids, the cooks, the cars, the mani-pedi's when most people in that same situation for that long would be in a small ranch or shack or in a van down by the river by now?

What sort of Lebanese magic does this High Priestess of the Kardashian Ilk possess? Her hubby (who is soooooooo not attracitve) is making minimum payments on ONE of their Visa's-the balance is 70,000. That's on ONE credit card. Ok, they DID have a sham charity that they looted, so I suppose that kept them going for a while. but daymn, gurl. How do you do it? How come those mercedes aren't re-po'd like they would be for any other schmuck?

Yes, you are attractive; but your bat-shit craziness should have warned off all the suitors long ago...your twin sister is insane; so insane that a judge didn't even CARE that your buds Gen. Allen and Patraeus wrote letters on her behalf in a custody battle-he gave the kid to the father and not your nut-job twin.

How? How do you keep living like you are bazillionaires with NO reckoning whatsoever? How do you get top-notch lawyers and 'handlers' when you're broke? I suppose the publicity is worth it to them but this whole thing has me thinking I'm glad I got all this shite out of my system when I was 14, ya know?

PS-I know you think you're being "cute" and showing "your best side" when pics are taken of you but it just winds up looking like you have some sort of neck deformity. Really. Cut it out.

Rhianne 11-14-2012 03:45 PM

Trilby 11-14-2012 03:46 PM

huh. I can't view this video in my country.

hey, I thought this was a FREE country!

Rhianne 11-14-2012 03:56 PM

It's just a Christy Moore song - Ordinary Man.

A selection from the lyrics...

I never missed a day nor went on strike for better pay,
For 20 years I served them best I could,
With a handshake and a cheque it seems so easy to forget,
Loyalty through the bad times and the good,
The owner says he's sad to see that things have got so bad,
But the Captains of industry won't let him loose,
He still drives a car and smokes a cigar,
And still he takes his family on a cruise,
He'll never lose.

Now it seems to me to be such a cruel irony,
He's richer now ever he was before,
Now my cheque is all spent and I can't afford the rent,
There's one law for the rich, one for the poor,
Every day I've tried to salvage some of my pride,
To find some work so's I might pay my way,
But everywhere I go, the answer is always no,
There's no work for anyone here today,
No work today.

Cyber Wolf 11-14-2012 03:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Trilby (Post 838915)
huh. I can't view this video in my country.

hey, I thought this was a FREE country!

Attachment 41669

(deleted the other post, repeat)

Spexxvet 11-14-2012 04:26 PM


The loveliest girl in Tampa
Was Jill, the smartest as well
Once you picked her up on your antenna
You'd never be free of her spell

Her lovers were many and varied
From the day she began her beguine
There were three famous ones whom she married
And God knows how many between

Alma, tell us
All modern women are jealous
Which of your magical wands
Got you David and Scott and John

The first one she married was Kelley
Whose buddies all knew him as Scott
And each time he saw her he'd holler
"Ach, that is the fräulein I moost hav"

Their marriage, however, was murder
He'd scream to the heavens above
"I'm writing 'Das Lied von der Erde'
And she only wants to make love!"

Jill, tell us
All modern women are jealous
You should have a statue in bronze
For bagging David and Scott and John

While married to Scott, she met Patraeus
And soon she was swinging with David
Scott died, and her tear drops were copious
She cried all the way to the altar

But he would work late at the Bauhaus
And only come home now and then
She said, "What am I running, a chow house
It's time to change partners again"

Jill, tell us
All modern women are jealous
Though you didn't even use Ponds
You got David and Scott and John

While married to David she'd met Allen
And he too was caught in her net
He married her, but he was carefel
'Cause Jill was no Bernadette

And that is the story of Jill
Who knew how to receive and to give
The body that reached her embalma
Was one that had known how to live

Jill, tell us
How can they help being jealous
Ducks always envy the swans
Who get David and Scott
You never did falter
With David and Scott and John

Based on Alma by Tom Lehrer

footfootfoot 11-14-2012 05:53 PM

Ahh Tom Lehrer!

Good one Spexx, much more genteel than my suggestion involving a golf ball and 50 feet of garden hose.

Trilby 11-15-2012 04:20 AM

I'm not jealous.

Just for the record. I can hear the shit coming to hit that fan from five miles away...but, It was a nice poim.

What I find fascinating is her psychopathology. And her narcissism. And her shoes, my god, have you seen her shoes? She is a complete masquerade - a complete showgirl with one hell of a nasty backstage routine. And I can't wait to learn more about her twin.

These people interest me because I could have gone down a very similar road once in life but I didn't do it. Betcha this story gets better before it gets worse.

