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Ibby 06-25-2006 10:02 PM

Makes Me Sick.

who votes we invade?

Happy Monkey 06-25-2006 10:47 PM

Nothing good can come of preemptive war.

footfootfoot 06-25-2006 11:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Try this place instead. It looks a lot like home...

AlternateGray 06-26-2006 01:29 AM

Sigh. I try to have faith, but sometimes I think this country's going straight down the toilet... and it's extremists of all stripes who are madly pumping at the handle.

afrayedknot 06-26-2006 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ibram

who votes we invade?

Wow. When I see these things it makes me question my wordliness. I'm pretty sheltered. I know these people exist and these forums exist(We were a free country not to long ago).I went to the Who the hell are you anyway? (Introduction thread) to see what was there and to my astonishment..... they are identifying themselves. The dilution of the gene pool makes me very sad.

Ibby 06-26-2006 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by afrayedknot
The dilution of the gene pool makes me very sad.

Your word choice... Sounds more like something one of THEM would say.

Honestly... how many of them do y'all think are serious and how many are just trying to put as many 'niggers' 'kikes' and 'spics' into their sentences as possible for the hell of it?

Ibby 06-26-2006 09:56 AM

Oh, I guess an invasion is out of the question...


Originally Posted by Byron
Every so often a website will direct it's viewers to this site to say stupid things and post naughty pictures on this message board. I assume the most recent rash of them are from England, given all the references to "us lot" all being "wankers."

You should know, before you waste your time setting up an account here and attempting to post, that new people are moderated. Your post will never be seen, except by whichever moderator clicks the button and deletes them all.

Have a nice day and enjoy the site.

Urbane Guerrilla 06-27-2006 12:46 AM

Hang 'em high. Prejudice must be ... discouraged. Dangling dead people whose sphincters have let go in death should be pretty discouraging. Lashing a couple dozen copies of The Turner Diaries to their ankles should help make weight.

rkzenrage 06-27-2006 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by afrayedknot
Wow. When I see these things it makes me question my wordliness. I'm pretty sheltered. I know these people exist and these forums exist(We were a free country not to long ago).I went to the Who the hell are you anyway? (Introduction thread) to see what was there and to my astonishment..... they are identifying themselves. The dilution of the gene pool makes me very sad.

A great deal of my family are of this mindset. There is a huge subculture in the US and Europe that follow the White Power belief system. Thing is, this is a product of tolerance and freedom of speech. Part of being free is being subject to other's freedom and subject to unpleasant speech (Loose TJ quote).
What is sick is that European nations have dirtied their hands with destroying their freedom of speech laws by outlawing certain kinds of speech and even political parties.
It only makes them stronger, these groups thrive on separatism. the us-&-them mindset and ostrasism... so what have they done, made them right. Sad, very sad.

Ibby 06-27-2006 05:30 AM

I don't think they shouldn't be allowed to say it, myself... But I DO think we should be able to tear them apart for it.

Griff 06-27-2006 05:47 AM

It is interesting that they are so heavily moderated to make sure there isn't any anti-hate speech.

Trilby 06-27-2006 07:29 AM

I watched an A&E show last night called SKINHEADS USA about the neo-nazi's in our very midst. After I swallowed the rising bile in my throat and gritted my teeth, it was obvious these guys were disenfranchised loser-idiots with a pathological need to 'belong'. The saddest/worst part was watching them indoctrinate their young.

MaggieL 06-27-2006 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna was obvious these guys were disenfranchised loser-idiots with a pathological need to 'belong'. The saddest/worst part was watching them indoctrinate their young.

Gee, that's a desciption with pretty wide applicability :-)

rkzenrage 06-27-2006 10:26 AM

Exactly, any group does that... my family did not do it to my mother or I, though they are still trying. People need to get a clue. You want to head this off, don't write them off.
I have changed two people's view from this way of thinking, not an exaggeration.
Not from treating them like they are are a virus, but with love and compassion and listening to them before speaking.

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