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Undertoad 09-19-2014 04:52 PM

What are you proud of?
What were your finest moments? What were your top accomplishments? What makes you smile to yourself, lying in bed at the end of the day? What will you always look back on and think to yourself, that was well done by me?

Did other people recognize it, or just you? Did you get a medal, or was it something that they should give medals for but don't but if they did you'd get one?

DanaC 09-19-2014 05:03 PM

ooooh. Good question.

My BA dissertation. It won me the prize for best original research in the final year, and it scored an almost unprecedented 98 - I was told that hadn't been done in our dept since the 1970s.

Getting a 1st class degree from a red brick university made me very very proud. Winning the prize for best original research, and the prize for best performance for a final year student, and basically also being eligible for the best female graduate prize - but having won that prize already in my second year (dont ask, it was complicated!) and another female student coming very close and our tutor suggesting that I probably would be happy for that student to be awarded the prize that year because it would mean so much to her - yeah , that all made me smile a lot :P

Just wish dad had survived long enough to see me do it all.

I'm also really proud of Carrot. With all that he had to contend with - he's turned into a smashing little chap and I take some credit for helping him do so.

infinite monkey 09-19-2014 07:49 PM

I'm proud of my nieces and nephews. I had nothing to do with any of it. They're just good people.

For me? I'm not particularly proud of myself. I guess I'm proud I'm still alive. I'd take a medal for that much.

eta: I received the Viking award my senior year in basketball. I hurt my knee and couldn't even walk but I stayed on the team and hobbled and shot baskets on the side during practice. I dressed for games except one time my nemesis forgot her uniform and coach asked me to let her wear it at an away game. I did. I hated it, but it was about the team. That is why I won that award and I'm still pretty proud of that trophy; it was quite prestigious. Thanks Coach W. :)

lumberjim 09-19-2014 09:22 PM

I'm proud of my self taught excel skills. I created an automated spreadsheet that tracks and reports on our dealership's performance.

When the new boss took over, he brought his sheet in, but within 2 months had scrapped it in favor of mine, and asked me to create a version for the other two dealerships he runs. When they have an issue, or need an adjustment, they call me. I've also created workbooks for all 3 stores' BDC departments that provide him instant updates on their performance. No one else in all 3 shops has a grasp on how these things function.

That's job security right there

smoothmoniker 09-19-2014 10:20 PM

Most of the work I've done I am pretty insecure about. It comes from living in a town where there's a long list of people who can do everything I can do, but better, and younger, and with funkier haircuts. I'm a jack of all trades, master of none kind of guy, and for each thing that I can do competently, there are others who specialize in that particular thing. I usually get work because I happen to be the guy in the room when the work needs to get done.

And then ...

A few years ago I got hired on as a consultant for one gig that involved designing and building a 12-car moving electronic instrument. I had to write custom code to sync software and hardware together across a local WIFI field, manage a team of 6 assistants, play keyboards in a moving limo, and produce 30 sound-alike recording sessions of everything from AC/DC to Bach to Steely Dan. In short, it was the kind of gig that only a jack-of-all-trades could have pulled off, and at one point in the project, I fell into bed at night and said to my wife, "There are probably only a handful of people in the world who could actually do this job, and I'm one of them. I'm exactly the right guy for this gig."

It was an amazing feeling. I'd like to feel that way again.

Also, hey everybody, good to see you. Glad this place is still around.

Clodfobble 09-19-2014 10:41 PM

Smooth! Awesome to see you. What's new?

smoothmoniker 09-19-2014 10:47 PM

Doing film trailer music these days to pay the bills. Also, writing concert music, as in music that nobody likes but people dress up fancy to go hear.

xoxoxoBruce 09-20-2014 04:26 AM

Emulating Billy Joel... cool.

lumberjim 09-20-2014 07:03 AM

Hey smooth

Griff 09-20-2014 07:04 AM

I'm wicked proud of both my girls. We gave them a good start now the burden is shifting to them to make a fulfilling life. Still the house project, it gave me a lot of confidence to do other things. I've had some classroom victories as well but the kids are very dependent on the school system after me so that tempers my optimism.

(Hey Smooth!)

elSicomoro 09-20-2014 01:40 PM

I used to be modest or painfully shy about my achievements...but fuck it...I worked hard and I earned them.

--One of the first members of my family to go to college
--The only person in my family (that I know of) to get a Masters degree
--Started my own business, and made it work for several years
--I built and ran two branch offices successfully
--The work I'm doing now will help measure the intelligence of disabled kids across the country

Gravdigr 09-20-2014 01:42 PM

Back when I was trimming trees, I had this one job where the guy had a ton of trees. Mostly Bradford pears. The trees had never been trimmed. The guy's house was a huge McMansion with a long straight freshly paved driveway with trees down both sides.

I trimmed the fucking fuck outta those trees. Looked like leaf covered lollipops when I was finished. I stood for along time after I was done picking up brush and leaves and cleaning up, and just stared at the job I'd done.

It was beautiful.

I increased that guy's property value prolly 30%. I charged dude $1700, he wrote the check for $2000. I guess he was happy with it as I was.

DanaC 09-20-2014 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 910092)

For me? I'm not particularly proud of myself. I guess I'm proud I'm still alive. I'd take a medal for that much.

Hey, don't knock it....lot to be said for still being alive ;P

I think you should be proud of the fact that you didn't actually kill anybody at your last place of work. Given the almighty pile of shit they foisted onto you for no good reason, that you stayed your hand and restricted yourself to hobos only, showed remarkable restraint.

lumberjim 09-20-2014 03:14 PM


Griff 09-20-2014 06:40 PM


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