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DanaC 10-28-2019 06:44 PM

Transgender young people detransitioning
Interesting report on Sky News.

Complex issue, but full on transitioning as a youngster always struck me as a potential risk, no matter how sure the child is. It is worrying that some therapists aren't making links between multiple psychological issues (like the kid with both anorexia and gender dysphoria). It may well be that there are young people for whom such a drastic step is the best way forward, but there are a lot of things to consider and rule out first.

I don't know nearly enough about the science to know whether trans-identities are a sign of a biological mismatch of sex and gender, or a sign of dysfunction, or both are possible individual to individual.

Unfortunately it is a topic that is so fraught and politicized that kids who find themselves regretting their decision are made to feel like traitors to the cause - meanwhile both sides of the political extreme are ready to jump on any discussion.

I dunno, I haven't lived it. But it seems an awfully drastic medical intervention at an age when the basics of identity are still forming.

Undertoad 10-28-2019 09:36 PM

Ugh. This is all going to get worse. Every awkward gay teenager gets to consider whether maybe they can be "fixed" by transitioning.

And because it's a divisive issue, it can't be discussed correctly...

This idea is part of a rift that's starting between the LGB and the T. LGB won't stand for the idea that they need fixing, cos they don't.

Clodfobble 10-28-2019 09:40 PM

It's a tough topic. I know of one trans woman who never regretted committing to her identity, but did regret the surgery (admittedly, she had it done a long time ago when the process wasn't as refined, and that may have contributed to her dissatisfaction.) And I personally know one twenty-something with a ton of other mental health issues who very clearly chose to transition only as a last-ditch effort to prove (to themselves, as well as everyone else) that their consistent failure in life was once again everyone else's fault, and not a direct result of their own behavior.

I assume the majority don't regret it. But I admit I've never asked because it seems horrendously rude, and damaging to the already fragile recognition they've had to fight for.

lumberjim 10-29-2019 12:43 PM

I think the concept (meme even) of 'identifying' as this or that is at the root of this kind of thing. It's being used more and more, it's become part of the lexicon. Used by people that want to be accepted by this group or that. Looking for some acceptance and connection to anchor them. Some future change that will save them. But then, once they go through it, the feeling of disconnectedness comes back. Maybe if they change back.... and round and round.

If you consider the word... Identify. you're trying to exert influence on your Id. You can't do that and be honest with yourself. Your ego is declaring it's dominance over your being. The thoughts should serve the being instead. When there is a conflict between the two, it would be better to recognize the conflict and try to resolve it instead of smashing away at the square peg. If you smash hard enough, you will eventually get it into the round hole, but there will be damage, and as expected, the problem is not resolved. They still feel disconnected.

henry quirk 10-29-2019 03:20 PM

smashing away at the square peg
better than loppin' it off

DanaC 10-29-2019 04:42 PM

Coincidentally, this popped up on my Youtube recommended list - pretty random, as I haven't been watching any videos about this. ;P

sexobon 10-29-2019 04:51 PM

It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind; so, a transwoman who wants to go back to being a man is probably safe. A transman who wants to go back to being a woman; however, might be sued under common law … might at least have to take a pay cut.


DanaC 10-29-2019 06:15 PM

heheh I see what you did there

lisa 10-29-2019 09:26 PM

Another video has been around since Feb on the same topic. A group of four girls, three of whom were on testosterone for some time, who later decided it was a mistake. Sad thing is that you can, to varying degrees, see that those three had been on testosterone.

DanaC 10-31-2019 04:21 PM

So, now I'm getting a lot of videos on this topic pop up in my youtube feed.

I found this one very interesting:


Hacsi Horvath is an expert in systematic review methods, assessing bias in research studies and evaluating the certainty of evidence across studies in a given body of scientific literature. He is an adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco. Horvath formerly identified as transgender and presented as a woman for more than a dozen years.

Horvath explained why transition affirming therapies are so dangerous, especially for youth.

xoxoxoBruce 10-31-2019 08:52 PM

It's better to be an ugly guy than an ugly chick.

fargon 11-01-2019 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1040623)
It's better to be an ugly guy than an ugly chick.


Gravdigr 11-01-2019 08:14 PM

Ugly chicks get laid, though.

A lot more than ugly guys.

xoxoxoBruce 11-02-2019 03:12 AM

Good point. :yesnod:

DanaC 11-03-2019 08:15 AM

What the almighty fuck?

The Queer Kids' Stuff channel - aimed at pre-school - kindergarten age kids.


LGBTQ+ vids for kids! I'm your host Lindsay and with the help of my best stuffed friend, Teddy, we'll be teaching you what gays mean, what LGBT stands for, what's up with marriage equality and so much more!
One of the playlists is called 'All about ACTIVISM!' and includes titles like,


Are you an ACTIVIST? - A is for Activist by Innosanto Nagara: QUEER KID STUFF STORYTIME

The Future Is FEMALE! - The Women's March 2017:

The main series has topics like:


What do you call QUEER PARENTS?

Reading NEITHER with Drag Queen Story Hour - Storytime:
and the old classic:


B is for BI-SEXUAL!
One of the ideas they seem to be pushing is that everybody is really queer in some way.

You know - when I was in secondary school there was a law passed that made it illegal for teachers to discuss homosexuality with children, even if said child had come to them to seek advice because they thought they might be gay - books were purged from school libraries if they had the slightest hint of the Gay

And one of the biggest arguments for this was that homosexuality was something children learned and by learning about it and discussing it it would be normalised and that schools discussing the subject in any way could effectively groom, kids into gayness.

The LGBT community worked fucking hard to fight that notion and present the counter evidence that they were not a threat to the nation's youth -

I would be so depressed if I was part of my cohort's LGBT community - youtiber LGBT activists seem to be hell bent on being the thing that people fear, instead of actually showing that the various different ways in which humans experience and express gender identity and sexual orientation have validity and are normal for a percentage of the population at any given time.

This is not teaching children to be accepting of difference and not to feel ashamed or like they have to hide away if they don't naturally conform to the societal norm - it is pure political indoctrination. It is fucking vile.

Kids that young don't need to know this stuff. Teach them to accept difference in general terms. Nothing wrong with a kids tv show having a character who adults would characterise as transgender - but the kids dont need that word - they just need to know that if someone they think looks like a boy has decided he wants to wear a skirt and play with the girls - it's ok. People are different and that's ok.

They don't need a detailed breakdown of all the various ways people experience gender and sexual identities - they're children - let em get to grips with using pencils and not sticking lego up their noses before we hit them with this shit.

And they certainly don;t need to learn about fucking feminism and political activism - seriously what the almighty fuck?

The world's gone mad. This is insanity.

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