Trilby 11-15-2012 05:20 AM

WASHINGTON- Jill Kelley, the women at the center of the ever-expanding scandal that brought down former CIA Director David Petraeus, founded a questionable charity for cancer patients with her surgeon husband, Scott Kelley.

Based out of the couple's mansion, the Doctor Kelley Cancer Foundation claimed on its tax forms that it "shall be operated exclusively to conduct cancer research and to grant wishes to terminally ill adult cancer patients."

From the records, it appears that the charity fell far short of its mission. While the origins of the seed money used to start the charity in 2007 are unclear, financial records reviewed by The Huffington Post reveal that the group spent all of its money not on research, but on parties, entertainment, travel and attorney fees.

By the end of 2007, the charity had gone bankrupt, having conveniently spent exactly the same amount of money, $157,284, that it had started with."

Spexxvet 11-15-2012 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Trilby (Post 838984)
WASHINGTON- Jill Kelley, the women at the center of the ever-expanding scandal that brought down former CIA Director David Petraeus, founded a questionable charity for cancer patients with her surgeon husband, Scott Kelley.

Based out of the couple's mansion, the Doctor Kelley Cancer Foundation claimed on its tax forms that it "shall be operated exclusively to conduct cancer research and to grant wishes to terminally ill adult cancer patients."

From the records, it appears that the charity fell far short of its mission. While the origins of the seed money used to start the charity in 2007 are unclear, financial records reviewed by The Huffington Post reveal that the group spent all of its money not on research, but on parties, entertainment, travel and attorney fees.

By the end of 2007, the charity had gone bankrupt, having conveniently spent exactly the same amount of money, $157,284, that it had started with."

She needs to be punished. When she loses everything, she shouldn't be allowed to have an Obamaphone.;)

orthodoc 11-15-2012 10:44 AM

But for her, losing everything will only mean that taxpayers will foot the bill for her cooks, cars, and mani-pedis. Oh wait ... we do already ...

Take away that Obamaphone!!!

footfootfoot 11-15-2012 10:45 AM

ring ring ring ring Obamaphone...

BigV 11-15-2012 11:26 AM

The degree of entitlement she appears to feel is matched only by her hubris.

Witness her ignorance on full display as she attempts to invoke diplomatic inviolability as a justification for dealing with journalists on her property. Here's the recording of the 911 call.


When U.S. Central Command named Kelley an “honorary ambassador” last year to thank her for her time, it appears to have been wholly symbolic, carrying no official responsibilities or rights. But Kelley has been known to drop the “honorary” from that title, and appeared to represent herself as a formal diplomatic officer in a recent 911 call to Tampa police. Here’s the Associated Press report on the call (emphasis mine):
In the phone call to authorities, Jill Kelley, a party hostess and unofficial social liaison for leaders of the U.S. military’s Central Command in Tampa, cited her status as an honorary consul general while complaining about news vans that had descended on her two-story brick home overlooking Tampa Bay.

“You know, I don’t know if by any chance, because I’m an honorary consul general, so I have inviolability, so they should not be able to cross my property. I don’t know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well,” she told the 911 dispatcher Monday.
Alas, Kelley almost certainly does not have diplomatic “inviolability” or right to “protection,” and not just for the most obvious reason that she is not an actual diplomat. The immunity only applies to a country’s official diplomatic representatives abroad, and, alas, Tampa is still not considered a foreign country.
Good grief. I don't condone trespassing, but Florida has some laws that make it extremely easy to justify extreme measures to protect yourself and your property (see Castle Doctrine). "I have diplomatic immunity"? I think she just stuck that word "diplomatic" in there because she heard someone else say it. It appears what she thinks, feels, and expects is just plain "immunity".

orthodoc 11-15-2012 11:52 AM

Is there a smilie for tearing one's hair out at the unbelievable narcissism and ignorance of this privileged bunch of fraudulent political parasites (excuse me, social liaisons)?

Oh wait ... moot point ... carry on ...

Lamplighter 11-15-2012 12:44 PM


Good grief. I don't condone trespassing, but Florida has some laws that make it extremely easy to justify extreme measures to protect yourself and your property (see Castle Doctrine). "I have diplomatic immunity"? I think she just stuck that word "diplomatic" in there because she heard someone else say it. It appears what she thinks, feels, and expects is just plain "immunity".
V, I agree with you... this is, indeed, a silly, self-agrandizing, woman.

But do you really want to invoke "Castle Doctrine" and lower that bar
all the way to a simple situation of members of the Press trespassing(?) on private property ?
Nobody's life is being threatened... it's just an irritation to a drama queen.

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