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crossfire 11-03-2004 11:17 AM

People who piss you off
What are some things that people do to piss you off. On the top of my list are the ones who don't use car signals :mad:

Cyber Wolf 11-03-2004 11:49 AM

"I-told-you-so"ers. If someone says something will happen and it happens, there's no need for them to waste time going "See? I TOLD you" in as many ways there are to say it as there are people.

jaguar 11-03-2004 12:09 PM

People that ignore their kids crying on busses, planes, net cafes or any other enclosed public space. On planes it's grounds for justifiable homocide.

Are you ok?? I just put a goddamn carving knife though my finger WHAT DO YOU THINK??

People that think they have a god-given right to ram their way though a massively overcrowded train to take a seat that is much nearer someone more deserving. Being under 30 and in a suit moves this from annoying to justification for standing on shoes with combat boots.

crossfire 11-03-2004 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by jaguar
People that ignore their kids crying on busses, planes, net cafes or any other enclosed public space. On planes it's grounds for justifiable homocide.

Haha, that's funny, yet it should be, you're right. How about people who, when making a purchase, throw a credit card down or throw down a higher bill like they think that the card or the bill has been given the Midas touch. What I mean by a higher bill is like a 10 if the total is under 10, 20, if the bill is under 20, 50, if the bill is under fifty. If you lost me with the higher bills, just think about the credit card. What I do is hope that the credit card will be declined, so they have to take the time to search for another one. It just seems as though they are lazy enough not even to hand the card to the cashier. They just throw it down and sometimes wait unpatiently for the receipt to sign. This may just happen to me, if you can follow it. If you can't, well, I just embarressed myself. :o

Trilby 11-03-2004 12:55 PM

Republicans and the white masters they serve.

Troubleshooter 11-03-2004 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
Republicans and the white masters they serve.

What, exactly, is that supposed to mean.

Now if you'd said green I would understand.

wolf 11-03-2004 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
Republicans and the white masters they serve.

Everybody always forgets I'm a Democrat (yes, dreaded crossover voter, me).

And according to the conspiracy, aren't the Republicans supposed to BE the white masters??

Bri, you know that I like you and care for you and will certainly help you through this difficult time of adjustment.

Things today are just the same as things yesterday. You made it to today, tomorrow shouldn't be that big a trick either.

Trilby 11-03-2004 01:54 PM

yes, I know. I just really wanted to feel--I dunno, good about this country. How could UT say that about my kids?

Thanks. I like you very much, too.

dar512 11-03-2004 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by jaguar
On planes it's grounds for justifiable homocide.

While I too want to throttle people who have kids and then don't pay any attention to them, kids (at least little kids) on planes is a whole other thing.

We flew a lot with our kids when they were little. We lived in Seattle and the grandparents lived in St. Louis. It's a 4.5 hour flight.

The problem is that kids are susceptible to changes in air pressure as much as adults -- maybe more so. But you can't tell babies how to clear their ears. They can't chew gum. Once you've given them tylenol, there's not a whole lot more that you can do. Their ears hurt. You can comfort them, but they're going to cry.

Now if the kid is seven and annoying everyone within ten seats, I consider it a gift to your fellow passengers to bind and gag the brat.

warch 11-03-2004 05:16 PM

Missionaries. Boil the muthas.

perth 11-03-2004 05:44 PM

The problem with questions like this is that it implies that there are people who don't piss me off.

FloridaDragon 11-03-2004 06:56 PM

will probably piss off half of you that have these - but too bad... :D

how about the new walkie talkie phones (not sure if they are only Nextel or what)? As if the general use of a phone in a public setting was not annoying enough (look how important I am, I can disturb all of you because talking on the phone is more important than all of you combined) you add a loud chirp between exchanges and pipe it all over a speakerphone so you can now hear BOTH sides of the conversation...

I keep saying I am going to go over and join in on the conversation and when the person complains it is a private conversation, then I can yell THEN HAVE IT PRIVATELY! Haven't done it yet because there is generally enough rudeness in the world already and if I end up punching them out I will go to jail with my luck.

ok.... I am ranting...


dar512 11-03-2004 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by warch
Missionaries. Boil the muthas.

I dunno. The people who brought you the position of the same name can't be all bad.

plthijinx 11-03-2004 09:44 PM

houston traffic. there are a few roads here that i just plain LOATHE. hwy 6 for example. the posted speed is 50 and everyone, no matter what time it is or how many people are on that road it seems, can only do 35mph. and of course it goes without saying that i always manage to get behind the s-l-o-w-e-s-t driver on that road.

then there's always the obvious: my ex-wife.

wolf 11-04-2004 12:52 AM

I don't have one of the damn things. I think they are clunky, too expensive, and annoying in just the way described above.

However, I sometimes have to use one at work. I don't need to carry it, or interact with it much, but we have one in the Commitment Office so we can contact the ambulance crew ... some of them have nextels supplied by the hospital, but the wacker community got them first and so many of them are personal phones of the crew members.

It's bad enough that I have to carry a pager ... but I will not give my employer my cell phone number. I do not need to be THAT available.

Beyond the annoying in public places aspect, the main problem that I have with the Nextel walkie-talkie service is that the sound quality is horrible ... worse than the average cellphone. If you're dealing with someone who ordinarily speaks V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y A-N-D C-L-E-A-R-L-Y you're okay, but foreign accent, or tendency to mumble, forget it.

There are folks that we'll lie to and tell them that the signal is bad, please call on the landline.

There are also folks in my department that the ambulance crew can't understand, so they call on the landline and ask to talk to me, even if it's this other person's case.

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