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lookout123 10-07-2004 11:02 PM

Is weed consumption prevalent in PA, or what?
This is from Fox news, but i didn't figure anyone would mind for this story.

Top Cop Smokes Pot
Thursday, October 07, 2004

Cops in the small eastern Pennsylvania town of Weatherly had been complaining for months about the smell of marijuana smoke in the office, the pot pipes lying around, the seized drugs that disappeared.

On Wednesday, their chief of 10 years, Brian S. Cara, was arrested by state troopers, reports The Morning Call of Allentown.

"I was really shocked to find out everything he was supposed to have done," Weatherly Mayor Joseph E. D'Andrea told the newspaper. "If he has had problems and needed help, we could have helped him."

The borough of 2,600 people, about midway between Wilkes-Barre and Allentown, has three full-time and six part-time police officers.

Cara, 38, did not immediately return a phone message left at his home.

State Attorney General Jerry Pappert said the probe started in Sept. 2003 when Weatherly cops told state authorities suspicious things had been disappearing for months.

There were the plastic envelopes of cocaine that mysteriously "exploded" after having been placed in the evidence locker — an unlocked drawer.

There were the times when cops showed up unexpectedly at the station only to find Cara there alone and the place reeking of pot smoke.

There were the joints and pot pipes cops noticed in Cara's desk drawer.

Finally, a "reverse sting" was set up this summer. On Aug. 2, one of Weatherly's officers told Cara that two ounces of pot had been seized and were in the office.

Also new to the office was a hidden video camera.

State drug agents told a grand jury they watched Cara smoke some of the pot later that same day, then go back for more no less than eight times on Aug. 3. All of it was caught on videotape.

On Aug. 4, it all came down. Cara was seen smoking pot five times before 9:15 a.m. Then he packed a pipe, tucked it into his pocket and went out on patrol.

Later that day, state agents with a warrant searched his desk and found drugs and drug paraphernalia.

Cara was made to undergo a blood test, which came back positive for marijuana, and he allegedly admitted smoking pot from the evidence locker.

He was immediately placed on paid suspension, but the paychecks may end following his formal arrest.

"We're not his judge and jury, but we can't continue paying him and filling in for him at his salary," D'Andrea said.

Cara was charged with four misdemeanors: obstructing justice, criminal attempt to obstruct justice, possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.

He was booked and released on his own recognizance. His first preliminary hearing was scheduled for Nov. 17.

404Error 10-07-2004 11:13 PM

Guess the adage is true: Cops got the best dope. :joint:

wolf 10-08-2004 12:17 AM

I've heard that some officers dispose of smaller amounts (defined as enough to see, but not enough to justify the paperwork, but possibly enough to get some youngin' to give up the name of his supplier) by tossing it into a river that they have handy.

Cyber Wolf 10-08-2004 06:33 AM

Let's see how long it takes for one of those cop drama show ala Law And Order to pick up this story and work it into one of their episodes...if they haven't already. Sounds like some good TV drama fodder to me.

LabRat 10-08-2004 08:45 AM

When my husband was a department manager for a local grocery chain, he caught one of his employees with a joint, which he confiscated but kept. That was the first time I smoked pot, and was so terrified of getting caught and kicked out of grad school :worried: it wasn't even any fun. Damn conscience.

York 10-08-2004 11:42 AM

well, i can tell you, over here in Belgium its like nowhere else! About 10 years ago i was rollin a good one, in a private boys-club , and police came in, it was a guy ive known a bit before he was a cop...well he took the jay before the other cop was in and told me " thanks" Well, at least i didnt get a ticket! haha

Radar 10-08-2004 12:27 PM

Using drugs is not a crime. Creating laws against using drugs is a crime. Police, judges, politicians, and everyone else knows the drug war is a miserable failure, because you can't legislate appetite, and you any laws that try to ban a peaceful activity like drug use only undermine any respect the legal system might still have.

This cop should not be in trouble at all.

wolf 10-08-2004 12:30 PM

There's a disconnect between what the laws are now, and what you think the laws should be ... work to get the laws changed, if that's what you feel is appropriate.

Until then, the top cop shouldn't be bogeyin' the doob on the county's dime.

York 10-08-2004 12:49 PM

Radar, using drugs is a crime! Like almost everywhere in the word, it still is illegal! In Netherlands u can just smoke some pot without being arrested, and jamaica maybe! I think that any kind off drug or other stuff that can harm u , should be illegal! Cause in the end, there were study' s enough to proove that it aint healthy and u can get serious problems because of it! I smoke a long time without any side-effects but ive seen people go crazy! And i wouldnt wanna be like that! I dont know if any sane person would wanna be sick! With the harder drugs it is even wurse...paranoia, suicide etc. Some people do need it , and for those people i wish it was legal... And than u have the can make u smile, make u eat, make u experience music differently....but overdo it , and all off that goes away and your left with misery!

tw 10-08-2004 01:09 PM

Heroine is probably the most destructive recreational drug. Since heroine addicts most often are not 'cured' in their first drug therapy, then we make the victim into a criminal. Extremist conservative then say rehabilitation cannot work. One successful program for heroine addicts is heroine maintenance. They get a small daily dose which is usually enough to keep them productive and alive. But this is contrary to a political right wing agenda that says all drugs (except those who make campaign contributions) are evil. So yes, there is a major disconnect between drug laws and reality. When a mariguana user can get mandatory sentences equivalent to murder. Yes, there is a major disconnect between those making the laws and reality.

Trilby 10-08-2004 02:24 PM

:smack: drugs are neither evil nor good. They just are what they are. The most destructive drug is alcohol and it's perfectly legal to buy and use that-providing you are of legal age.

Griff 10-08-2004 04:37 PM

Is weed consumption prevalent in PA, or what?

um... duh :blunt:

Happy Monkey 10-08-2004 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
Until then, the top cop shouldn't be bogeyin' the doob on the county's dime.

Until then?

DanaC 10-08-2004 06:25 PM

Dont know about PA, but back in Bolton in the North of England my Ex was once offered a joint during his driving lesson by his driving instructor.

xoxoxoBruce 10-08-2004 06:56 PM


Later that day, state agents with a warrant searched his desk and found drugs and drug paraphernalia.
There's always a good apple in every barrel. :cool:

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