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monster 09-29-2020 11:37 PM

Day Early, Dollar Extra: October Investigations (Noobs, jump in)
Choose your weapon.

Penguins or Ostriches?

You are the hero of the story, you have just broken into the office of the baddie in their castle at the top of a mountain*, messed up their computer and entire empire, you have the chip you need to save the world if you can get it back to base… ….how do you escape?

Fill in the blank: As happy as a ____________________

Ice cream or pie?

Would you try walking over hot coals if given the opportunity?

Is this weird yet?

Supplies are short, rationing is in effect. You just entered the convenience store/corner shop when all hell breaks loose and looters crash in. What do you grab? Closest to you are bread, toilet paper, cheese, bleach and canned mushrooms. What do you do?

Do you like to have your hair washed by somebody else?

Am I forgiven?

What is the furthest place (physical distance-wise) you have ever been from where you were born?

What is the best pill ever invented?

When did you last buy gas/petrol?

*Surrounding terrain of your choosing

Gravdigr 09-30-2020 12:17 AM

Choose your weapon. Penguins or Ostriches? Ostriches, duh...

You are the hero of the story, you have just broken into the office of the baddie in their castle at the top of a mountain*, messed up their computer and entire empire, you have the chip you need to save the world if you can get it back to base… ….how do you escape?
*Surrounding terrain of your choosing Hang-glider.

Fill in the blank: As happy as a ____________________ pig in shit., or, alternatively, a puppy with two peters.

Ice cream or pie? I guess not, cuz diebeetus.

Would you try walking over hot coals if given the opportunity? Uh, no.

Is this weird yet? A little, but they usually are.

Supplies are short, rationing is in effect. You just entered the convenience store/corner shop when all hell breaks loose and looters crash in. What do you grab? Closest to you are bread, toilet paper, cheese, bleach and canned mushrooms. What do you do? Grab the toilet paper and mushrooms, the only things near me I can use, cuz diebeetus. And then run like hell.

Do you like to have your hair washed by somebody else? Not necessarily But, if it's a female and she is properly scantily clad, maybe.

Am I forgiven? I don't know. But I know that you can be.

What is the furthest place (physical distance-wise) you have ever been from where you were born? Probably Idaho. Or Arizona. Either way, less than 2000 miles.

What is the best pill ever invented? THE pill.

When did you last buy gas/petrol? Sept. 29.

Griff 09-30-2020 06:40 AM

Choose your weapon. epee

Penguins or Ostriches? Penguins

You are the hero of the story, you have just broken into the office of the baddie in their castle at the top of a mountain*, messed up their computer and entire empire, you have the chip you need to save the world if you can get it back to base… ….how do you escape? ultra-light

Fill in the blank: As happy as a clam

Ice cream or pie? ice cream just barely

Would you try walking over hot coals if given the opportunity? no

Is this weird yet? a bit

Supplies are short, rationing is in effect. You just entered the convenience store/corner shop when all hell breaks loose and looters crash in. What do you grab? Closest to you are bread, toilet paper, cheese, bleach and canned mushrooms. What do you do? cheese

Do you like to have your hair washed by somebody else? if I had hair yes

Am I forgiven? go and sin no more

What is the furthest place (physical distance-wise) you have ever been from where you were born? En Zed

What is the best pill ever invented? birth control

When did you last buy gas/petrol? last Thursday

Clodfobble 09-30-2020 10:20 AM

Choose your weapon. Penguins or Ostriches? I initially read these as one question, so I choose to answer it that way: ostriches would make a way better army than penguins.

You are the hero of the story, you have just broken into the office of the baddie in their castle at the top of a mountain*, messed up their computer and entire empire, you have the chip you need to save the world if you can get it back to base… ….how do you escape? Climb out quietly the way I came in. No need to make a scene.

Fill in the blank: As happy as a ____________________ Clam.

Ice cream or pie? Ice cream.

Would you try walking over hot coals if given the opportunity? In a controlled environment where I watched someone else do it first... probably.

Is this weird yet? Nah.

Supplies are short, rationing is in effect. You just entered the convenience store/corner shop when all hell breaks loose and looters crash in. What do you grab? Closest to you are bread, toilet paper, cheese, bleach and canned mushrooms. What do you do? In a chaotic situation, I'm not grabbing shit, I'm getting out of there. People are crazy and I don't need to die for some stupid groceries. In a long-term shortage situation, I'd hoard spices. Valuable to everyone, shelf-stable, and take up relatively little space. I could trade for what I needed.

Do you like to have your hair washed by somebody else? I don't mind it conceptually. The sinks at the hairdressers hurt my neck, though.

Am I forgiven? Blessed be.

What is the furthest place (physical distance-wise) you have ever been from where you were born? London.

What is the best pill ever invented? Meh. Parameters are too broad. Saving most lives? Penicillin. Most dramatic effect that can't be achieved with any other form of treatment? Schizophrenia meds. General life improvement for the most people? Birth control.

When did you last buy gas/petrol? Monday night.

Gravdigr 09-30-2020 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 1058767)
In a long-term shortage situation, I'd hoard spices. Valuable to everyone, shelf-stable, and take up relatively little space. I could trade for what I needed.

I like the way you think, girl.

monster 09-30-2020 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 1058767)
Choose your weapon. Penguins or Ostriches? I initially read these as one question, so I choose to answer it that way: ostriches would make a way better army than penguins.

me too, when I read back over them.... and I liked it as an option, so..... :D

monster 09-30-2020 03:49 PM

If you needed a quick grab for a blunt instrument-type assault, a Penguin might be more manipulable...?

monster 09-30-2020 03:51 PM

see I was thinking the bleach and canned mushrooms might also make good weapons...

sexobon 09-30-2020 05:13 PM

What is the best pill ever invented? Placebo. It's the only pill ever invented that doesn't have an intrinsic potential for adverse side effects.

Undertoad 09-30-2020 07:46 PM

Do you like to have your hair washed by somebody else? Well sometimes, back in the day, when I was a younger and fit and attractive and available dude, the ladies at the Hair Cuttery would bend over and basically put their chest in my face. I was a big tipper. Now, though, it would just be sad.

Despite not having any daughters, I am not much attracted to ladies who would be my theoretical daughter's age. I feel like, if they were attracted to me, it would mean they were damaged goods. If you are young and hot, go find someone else young and hot, and do young and hot things together. That is the way of the world.

if they tape it I might watch though

What is the furthest place (physical distance-wise) you have ever been from where you were born? Scarborough

When did you last buy gas/petrol? In May. LOLOLOL

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