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Cam 03-31-2003 04:45 PM

Trivial Pursuit
Has anyone played the 20th anniversary edition and how hard is it? One of my friends has it and complains that it is way to hard. Me and another one of my friends the only two of the group that will sit and debate history with one another keep wanting to try it but havn't had a chance. Just wondering if anyone here had played it and not found it overly difficult.

dave 04-01-2003 05:24 AM

Ja, we have two copies of it (or we did before the fire, I think). The questions are ridiculously difficult when compared with older versions of Trivial Pursuit. It is truly unreal.

Expect to be playing a <b>long time</b> before someone gets all six pieces.

elSicomoro 04-01-2003 12:58 PM

I haven't played said version, but even for a Cliff Clavin like me, that game was hard as hell.

Elspode 04-01-2003 02:02 PM

I've always done quite well at Trivial Pursuit in the past (I've had it since it first came out, and have added several card sets over the years), but it sounds like they've outdone themselves this time. I was considering buying the new edition, but I don't need anything more than my job to make me feel stupid, so maybe I'll pass.

dave 04-01-2003 02:39 PM

Well see, that's the thing. From watching the History Channel/TLC/Discovery so damn much, and from reading various history things, and from being fairly up on pop culture, I have traditionally done very well with Trivial Pursuit. But the 20th Anniversary Edition shattered it. I'll find one of our games and put some of the questions here, but it's the most obscure shit they've ever come up with. It's as if the real subtitle was meant to be "Super Mega Fucking Hard Edition". Some of the questions, no big deal. But when you've got questions like "This nation's GDP, while the second largest in the 'Third World' economy, is equal to the United States' military budget for one day in February."... it becomes a guessing game. Seriously, plan <b>hours</b> to play this game, because it's no longer a nice game after dinner. You need a whole evening.

Elspode 04-01-2003 03:04 PM

When it came out in the 80's, I bought it and took it over to a friend's house, where four of us sat down to a nice game. Eight hours later (and by then, shit-faced), we gave up.

I've since gotten better...

Griff 04-01-2003 03:06 PM

We played it Sat night as part of our traditional Adirodack vacation. Guys defeated gals wooo hooo. I think it is a harder edition but we have a solid team one biology prof, one history major, one theatre major, a dead head who spent about a decade as an undergrad, and an English teacher with background in political science and landscape architecture. Get more friends and a minor and you'll be fine.

Elspode 04-01-2003 03:14 PM

I don't understand what having a minor does to help the game. I'd hate to go to jail for corrupting a minor... <ducks>

Griff 04-01-2003 03:16 PM


Cam 04-01-2003 03:30 PM

Thanks dave and everyone else now I won't feel so stupid if I don't do well if I play it, and I know to buy the older edition if I decide to buy a version. I was really having a hard time believing it was so hard becuase I used to play it in 6th grade all the time and did half decent.

Undertoad 04-01-2003 03:34 PM

Don't look now but there is a trial version at

I went 7 for 7. Nyehh. OK, with 4 guesses.

Questions I got:

- What trendy magazine honors the best in tech with its annual Rave awards?

- What nation enjoyed the first canned corned beef packaged as "Godzilla Meat" in 2001?

- What was the first feature-film trilogy to be shot concurrently with the same cast?

- What did a 2001 survey of 5,000 navels determine was "almost always" the color of belly-button lint?

- What's the most expensive real estate on the US National Parks edition of the Monopoly Game?

- What soft drink, introduced in 1982, was the number three US seller within two years?

- What Homer Simpson epithet made it into the Oxford English Dictionary in 2001?


-- Wired

-- Japan

-- Lord of the Rings

-- Blue

-- Yellowstone

-- Diet Coke

-- Doh!

Elspode 04-01-2003 03:47 PM

I was four for six...

BrianR 04-01-2003 07:00 PM

I only got three out of six

oh well

slang 04-01-2003 07:28 PM

I knew "Doh". That was about it though. Looks like Ut's a genius, Ep's borderline, brianR's sharp........and I know about things never asked in TP. :(

99 44/100% pure 04-02-2003 09:09 AM

I knew the belly-button-lint one for certain (don't ask), but correctly guessed four others. Didn't know the Homer Simpson one, but I'm used to being hopelessly out of touch about that stuff. Brilliant though UT may be, I don't think his correct responses here illustrate anything more than having a head stuffed with, well, TRIVIA. Or perhaps I should just speak for myself.

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